Guillaume looked attentively at Katya, sighed and opened his mouth to continue the story. Suddenly he became alert. Katya also had an unpleasant feeling. For a while, an uneasy silence surrounded and weighed on them. Then there was a thump of feet, and the door swung open. Katerina stood in the doorway, alarmed.

Catherine,” Guillaume turned to her. “I feel the presence of a member of our family. Who is this?

Katerina suppressed her surprise and spoke quickly.

Some woman came and brought the police. She screamed that her friend had gone mad here and she was being locked up like a beast. That people are being killed and eaten here. She brought her hands up to her face. “And worst of all, the commissar who came with her is a distant descendant of ours.

Guillaume looked at Katya with a smile. Then he turned to Katherine.

But is it possible to influence him?

Bertrand finds out just that,” Catherine said calmly.

And what is the name of a friend, she did not say? Katya ask
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