A while after Damian ended the call, their black SUV pulled over in front of one of the biggest hospitals in the city. Damian furrowed his brows as he looked outside the window.

He glanced at Eleanor as they began to drive into the underground parking lot. She sat beside him and her hands were folded into fists on her lap.

“Where are we going?” Damian finally asked.

Eleanor lifted her eyes to look at him. “This might come as a shock but I've been trying to meet you for over a month. It's been harder than I thought because you're a behind the scene kind of person. I had to reach out to your wife to try and meet you.”

“Why are we here?” Damian repeated a little harsher. The driver pulled over and Eleanor signalled for him to get out of the car. He bowed and stepped out, giving them privacy.

"Jasper Mueller told me about you," she said quietly. The name rang a bell in Damian's head. He remembered helping the billionaire out. He was the richest man in the South.

“He praised your extraordinary skills, Damian. From all the top people I know, he's the one I can talk to. After my grandfather became worse, the doctors said there was nothing they could do. I had no choice but to reach out to Mueller.

“He immediately recommended you, Damian. He said that if there was anyone that could save my grandfather, it was you.” Eleanor looked at him with so much desperation in his eyes.

Damian looked away for just a moment. He was a skilled medical doctor. But he hadn't been taking that career seriously because he had been trying to help Bianca  with her company. He had helped Jasper Mueller out once and the both of them had built some type of friendship.

Jasper had also helped him out with Bianca’s company and he kind of owed the man a favour. He was sort of obliged to listen.

He sighed and looked at her. “I'll have you know that I don’t take on cases without good reason. Why should I take this one?”

Eleanor was a bit relieved but she knew that he hadn't agreed to help her yet. But he was willing to listen. “I know you're not someone who gets involved easily in things like this. I wouldn’t even ask if it wasn't important. I trust Jasper’s judgment. I trust you.”

She paused, waiting for him to say something.

“Look, Eleanor,” he began to say but she cut him off. 

“Please, I'm asking this of you, Damian. you agree to help, I'll accept whatever conditions you set. I just need you to save him.” She pleaded.

Damian thought about all that she had said. Her sincerity and desperation was obvious. Also, she had helped him get out of that awkward situation with Regina. And since Jasper had recommended him to her, it was enough reason for him to take a closer look at her grandfather. Maybe he could help.

“Alright,” he said. “I’ll take a look at your grandfather. But I can't make any promises, though.”

The relief was instant on Eleanor's face and she sighed in relief. “Thank you so much.” She said. “I'll take you to him.”

As she reached for the door handle, the driver immediately rushed and opened it for her. She stepped out of the car while Damian came out from the other side.

Damian expected them to go through the main entrance but surprisingly, Eleanor led him to another entrance. This one had a private elevator that needed a password.

Damian hid his surprise as he entered the elevator with her. It shouldn't have surprised him though. This was something to expect from a hospital as big as this. Of course, celebrities and famous people would want to get treated without the media finding out.

They took the elevator up to the VIP section. This place looked nothing like a hospital. It looked more like a fancy hotel but the nurses and doctors was a sign that it was a hospital.

As they walked to a VIP ward, Damian saw a couple of doctors gathered near the entrance. They were talking to themselves quietly but he could see the worry in their shoulders and on their faces. He overheard them saying that it was hopeless and their patient’s condition was terrible.

When they saw Eleanor and Damian, they immediately parted, bowing and greeting her. “Miss Eleanor,” they greeted. She bowed slightly in response. Afterall, these were the people taking care of her grandfather.

The both of them stopped in front of the glass window. “That’s him, my grandmother.” Eleanor whispered, her voice breaking.

There on a large bed was an old man. All his hair was white and his skin was pale and sickly. He was breathing weakly and the devices connected to him were the only things showing that this man was still alive.

He looked terrible.

“This is Damian. He's going to take a look at my grandfather and try to help him,” Eleanor said, turning her focus back to the doctors.

The doctors glanced at each other but they said nothing. It wasn't strange for VIP clients to bring in doctors. Eleanor and Damian were about to enter when someone stepped forward and blocked their path.

It was a woman.

She was beautiful. She had the same kind of eyes like Eleanor but where hers had this look of someone who made tough decisions, this woman's eyes showed that she was stubborn. She looked at Eleanor and then Damian.

“Who is he and why is he here?” she demanded, looking at Eleanor.

Eleanor walked closer to her and and placed her hands on the woman's arm. “Charlotte..” she called, “this is Damian Williams. He's here to help Grandfather.”

Charlotte looked at Damian. “Him? You think he can help? With what exactly? All the doctors here have already said there's nothing more they can do. You think bringing in someone like him is going to change that?”

Damian didn't say anything.

“Jasper Mueller recommended him. You know how much we trust Mueller. He said if anyone could save Grandfather, it’s Damian. Please, trust me on this.” Eleanor pleaded.

Charlotte lifted her chin, not budging from her spot. “I am not letting this stranger near Grandfather.”

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