“Dude! It finally came!” His roommate barely withheld his excitement as he barreled into the living room of their apartment with a package in his hand. “Check it out, Logan.” He smiled as he tore at the brown paper surrounding his purchase.
As he ripped the covering off the package, bits and pieces scattered all across the floor of the living room like confetti. For a second Logan thought about lecturing Rafe about not making a mess of their apartment, but who was he kidding? This place was already a shithole. At least some half-assed confetti would make it feel a little livelier.
His roommate was your stereotypical stoner archetype. Seriously, he looked like he belonged in a hippie van solving mysteries with a Great Dane. Rafe ’s long, blond hair was always greasy and unkempt, and the smell of the sweet leaf reeked off him so frequently that most people just assumed he was using a hemp-laced cologne. To top off his look, Rafe wore a bit of scruff on his chin in the shape of a rough soul patch, as well as a t-shirt with the logo of whatever old-school rock band or metal band that he was currently listening to.
Logan's friend was giddy as he removed the final piece of packaging to reveal a leather-bound book that had to at least be a hundred years old. The book’s pages were wrinkled and dirty, the cover had scuffs all over it, and the spine was screaming for dear life as if it held onto the pages by only a single thread. Logan was surprised that it didn’t crumble into dust the second it touched Rafe's fingers. He jokingly blew on the cover to remove the nonexistent dust, brushed it off with his left hand, and then started to flip through the pages eagerly.
“What did you get?” Logan groaned because he had already guessed.
“The answer to all our problems!” His roommate slammed the book closed with a giggle and grinned proudly as he handed Logan his new reading material.
Logan took the ancient tome from him as if he was accepting a venomous snake. This thing was hundreds of pages long and had definitely seen a lot of use over its lifetime. He looked at the title- Your Guild to Realms, for Our Time.
“Did you seriously buy another demon book?” He questioned the scraggly man.
“Bro, not just any Multi universe book,” he tried to explain. “This is the big one. The big tuna. The book to end all books. The one book to rule them all—”
“I get it,” Logan chuckled. “This thing looks old as fuck, where did you get it?”
“The internet is a wonderful place, my friend,” Rafe clicked his tongue at my question. “I found it on this obscure occult website and had it shipped in from Russia. It only cost two-hundred dollars!”
“Wait,” Logan sighed. “That wouldn’t happen to have been the
two-hundred dollars I gave you for rent now, would it?”
“Don’t be mad.” Rafe held out his hands to calm me down. “If all goes as planned, we’ll never have to worry about rent or jobs or that kind of thing ever again!”
“Rafe …” Logan growled at my roommate.
Their apartment may have been super shitty, but at least it was a roof over their heads. Logan had been struggling ever since he moved out here from Kansas City a few years ago and, even though Rafe had been his best friend ever since middle school, Rafe sometimes made things difficult with all his impulse buys. They needed food and rent, not books that’d feed his occult hobby. Logan stood to storm off, but Rafe caught him by the shoulder.
“Bro, hear me out,” he pleaded. “When have I ever steered you wrong before?”
“Do you really want an answer to that?” He raised an eyebrow at him.
“Yes, because we both know the answer is never.” He laughed and crossed his arms confidently. “And even if it has happened once or twice in the past, this time will make up for it.” He touched his thumb to his pinkie. “Scout’s honor.”
“Fine.” Logan sat back down and handed the book back to Rafe . “So, what’s it do?” He couldn’t stay mad at Rafe or long. For all his crazy shenanigans and odd viewpoints, he always meant well. Logan was sure whatever hairbrained scheme he had that went along with buying this book, it was because he wanted to help them get out of their shitty situation. The least he could do was listen.
What was the worst that could happen?
“You won’t regret this.” He gave Logan a pleased nod before he flipped through the book for a few moments. He eventually stopped on a page halfway through the text and gestured at it emphatically. “Do you know what a Elves is?”
“Vaguely.” Logan nodded. “Aren’t those the hot female with long ears?”
“Precisely! Though the male have long ears too. My vast knowledge must be rubbing off on you,” Rafe giggled. “Elves are beings from other realms. The female Elves can be summoned to fulfill your wildest fantasies, normally in bed. But they are also said to bring luck, fortune, and even crazy-ass abilities to those who summon them!”
“So…” Logan trailed off for emphasis. “Your solution to our money problems is to summon one?”
“Survey says- Yes!” Rafe pointed at him and made a dinging noise. “Besides, I’ve got some wild fantasies I’d like them to fulfill as well…”
“I’m gonna stop you there, Rafe ,” Logan laughed. “I’ll go along with this. Not because I think it’ll work, but because it would be pointless to have spent all that money on this book and not at least use it once. Where do we begin?”
“First thing’s first,” Rafe said as he read over the text on the page.. “We need a pentagram, a metal bowl, and a piece of paper!” He thought for a moment. “I have just the bowl. It’s by my stuff in the closet. Can you grab it while I start drawing the pentagram?”
“Sure…” Logan nodded to his friend as he set to work. Finding a bowl wasn’t very hard in this place. Rafe had them all over in his bedroom closet. As he stared back at all the “water pipes,” bowls, and other assorted paraphernalia before him, he questioned which bowl a demon would most likely want to use. The blue marble-ish one? The one that was shaped like a dragon? Then he saw it.
Right in the center of the collection sat a large metallic chalice. It was blackish-red and had a pair of horns on its stem. Definitely what we were looking for, so he snatched it up and waltzed back out into the living room. Rafe had already spread out our furniture and drawn a pentagram on the floor, and he was lighting candles at each corner when he noticed Logan out of the corner of his eye.
“An excellent choice, ey!” He smiled when he saw the one he had selected. He lit the final candle and then brandished a small pocket knife and a piece of paper. “So here’s what happens now,” he explained. “We both take a sheet of paper and write down our wildest fantasies and innermost desires. Make sure the letter is addressed to Brethil.”
“Brethil?” Logan questioned.
“Yes, Brethil. The Queen of the Dark Elves.” Rafe nodded. “In the Elves lore, she was one of the Six Elves ever created , but she refused to submit to the goddess that created them. After that, she allied herself with a Demon lord to become the first Dark Elves, and in the eons since she’s become known as the Elven Queen Of The Dark Realm, ruling over every single Dark Elves that has ever existed.”
“You sure know a lot about this,” Logan couldn’t believe his friend’s encyclopedic rant.
“Oh, that’s just rookie stuff. The knowledge in this book, however, is the big leagues!” He waved off his train of thought. “Anyways, after writing our letters to Brethil, we need to smear it with a bodily fluid and burn it in the bowl.”
“Please tell me we’re using blood and not jizz,” Logan joked.
Rafe just shrugged. “Dark Elves prefer semen, but I’m gonna do blood since it’s the essence of the soul and all that. But hey, you do you,” Rafe laughed before offering him the neon-green sticky note. “Now, best get writing.”
Logan nodded and scribbled down his desires. It’d been awhile since he had been in a relationship, and the last girl he had been with made him wonder if she was actually a demon in disguise.
So, Logan started there. He jotted down all the qualities he wanted from a hot Elven woman, as well as all the crazy things he wanted to do to her in bed and, well, in life in general. When he had finished, he realized Logan was already done, so he motioned for Rafe to hand him the knife.
For half a moment, he studied the small pocket knife, and the feel of it in his fingers made this whole endeavor feel way too real. He glanced at Rafe, and he gave him an eager smile and nod. Logan realized that if he bitched out now, his friend would never let him hear the end of it. Besides, what was the worst that could happen?
He just have a small cut on his finger, and then Rafe would mope around the apartment for a few days when he saw that the book didn’t work. Maybe he’d actually stop spending their money on this kind of shit.
He took a deep breath and then raised the knife to the tip of his left index finger. The blade slid along his digit slowly as it left little more than a dull sting in its wake. He closed the knife and handed it back to his roommate, who grinned at him like a maniac.
“Let’s do this,” He said as he met my friend’s eyes.
“You’re not gonna regret this.” Rafe said, and Logan nodded to him.
“It’s weird. Usually, I’m unsure about, well, everything, but this time, I’m really hoping it works.” Logan laughed as he squeezed the tip of his finger to expel a droplet of blood, which he then smeared onto the letter to Brethil.
“Me too, bro. Me too.” Rafe nodded before they each crumpled up our piece of paper and tossed it into the bowl.
Rafe grabbed a couple of matches, struck them against the ignition strip of the box, and then dropped them on top of the paper.
The sticky notes danced in the black and red cup as they caught fire and incinerated before their eyes, leaving only the faint smell of burnt ash and ferric blood. As the last bit of paper turned to ember, all the lights were cut in their apartment, and the candles blew out with an unseen gust of wind that raised the hairs on Logan's body and for a moment he felt an invisible force pressed down on him. Just like that everything became normal.
“Did it work?” Logan exclaimed, somewhat freaked out. “That was definitely not normal!”
“I don’t know.” Rafe shrugged. “It says here that if the ceremony works, the succubus will come to you in your sleep.”
The lights returned at this point, but a lingering chill spread throughout the apartment.
Related Chapters
Dark Elves Harem Chapter 2
It might have simply been their leaky windows, but it was the middle of the summer. The chill sent a shiver up Logan's spine, and he started to wonder what they had just let in. The absolute last thing they needed in their place was an evil entity causing problems. His landlord already had that role covered. “Welp, I don’t know about you, but I’m beat.” Rafe yawned, looking as if nothing had happened and all was normal. “Summoning a demon really takes it out of you! Time to hit the bed!" Rafe wiped the blood off his finger onto his pants before he turned around and shuffled off toward his bedroom. As he walked, he whistled a happy tune and nearly skipped across the floor. Logan tried not to cringe as each of his footsteps creaked and threatened to break through the old wood of the floor. It was a bit strange because, even though it wasn’t that late, his body told him that it was time for him to head off to bed, too. Was this one of the side-effects of sum
Dark Elves Harem Chapter 3
The Elve sat up from the old leather couch and rubbed her eyes groggily. She looked nothing like Abina, but she was still one of the sexiest women Logan ever seen. Her short blonde hair was styled into a bob that swayed back and forth across her slender cheekbones as she walked. The eve's entire body was lithe and fit like that of an athlete, complete with small, perky breasts, well-defined abs, and thighs that looked strong enough to crush a man’s head. “We may not have done the deed, but I appreciate what you did for me, Keida!” the goblin exclaimed. “Now the chicks are all going to be lining up to get a piece of the me!" “You didn’t have sex with--” Logan started to say, but Rafe interrupted me. “Naw, man. As soon as she changed me into this badass body, I just wanted to sleep it off. Now I just want to eat, get high, and play some video games.” “Ugh…” the blonde elve sighed as she lay her head against the backrest of our old couch. “How disappointi
Dark Elves Harem Chapter 4
“Thank you, Rafe,” Logan said with a sigh. “So, what, you guys don’t really have any say in what you do? Like you’re all just subordinates to other Beings? Elves?” “Particularly our master, Lord Voidmoth” Keida said, vitriol filling her voice. “He’s the one who keeps us in line and makes sure that the humans who summon us pay up when the time comes.” “Sounds like a real asshole.”Logan said. Already know what the two women wanted. For him to take them under his protection. Funny as it might sound. Logan was bored and excited enough by this new adventure to give it a chance. “Which leads me to our next question. What are the odds of him coming after you? You guys are supposed to take my soul or something and return to your Realm after the deed is done, as payment for summoning you, right?” “I don’t know,” Keida murmured, and both of the supaused and looked at each other tensely. “We probably aren’t even on his radar right now." "And what happens if yo
Dark Elves Harem Chapter 5
As he reached for Rafe, green sparks leapt from his hands as a wash of heat erupted from his fingertips. Rafe saw the deadly projectile as it hurled furiously at him, but he could do little but flinch as it rocketed towards his position. The space in front of Rafe shimmered for an instant, and then a shield of protective green appeared between the fireball and Rafe. Keida attack collided with the bright green wall, curled around the edges of the shield, and singed the area around Rafe in a circle, and that caused the ceiling to collapse around him. The goblin flailed his stubby arms as he fell, but instead of hitting the ground, he collided against the green shield with a dull thud. Logan could barely believe my eyes. He had created the protective barrier like it had been second nature. All he had wanted to do was protect his friend from danger, but his powers responded to his feelings without any sort of conscious thought. “I knew you could do it!” Keida s
Dark Elves Harem Chapter 6
“Can Elves even get drunk?” Logan asked the two women across from him as his vision started to blur. The two women both shrugged before Abina spoke up. “Well, don’t you want to find out? I’m sure you’ve been with a million drunken mortals. Can you imagine what it would be like to be with two drunken, horny elves?” They had fond their bar alright, and they had make use of the opportunity to get as close to drunk as they could. The humans anyway. “Oh, I can imagine it alright,” Logan smirked as a hundred different images raced through his mind. “My only concern would be that you’d accidentally let loose your powers while we were in the middle of it. ‘Death by Orgasm’ isn’t exactly what I want on my tombstone.” “That doesn’t happen,” Abina quipped. “Often.” “Fuck it, it’s a risk I’m willing to take.” Logan slurred. The bartender returned with another round of beers, and Logan don’t even remember finishing them. His senses started to feel lik
Dark Elves Harem Chapter 7
“Ah, you’re the asshole that Abina and Keida don’t like,” Logan growled, taking an aggressive step forward. “What kinda name is Voidmoth, anyway?” Rafe slurred. “Is he gonna make me a sandwich?” “It’s an old Dark Elves house name, word for a warrior, if you must know,” the man, Voidmoth said. Eyes gleaming. “It’s super gayyy,” Rafe droned. “Gaaaaayyyyyyyy.” “But my name is irrelevant now,” Voidmoth hissed as he ran his hands through his perfect blonde hair and turned to Logan. “The thing is, Mr. Ralston, you have two of my dark Elves. Two of my best ones, I might add. They were supposed to fulfill their duties to you and your friend and then return to us. Thousands of people out there ask for their services by the hour, you know. What kind of businessman would I be if I denied them their wishes?” “Abina and Keida want to stay here with me,” Logan said flatly, making his face expressionless. He was trying to act cool,
Dark Elves Harem Chapter 8
Logan's flames began to glow with purple light even though he was readying an attack. That was odd, but he didn’t have time to think about it because Voidmoth was already starting to recover. Logan flung his hands out and unleashed a blast of purple-tinged fire that completely engulfed the demonic pimp. “It’s going to take a lot more than that to kill the Servant of dark realm!” Voidmoth’s voice boomed as he stepped forth from the raging inferno Logan unleashed. His clothes were singed, and his flesh looked a bit charbroiled, but as he paused to straighten his tie, Logan realized the wounds were already starting to heal. Before he had a chance to react, Voidmoth flung another one of his fireballs at them. A shot of purple flame sprang from Keida and Abina as wings sprouted from their backs. “We have to run!” Keida cried as she grabbed Logan by the scruff of the neck and hauled him out of the way. The ceiling of the bar was fairly low, but she was able to fly
Dark Elves Harem Chapter 9
Straight from the bar, they boarded the subway and took it to the most run-down part of the city that they could think of. This place might have been a sprawling metropolis, but it still had its hardships. Logan lived in one of the more run-down parts of town, but their current location made his home look like a luxury resort. This part of the city used to be the home of dozens of factories that employed thousands of people, but once those companies began to outsource for cheaper labor, the people here were left jobless and hopeless. The sight made Logan appreciate what little he had even more. A few blocks down from the subway station stood an old house that looked like it had been abandoned for decades. Pieces of its original brick exterior had fallen off and were now laying in the overgrown grass of the lawn. Several of the windows were boarded shut, and the ones that weren’t probably should have been, considering they were now broken beyond repair. As they w
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Chapter 246
The moderator completely ignored the politician’s words and nodded for Ira to continue. “Thanks, Jim,” she retorted. Ira grabbed the mic off the podium and began to walk around the stage gingerly. “My fellow Arizonians,” she explained. “The reason I bring this up here, in front of you, is because I don’t want my opponent to weasel his way out of these accusations behind a PR team. There’s far too much of that in the political world. No, Bill, I want you to face the music here, in front of our constituents.”“About what?” Hoggins chuckled awkwardly. “So I was a male prostitute? So what? As you said, all of my clients were consenting adults.”Ira shot the man an angry look and tightened her grip on the microphone. “That’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it. You see, being the businessman that he is, Mr. Hoggins just had to have his cake and eat it too. He was much more than a prostitute, my friends. He built an entire sex worker empire up there in Vegas.”“Lies!
Chapter 245
“Political Dominatrix?” Logan questioned. “Do I even want to know?” “Yeah, bro,” Rafe explained. “It’s totally the standard outfit of politicians. I call it that because the people that wear it like to put it on while they fuck us senseless.”“Is that what being a politician is?” Tris asked, surprised. “No wonder Ira was always so engaged with Marvin Franklin’s campaign.”“It’s a metaphor,” Logan sighed. “Like, the politicians are fucking over the people.”“I’m not using a metaphor,” Rafe argued. “They’re literally fucking us in a bareback, raw-dog, ‘bite the pillow’ sort of way.”“That sounds right up Ira’s alley.” Tris nodded in agreement.“And now, Mr. Hoggins’ opponent,” the moderator interrupted. “Former wife of Marvin Franklin, the man who used to represent the seventh district, Maggie Franklin!”The crowd applauded for Ira but not nearly as much as they had for Hoggins. To make up for the lack of enthuBethsm, Rafe, the elves, and Logan all made sure to hoot and holler as lou
Chapter 244
Wearing a tuxedo generally went a long way in improving Logan's mood, and tonight was no different. He sat there at the massive round table, decked out in a jet-black tux complete with its own vest and bowtie. This was a black-tie affair, and Logan was never one to come underdressed.Luckily for him, neither were any of his friends.Logan's friend Libidine sat directly next to him at the round table, and it was taking everything in his power to keep from gawking at her perfect and massive breasts. The succubus wore a sparkly silver dress that had a wide, plunging neckline. If it weren't for the dress's halter top, her delicious boobs would have been flopping out all over the place.Of course, Logan wouldn't have complained if they were.Then there was Cupi. Surprisingly, the Sister of Greed had little to no interest in fashion, but she was still dressed to the nines. The fit succubus wore a tight red dress with an off-shoulder neckline that ran all the way down to her knees. It had th
Chapter 243
The assassin’s body was now bubbling like crazy, and some of the boils were growing to nearly the size of a baseball. His face began to contort into an unrecognizable, abstract horror, and then his torso began to expand. “Oh shit!” Rafe exclaimed. “He’s gonna go Big Trouble in Little China on us. Hit the deck!” Logan and the others dove to the ground, and then there was a loud, sloppy-sounding pop. Logan could feel the chunks of gooey gore crash into his body, and he was nearly mortified. He pulled himself to his feet and observed the scene.The assassin’s body was completely gone, or more accurately, it was scattered all across the inside of the Cult of Ralston’s headquarters. Pieces of furry spider flesh ran down the walls and left a trail of green gore in its wake. The assassin's organs were spread across the ground at various intervals.This place was going to need a real deep cleaning as soon as possible. Logan nearly gagged as he wiped the slimy remains of the creature off
Chapter 242
As Logan ran towards the assailant, he drew the jagged remains of his goat-headed dagger from his belt, ran his Magicfire-covered hand over the base of the blade, and enchanted it. The jagged, broken steel stretched out into a fiery cutlass, and he readied his weapon for the assault. The spider-creature threw out the pointy end of its leg in his direction. He was probably hoping that Logan would run into the point and skewer himself, but luckily for Logan, he wasn't that stupid. Instead, Logan twisted his glowing blade and parried the deadly appendage away with a flick of his wrist. He ducked down, spun around, and lopped off another one of the creature's back legs. As the spider-demon fell awkwardly onto its knees, Logan saw a. flash of Abina's polearm as the blunt end shot up and struck him in the chin. Green mist sprayed upward, and the demon was now dripping its own sludge-like blood out of its mouth. Logan wasted no time in thrusting his sword in the direction o
Chapter 241
Logan surveyed the battlefield around him and saw that, despite their best efforts, the army of oversized spiders was quickly overwhelming them. They were already halfway up Raphael’s body, and they had Gula nearly completely covered with their horrid wave. It was like they kept multiplying faster than they could kill them. “Precision strike?” Rafe suggested. Logan nodded to the goblin, and then they both ran toward their friends. He created a series of ascending platforms for the goblin to climb, and he acrobatically hopped up the makeshift stairs with ease. Once he was at the top, he flipped up into the sky above Gula and rained down a hailstorm of tiny balls of Magicfire. The spiders screamed as they were burned off the elves’ torso and arms.Once she had her upper body free, Gula took a swing with her enchanted battle axe. Chunks of spider and greenish blood flew up into the sky, and then the elves was free.“Save Abina,” Logan nodded to the redhead as he dashed toward Kelda
Chapter 240
Logan started to take a step toward one of the two gentlemen, but then he froze. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something was off about these two.When the boys moved, it was almost like they were suspended like marionettes on strings. Then there were their voices, which seemed devoid of all emotions even though they wore large smiles on their faces.Something wasn't right here.“Actually, I think I'm gonna stay over here,” Logan explained. “But you boys are more than welcome to tell me all about the ‘good news’ from a distance.”The boy on the left looked at his friend. “I was afraid he'd say that.” He sighed and then turned back to them. “The good news is that we finally found you, Logan Ralston.”In an instant, the two creepy-looking young men began to glow with a black ectoplasmic substance. They reached out and took each other's hands, and then their bodies began to meld together into one large, ominous blob. Finally, the magical nebula began to take on a
Chapter 239
“What’s the matter?” Logan asked with a grin. “Are you shy?”The redhead snorted. “Anything but,” she argued. “It’s just… I don’t know… I feel like Sister Abina and Sister Kelda are putting a lot of pressure on me to hook up with you.”“Really?” Logan noted sarcastically. “I didn’t notice.”They passed by a few of the offices of the lower-level cult members, and then they were at the computer room. Logan stepped aside and let the elves enter the room first.“Well… I want to,” Gula continued. “I really, really want to. But--”“You want to ease into things,” Logan finished her sentence. “I get it, Gula. We don’t have to rush into that if you’re not ready.”“What?” the Sister of Gluttony asked with a confused quirk of her lips. “That’s not what I meant at all.”“What did you mean, then?” Logan questioned.Gula looked down at the ground bashfully and then turned her head up to stare him in the eyes. The elves bit her lip, and Logan could see that her nipples were growing erec
Chapter 238
Shadow sped through the streets of Phoenix, under cover of the dark desert night. The second that Rafe and Tris had returned from their munchie run, Logan snagged the keys to the vehicle and decided to head toward his cult’s hideout. If they really were going to be tracking down a missing Archangel, rallying his cultists was probably the best place to start. “I still don’t get why you didn’t just call Oliver,” Rafe muttered from the middle seat. “It would have saved me from being uncomfortably smashed between two guys for an entire car ride. I think I’ve had to say ‘no homo’ more times today than I have in my entire life.” “Doubtful,” Raphael uttered under his breath. “What’d you say, angel boy?” Rafe demanded. “We may be best buds, but don’t think I won’t give you the ol’ one-two, one-two if you get outta line.” “Of course,” the Archangel said with a coy smile. “I’d never think of insulting you, Rafe.” “Damn straight,” the goblin nodded, “but, as the leader of this group, I’ll le