Afternoon came along with the scorching sun. People were walking about with either newspapers trying to get some air onto their bodies or with mini battery operating fans. God bless Technology. Maybe it was the heat all around that caused the argument between Dana and her Mother. Perhaps it was. Dana walked out of the house slamming the door behind her angrily. The neighbors made way for her to pass as she was known for her attitude when she had the look she had on her face at that moment. Her Mother made to go after her but stopped when she saw the neighbors waiting for her to begin her drama. Some even had their phones out. She retreated into the house, cursing her husband for making them move into a gossip themed Estate. “Mom!” Emilie screamed from the room. She ran into the living room clutching a piece of paper like it was evidence from a crime scene“What’s wrong?” Rose asked“Look Mom, Dana still got the form for the entrance exam to the Defense Academy” Emilie said holding the piece of paper out. Rose grabbed it and her eagle like eyes scanned the hold thing within a minute. She was annoyed now.“This girl is unbelievable” she said“Should we tell Dad?” Emilie asked“No, he’ll support her anyway” Rose said rejecting the idea. Her husband was known for over pampering their last daughter. She wasn't going to turn to him and have him side with Dana this time around. She was going to take action.“Burn it” she said and walked out of the room“Dana’s gonna be really mad when she finds out” Emilie said
Dana danced around the room holding her flip-flops as if they were a microphone. She was having a self concert. No, her sister was her audience. She sang a remix of a sound track from the famous Disney Cartoon she watched for the 15th time. The Lion King. This time it was a mighty Officer and not a mighty King.
“I’m gonna be a mighty Officer so enemies beware” she sang dancing around the room. Emilie, the one who was supposed to be her audience was trying to study but with the annoying and aggravating remix of the Lion King sound track, she read and re-read a line on her note a thousand times. “Shut it, I’m trying to concentrate” she said glaring at Dana“I’m brushing up not looking down, I’m working on my target” Dana continued, completely ignoring her. That was it. The last of her serenity. She picked the flip-flop beside her and threw it at Dana's direction. With her swift reflexes, she dodged the attack. That was a mistake on Emilie's part because it got Dana all excited.“Whoa! Did you see that?” Dana asked. She was so flabbergasted that without any form of military training she was able to dodge a flip flop from the attacking force; Emilie, that she didn't notice that the flip-flop didn't touch the ground when it missed its target. Rose was right behind her fuming with rage.“Sorry Mom” Emilie said with pleading eyes. The flip-flop found a formidable target. Dana turned around to see her ever angry Mother. No one needed to tell her that if she stood in front of her for another second she would be weeping the next. She ran quickly to Emilie and hid behind her.“When will the two of you let me have peace in my own home?” Rose asked“Sorry” they chorused together“And you, Rose said pointing to Dana, when will you get this whole being a Military Officer thing outta your head?”“But I’m gonna become a Military Officer” Dana said from behind Emilie“Say that one more time and you’ll know I'm your Mother” Rose threatened. She kept shut immediately because knowing she was their Mother meant her beating the crap out of Dana's head. She glared at her Mother angrily as she left the room.“Urggghh, she’s so annoying” she said falling on the bed“Shhhhhh, she’s still in the house, remember?” Emilie cautioned“Hey! One of my friends gave me this form; Dana said bring out a paper from her bag. I brought one home but I couldn't find it. Emilie was responsible. Anyway, she said if I fill it I’d have the chance of becoming a Military Officer.”“How?” Emilie asked“Well, promise me you won’t tell Mom” Dana said“Promise” Emilie said“Her Uncle is in the force, she said when I’m done with my exams I’ll take the entrance exam to the Defense Academy then when I pass which of course I’ll do I can attend the school, graduate and have an automatic job as a Military Officer” Dana explained“Wow!” Emilie said feeling less concerned“Yeah, wow doesn’t even come close to how it sounds to me, Dana said, I mean I’d just take the exam, pass and bang the job” she added“But you know it’s not that easy” Emilie said“Chill sis, you know when it comes to books my head is always on fire” Dana said. Emilie tilted her head backwards wondering where the fire was. “When did you start reading?” Emilie asked“Since the day I set my mind to become an Officer” Dana said“Mom won’t allow it” Emilie said“Just leave Mom out of this, Dana said, once Dad comes back from his business trip I’ll tell him everything. You know I'm his favorite, right?”“That’s in like three months from now and this form says you have to write the exam this month” Emilie said“Why are you trying to discourage me?” Dana asked“No, I’m not trying to discourage you, but I know Mom and you do too. She’d never let you take that exam” Emilie said“Unless you tell her” Dana said“What if she asks me?” Emilie asked“Emilie why would she ask you about something like this, Dana said, you actually sound as if you do not want me to take the exam”“Girl……” Emilie started“You know what? Dana asked, let’s just act like we never had this conversation” she said and walked out of the roomDana and her clique sat behind the class room making plans about their future as Military Officers. The rest of the gang had their parent's consent except Dana and as the leader of the gang, the one who brought the whole idea before Chelsea got her Uncle to convince her parents to let them go, Dana didn't want to be left alone. Lying was her jam. It was what she lived for and she had to put it into use again. This time on her friends.“So, are you taking the exam?” Chelsea asked“Kinda” Dana said“Kinda? Is it a yes or a no, Chelsea asked, my Uncle doesn’t like wasting time” she added“Bro, are you really asking Dana if she's going? If anyone's going it's definitely her” Cathy said“Well bitch isn't answering. Is she?” Chelsea asked“It’s definitely a yes” Dana said“Fine, remember the date okay. Where the hell's Martine?” Chelsea said as she went to her seat. Martine, the Queen Bee of the school walked in with her left arm in the air like she was an imbecile, chewing aggressively on her gum.“Good morning” she sang. Everyone had to answer to her whether they liked it or not. She was part of Dana's clique and was the Queen of the school. Her words were Ye and Amen. Her sister though was her nemesis.“Martine, where did you run off to again?” Chelsea asked“That would be none of your concern. Thank you” Martine answered“Well it is because we are twins and identical at that so I don’t want my image tarnished because of your immoral behavior” Chelsea said“Thank you for the sermon Miss Preacher but it’s still none of your concern” Martine said, not budging. Thankfully, the Math Teacher walked into the class putting an end to the argument. He had his cane underneath his armpit which was already sweaty. Rumor around the school had it that his body ran higher than 134 degrees Fahrenheit. Martine hated him more than having an identical twin. Or it was probably because she didn't understand Math.“Every time he carries that cane around as if it’s his wife” she muttered under her breath“Well class, today we are going to be dealing on the topic, Differentiation” Mr. David saidThe students were in their final year in high school and that was a common Math topic for those at their level but they all seemed lost. Someone wasn't doing their reading.“Have you ever heard about that topic before?” Chelsea asked“If I've ever heard of it then it means the world's coming to an end” Martine replied“Dana” Mr. David called“Sir” Dana said getting up“What do you know about Differentiation?” he asked“Ummm not much, Dana said, I only know that it deals with the formula dy/dx”“Well do you know how to apply the formula?” He asked“No” Dana said. The students began to chuckle wondering why she mentioned dy/dx when she didn't know how to apply it. With a glare from her the laughter and whispering ceased. Talk about power.“You can have you seat please” Mr. David said as he turned towards the black board ready for the day's lesson.Dy/dx became the new terror for the students as they could barely concentrate on other classes after Mr. David's class. They were all thinking about the Mathematical sites on the internet they would turn to for the solution of his assignment. Mr. David had the habit of teaching his class with examples like 2+5=7 and handing out assignments like If 109 boys die today and are buried on the 6th day of the first week of March in 2041. How long will it take for 705 persons to attend their burials and how many roses will be given to the deceased? Problem. During lunchtime the cafeteria was filled with students trying to get the best of everything before it ran out while some made good use of their time to make out at the back of the cafeteria. The Teacher's cafeteria was a block away from that of the students so it favored them greatly.“Dana what are we eating today?” Martine asked sitting on Dana's desk.“I’m not really hungry” Dana said. She wasn't in the mood to eat. Not because she didn't know how to apply the formula for Differentiation but because she still didn't know how she was going to write the Defense Academy entrance exam without getting in any hot soup with her Mom. Any kind.“She’s watching her weight” Cathy joked from behind“Ha ha, very funny, Dana said, you haven’t spoken a word since morning but when it comes to making fun of me your voice is always heard” she added“Well, I take joy in doing that” Cathy said“You need Jesus” Dana said. She got up and made for the classroom door.“Where are you going to?” Chelsea asked“I’m going for a walk around the school because I can’t stand the sight of Cathy” Dana said“Really? Cathy said smirking, then I’m coming too”“I’ll race you guys” Martine said smiling“On my call, Dana said, one, two, three, go!”“I’m home!” Dana announced as she let her bag drop to the floor. Emilie looked at her wondering if she had lost her mind. Rose's number one house rule was that no one, not even her who made the rule should drop anything on the floor
“You know you’re messing up the room” she said“So?” Dana asked“So? Emilie said, are you seriously asking me that?”“Yeah, it’s not like you’re the one who tidies this room up or any other room in this house for that matter” Dana saidThat was the truth and the truth they say, is indeed bitter. Emilie kept shut immediately. Just as she was about picking up the bag herself, the sound of their Mom’s car startled both of them.“One day we’ll have a heart attack because of Mom” Dana said“I can have a heart attack, I don’t care but I just don't want her asking me if I washed the blankets” Emilie said and raced out of the room.“You didn't wash the blankets again? I guess you were waiting for me huh?”Dana said. She took out the form from her school bag and began to fill it in. She was so engrossed in it, she didn't realize when Emilie walked into the room and found her filling the form. At the breakfast table the next morning, it was time for their regular family drama.“What’s this I’m hearing?” Rose asked“What?” Dana asked. She was always hearing things with her antenna like ears so Dana wondered what new thing she heard again.“You’re filling the Defense Academy form?” Rose asked annoyed. Dana glared at Emilie who could not bring herself to look up. She was going to the Defense Academy and that was final. It was time to be bold.“Yes I am. Dana said, in fact, I already filled it”“You’re not taking the exam” Rose stated“You can’t choose what I do with my life!” Dana shouted“My decision is final” Rose said“Oh, your decision means nothing to me Mom, because whether you like it or not, I’m taking that exam” She had made her point. There was no need to sit there and continue going back and forth on the topic so she walked out of the house. Again. Dana went over to Chelsea's. The only place she could go to tirade about her misfortunes. She rang the doorbell bell so fast one would think she was a speedster.“Dana, what are you doing here? Martine asked. She saw Dana's face. No, don't answer that” she said“Is Chelsea in?” Dana asked“Yeah, come in” Martine saidChelsea heard all the talking and came down wondering who it was. It was her best buddy who happened to not be in her best mood.“Bro, what’s up?”“Emilie. That's what's up. She told my Mom I was filling the form, can you believe that?” Dana asked“Hell yeah I can believe it” Martine said. They all turned towards her. When someone laments the way Dana did, one is expected not to say anything except a sorry, probably. But Martine's brain functioned the other way round.“Come on, don’t give me that look, she said, we all know that Emilie never wants anything good for Dana, right?”“I’m taking that entrance exam no matter what happens” Dana said firmly. Chelsea was having a hard time processing something else.“Wait, you didn't fill it all these while?” She asked“I was still contemplating. But don't worry cause yesterday I filled it and submitted it to the board” Dana said. That was enough to calm Chelsea down.“Then that means before classes tomorrow we’ll take the exam before anyone notices” Chelsea said“I’m cool with whatever you guys want, all I desire is to take that exam” Dana said“And take it you shall. Martine joked, That's if your Mom doesn't know where and when we are taking the exam because if she does she's gonna storm that place and pull you out by your bra. Have you gotten your boobies yet?”“I gave Emilie a wrong date and time when she asked. Thank God I did that” Dana said. Trying to avoid the boobies’ question, she took her leave. Yes, Dana was all pretty but was turning into a boy day by day. Why she didn't get her boobies yet when Cathy who she shared the same age with was wearing a 34C was something she couldn't understand.“Wow Dana’s really tough” Martine said“She sure is” Chelsea said smilingRelated Chapters
Dark Weapon Book One: Time of Bombing Chapter 2
Rose and Emilie paced about outside waiting for any news on Dana. They were even expecting an ambulance bringing in her corpse. She was more than capable of committing suicide. She used it to threaten them in the past to get a bicycle. It didn't work though. Rose was sure something had happened to Dana. She pulled Emilie who had her fingers in her mouth to her and ordered her to call her husband, their Father.“Mom, he’s in another state right now. How can he possibly do anything about this situation?” Emilie asked“Call your Father! Rose screamed, Dana only listens to him, if he calls her she might come back home. That's if she isn't already dead” Rose added“No need for that. And I'm not dead” Dana said walking in“And where the hell were you?” Rose asked“I think that would be called none of your business” Dana replied walking into their room. It took Emilie all the strength in the world to hold Rose back from pouncing on Dana. She followed her into the room after successfully conv
Dark Weapon Book One: Time of Bombing Chapter 3
The huge bell in the training centre rang at the strike of 6.50 by the morning. The girls previously thought it was for a church service or something but it was for waking those who had the habit of sleeping in. An announcement on the kind of punishment given to the unfortunate person to come last to the field sent the dormitory in frenzy. To save time, Dana and the girls all shared the bathroom at once giving Jasmine the opportunity to see Dana's weakness. Her boobies.“Has anyone seen my lotion?” Cathy asked searching frantically for it“Yeah” Chelsea answered“Really, please where?” Cathy asked“In my nostrils” Chelsea said laughing hard. Cathy stared at her and wondered if the late coming announcement didn't send shivers down her spine. She was probably thinking her Officer Uncle would get her out of trouble. Ha!“Here it is” Jasmine said holding it up“Thanks, you are of some use today” Cathy said They hurriedly walked out along with other girls in their dormitory to the field.
Dark Weapon Book One: Time of Bombing Chapter 4
The huge bell in the training centre rang at the strike of 6.50 by the morning. The girls previously thought it was for a church service or something but it was for waking those who had the habit of sleeping in. An announcement on the kind of punishment given to the unfortunate person to come last to the field sent the dormitory in frenzy. To save time, Dana and the girls all shared the bathroom at once giving Jasmine the opportunity to see Dana's weakness. Her boobies.“Has anyone seen my lotion?” Cathy asked searching frantically for it“Yeah” Chelsea answered“Really, please where?” Cathy asked“In my nostrils” Chelsea said laughing hard. Cathy stared at her and wondered if the late coming announcement didn't send shivers down her spine. She was probably thinking her Officer Uncle would get her out of trouble. Ha!“Here it is” Jasmine said holding it up“Thanks, you are of some use today” Cathy said They hurriedly walked out along with other girls in their dormitory to the field.
Dark Weapon Book One: Time of Bombing Chapter 5
Examination had finally arrived and the trainees were scared they weren’t ready to write the theoretical aspect of what they taught. They were confident in perfecting the practical aspect but not the theoretical. Some of them had smuggled bombs into the examination hall hoping to set it off when the instructors weren’t looking. Now these weren’t actual bombs, there were what people knew as expos or tap-me’s. “Write as many answers as possible and no cheating. Good luck” Swart said and turned to the chalk board. The trainees didn’t wait for him to turn around completely before they began to ask questions. Like Cathy.“Hey Dana, what's the name of that explosive that makes a loud noise when going off?” Cathy asked“There are a lot of explosives that makes loud noises when going off” Dana replied“No, I'm talking about the one you read bout yesterday” Cathy insisted“C4?” Dana said“Yes, thanks”The exam was a success as none of the trainees failed when their results were posted. Their
Dark Weapon Book One: Time of Bombing Chapter 6
Three years laterSwart had climbed through the ladders in the military and had banged the position as the Minister of Defense. He still remained friends with Philips even after their bonding experience back at the now desolated training center. He had his plans to remove the likes of George from the military after getting into that position but from the looks of it, it wasn’t going to be easy. “Congrats honey, you deserve to be the Minister of Defense” Hannah said patting Swart’s shoulder“My friend, congratulations” Philips said shaking hands with Swart“Thank you for coming” Swart said“The pleasure is all mine, I have to go now since the President summoned me” Philips said“Sure, thank you again” Swart said“Minister of Defense, Swart. Don’t you think what we did three years ago was worth it?” George saidHe was now a retired Army General and already old and wrinkly but he was like the godfather in the military. He still controlled the President like he was a pun on his ch
Dark Weapon Book One: Time of Bombing Chapter 7
Philips, oblivious of the fact that his entire family had been murdered, ran into the State CIA and began to rant out everything he knew about the incident. He as then directed to the Captain of the CIA agents who happened to be George’s son. He was an upright CIA who always worked with facts and the truth. And he was ready to help the friend of his Father. “Here, this is Elisa’s number, but someone that calls herself Nada called me with it and said some things I didn’t really understand” Philips said “What were these things you said you didn’t understand” Adan asked“Something about three years ago, but that’s not important right now. I need you to save my wife because this Nada said they already killed Thelma” Philips said quivering a little“I know what to do with this” Adan said as he took the phone from Philips“Get the agents ready and get SWAT to come along too!” he ordered as he walked into his office with Philips phoneAdan dialed Elisa’s number and it was answered on the s
Dark Weapon Book One: Time of Bombing Chapter 8
“Captain, these are the files you requested for” Stephany said walking into Adan’s office.“Okay, thanks” Adan said “What are you doing Sir?” Stephany asked, looking into Adan’s laptop“Just something I’m working on” Adan replied still focused on his work“Huh? Why are you going through the gas explosion of three years ago in Danima” Stephany asked“You know about that incident?” Adan asked surprisedHe thought just a few people knew about it. Especially since Swart and Philips covered up everything. No one talked about the gas explosion and even he didn’t know of it. Though he too was serving as a trainee for the CIA at that time the explosion happened but he didn’t hear any news of it. It was almost as if people spoke about it for only one day and then forgot about it. “Yeah, I lost my cousin, Daniel in the incident, remember?” Stephany said“Yeah, yeah I do, was he in that incident too?” Adan asked“Yeah, he was. It was very suspicious for 355 persons to be wiped out at once wit
Dark Weapon Book One: Time of Bombing Chapter 9
Nada walked into the apartment and let herself fall to the sofa. The living room was well furnished and spacious, filled with various monitors recording everything going on in the Police department and State CIA as well as the hospital where Hannah was admitted.Mini walked out of a room with her gun in her hands and stared suspiciously at Nada before she let go of the trigger.“Did you think I was intruder? A thief, perhaps?” Nada asked“Yes! How can you walk in without making a single sound?” Mini asked“Forget making sounds. I’ve got it” Nada said “Got what?” Fae asked as she too stepped out of a room“Duh? The info we need against Swart. I even added one of Fae’s toys to her cell phone” Nada said“Really? Your acting skills are better than I thought” Mini said“I’ll take that as a compliment then” Nada said and shut her eyes“So, you’re gonna to tell us what you got from her or are you gonna make us beg first?” Blesse asked“Beg” Nada said“Seriously?” the four girls asked at onc
Latest Chapter
Chapter 24
The 5 were now down to 4 if you don’t count Blaze since Mini decided to leave because to her Nada gave her no good reason for making her kill her uncle and then coming up alone with the decision that Swart and his family got to live. Nada wasn’t going to apologize for that because she knew one way or the other Francis was going to be put down by one of them and in her opinion if she was Mini she would have been thrilled she got the opportunity of killing Francis. To her, Mini got them into the whole Defense shit and then her uncle who they all worship decided to turn into a suicide bomber so Mini had to take responsibility.She was in the van with the girls who still considered her a leader when she got Macleod’s missed call. They were parked in an abandoned area, monitoring the President’s house. She dropped the phone on the dashboard and turned to then girls.“You guys, it’s the President’s house we’re going to be storming and not just a random place. It’s gonna be packed with secur
Chapter 23
George had been eliminated and no one in the precinct knew of it because the wander didn’t conduct his rounds in George’s room. He was ever so grumpy and abusive towards the other inmates and wanders to the extent he had to be isolated because of his insolent behavior. From Blesse’s calculations it would take a number of four days before people at the precinct notice his corpse or sooner if Adan who rarely paid his Father a visit decided to be a good son and come see his old man.The 5’s hit list had begun to reduce; only two people were left on Nada’s list. Swart whom she had cornered, and the President whose backbone was George. When Fae was much younger, her childhood dream and the top thing to do on her bucket list was to assassinate a President. She was happy the dream was finally going to come true.“So who’s next?” Blesse asked“The President of course” Fae said“I’m asking because Swart is also on the list” Blesse said“The correct question Blesse should be what’s next?” Nada
Chapter 22
Nada was elated that she had succeeded in getting Stephany to work with them. All she had to do was release him and let him continue her carnage in Adan’s life. Adan would think she let him go because she made a mistake when she kidnapped him and then, he would lead them to George for the finishing touch. At the moment, she needed to hear what Swart had to say to her. Unlike Adan, he had figured out her trickery to listening in on everything they were planning because that explained her ability to always get them en-roped. Swart planned on telling her the truth even if seeing her one on one was the biggest mistake he could be making. But he was willing to bet everything he had; his family and his life or telling her the truth.Blesse and Nebula went ahead of Nada to make sure the abandoned training center was secure for her to go in. For all they knew, Swart could be working with Adan and they were laying an ambush for her.Nada drove at top speed with her motorbike to the meeting poi
Chapter 21
George sat in the dark interrogation room, handcuffed to the chair like a criminal offender. He couldn’t believe he was back in an interrogation room. The last time he was there was when he framed the Army General back in the 90’s. George didn’t just start out as an Army General, he was just like Adan, a mere CIA agent who got involved in a top secret mission and after seeing what the Army General of that time was going to benefit from a mission which wasn’t supposed to hold in the first place, he conspired with the political opponent of the President at that time and together they impeached the President and executed the Army General. Slowly, with the help of the President he put on the seat, he got to the position where he was. The position where he had the say on who got to live and who had to die.Now, he was called into an interrogation room by his own son, the one who he thought was trying to save him from the 5. “What do you think you are doing?!” George asked“I’m saving your
Chapter 20
Adan sat on the ground beside the dead bodies Nada had left. She had done her usual carnage and his Father was going to end up like Hannah and Daisy. He had his hands in his hair wondering what his next step in life would be. Lankan, one of the CIA agents who still had a little courage within them to face Nada, tapped him on the shoulders to draw his attention.“Sir” he called“Don’t Sir me you good for nothing!” Adan yelled and brushed him off“Leave them be Adan” George said. He heard his Father’s voice and lifted his head, thinking his ears were playing tricks on him but George was indeed standing in front of him. Nada didn’t kidnap him like he had thought“Dad! You’re here. How did you….. She didn’t take you?” he asked“No, I don’t think she even knows who she’s after” George said“What do you mean? I definitely saw her take someone with her. Who was it then?” Adan asked“Stephany, Sir” Lankan said“What? Why would she do that?” Adan asked“Well, Stephany was protecting your Fath
Chapter 19
Nada left Clybin Park to meet the girls but Macleod and Adan remained, engaged in a heated conversation. Macleod fully believed that his Daeva was indeed assaulted by Nada and Adan’s claim that she was Nada was nothing but bullshit, a means to push the blame on someone. He was trying to handle his family problems as well as getting Daeva to be in a relationship with him but after he had disturbed her when she was at work, Adan decided to add fuel to the fire by accusing her of being a murderer.Adan however, was so sure Nada was Daeva. Even if the only proof he had was the fact that she talked like Nada sometimes. Like the way she called everyone sweetheart or sugar and the whole vibe she gave off. He was sure she was the Nada everyone in the CIA dreaded. The CIA agents had begun to whisper amongst themselves about how they were going to back out from any plan Adan presented them in a bid to save his Father. After seeing how Nada worked and how scared Adan was to move and do anything
Chapter 18
Daisy and Hannah had begun to recover from their injuries but they had their doubts of ever going back home. Hannah at some point hated Swart for getting involved in such dirty activities as joining to kill young children when he had children of his own. She wanted to see reasons with Nada and the girls but they were killing innocent people as well. Like Elisa and Thelma, they didn’t take part in Philips’ dirty work but Nada killed them and was about to do the same to them. Worse, Daisy’s savage tongue wasn’t helping their situation.“Mom, are we ever gonna leave this place?” she asked“We might, if you try to keep shut and not anger Nada” Hannah said. The girl in the room with them had an AK-49 in her hand. They thought Nebula was a monster but they hadn’t seen anything then. Holding a pistol and holding an AK-49 was two different things. One was slightly monstrous and the other, monstrously monstrous.“Is Dad even looking for us? Is he really guilty of those things Nada said he did?
Chapter 17
Nada highlighted from the taxi in front of Portier’s international airport. She had gotten the information she need and now she was to return to Horki and set the place ablaze with it. She couldn’t believe she was going to have to go after Adan now that he was a relative to Robertson. Her plan was to finish Macleod off along with Swart if the next man wasn’t a diehard criminal like she had confirmed but now she had to put their execution on a hold and add Adan to the list. But since he was literally a fool for her it was going to be easy to get him.As she made to open the sliding door and board her plane, she saw the man she never had on her list. Francis. Was he the one Katherine was talking about when she told Nada to be careful of her own? He was from Bunya so technically he was her own and he had betrayed her and the girls or was he about to do it again?”“What’s he doing here?” she wondered and placed her voice modifier on her throat the pulled her hoodie over her head and walke
Chapter 16
Adan was outraged at Swart. He felt he was trying to drag his Father into his mess. If not that why then would he mention him as an accomplice? He paced about angrily and turned around to give Swart a punch. Swart stumbled and fell and the agents had to hold Adan back. They thought he seemed to have forgotten that Swart was the Minister for Defense.Macleod held onto Adan as well, he was annoyed that his Mother and sister weren’t returned to them and they were being shot at and treated like dogs in front of the CIA and there was nothing they could do to help them.“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he asked“How dare you mention my Father as one of your accomplice? What the hell were you thinking?!” Adan yelled and tried to hit Swart again“Your Father is the cause of all this!” Swart said “You see this building? He was the one who suggested it’d be brought to the ground even though they were children in it. I was only trying to protect my family back then little did I know t