Gabriela Ellis
Novels by Gabriela Ellis

One life of Sarro la Cassa
My new classmate began to assert that teachers are not people. Meanwhile, there are more and more strange cases confirming his conjecture, not all vampires are evil, there is one among them who, sacrificing everything, in the desire to overthrow the tyrant, is ready to change the course of time.
we can forget the past, but it can't forget us, following the friends of the indomitable death scythe, are you sure all demons are bad? Take a look around, but rather look into yourself. Has the author ever met his hero? What is there to see! To love and even mutually.
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Chapter: Epilogue
Lily was out and it was starting to slowly kill me. So what's slow? Terrible and unbearable! Loneliness brought me pain and coldness, and this, as a rule, drives people crazy. As I see it, vampires have also been affected. The evening was coming to an end, and the first stars were already beginning to twinkle in the blue-black sky. My face again began to resemble a white sheet and was terribly tortured. But, despite all these metamorphoses, the realization of their uselessness was the worst thing in the world. I was sitting with my legs crossed on a fluffy blanket, the very one that this mischievous vampire had once thrown at me, who had also disappeared somewhere. “She took him with her, which means he really is dearer to her ... - I understood, squeezing my elbows with force and digging my nails into the thin white skin. Suddenly, something warm touched my back and began to desperately stroke it all the way to the neck. I froze, unable to turn around and look into the face
Last Updated: 2023-04-11
Chapter: Explosive feelings 2
The heat of the blizzard is blowingAnd warms the souls of the two of us,Alas, sometimes it's coldLike a beast, cold and invisible. Sarro's joy knew no end! As much blood as he managed to steal yesterday, he had not drunk for a very long time! The vampire was even scared to imagine how much. He was no longer worried about anything: neither the fact that he wanted to arrange a magnificent feast, nor what was happening in the house - nothing. He did not answer Chiurelli's questions, was rude and closed himself again, reveling in the mysterious delight. He heard the screams of Nyashik and Erdeli coming from behind the door - they said that one of them was burned and again needed bloody treatment. “He wants to take away from me everything that I got with such hard and painstaking work! Definitely deserves it! You see, he appeared without a name and a past, such a handsome man, and now he imagines himself in charge? Let this not happen! Never…” - his arrogant inner voice took preced
Last Updated: 2023-04-11
Chapter: Explosive feelings
He was on the edge and brokeAnd all the pain subsided from the soul,And a new friend in the house appeared,Souls of his revealing the password. The silence of the night was cut by notes of a terribly unpleasant sound. They cut on the ears and drove insane those who, like me, tried to enjoy this silence. At first I did not know what it was, I even tried to guess, but the truth was so simple that it was worth going to her call, she opened without anyone's help. When I slipped out of Lee's bedroom and was already level with the door leading to Erdeli's room, I froze, not really expecting this! “This rascal also knows how to snore! Well, Lily definitely messed something up! You will not find such a vampire in the world anywhere else!” How long I looked at them and listened to this, to be honest, disgusting sound - I don’t know, only a certain feeling that has been tormenting me for more than a day, deprived me of any desire to do something, made me think over every ste
Last Updated: 2023-04-11
Chapter: Replacement 2
-Enough! came from behind me. Nyashik! What are you on time for? Came to the smell of torn feathers? And thanks a lot for that...-Let's get out of here! And don't get too close! Take a look and realize that she is alone, and you have many more defenders!“But this…” there were no other words except for “stupid”.It's her job to offend! Do you see how he rejoices when he enters into an argument?-Yes…- Shut up! It's pointless for her to say anything! Angry and ready to kill, I was forced to admit that this little vampire is my friend, and he does not want evil.- But managed to spoil the mood!She needed that! I sighed and, grabbing a few chocolates from the nearest table, bared my teeth behind the proud girl.-Let's go ... or else I ... A hand grabbed my elbow tightly. I turned around.-You!... One of those who are not indifferent to my fate.Thank you... but the meeting is over for today. I could not speak, the anger was so strong in my throat that I was afrai
Last Updated: 2023-04-11
Chapter: Replacement
I wanted to find her so passionatelyAnd he was ready for everything.Didn't see the beautiful world aroundAnd I only thought about love. There is no limit to my joy! Today this prankster slept all night! ... Yes, some vampires can do this, but neither I nor Sarro are one of those, I generally think that such are an order of magnitude lower. How wonderful it was to watch how this Nyashik, as he deigned to call himself, fervently clattered his teeth and muttered something. “Probably, I bit someone in a dream,” I thought, longingly realizing all the frailty of such a life, “How long does it take ... how many things could be done ...” - but even having the opportunity to do it, today I’m so tired , which was nothing at all. He sat, looking at the sleeping people, and quietly looked at the stars shining so brightly outside the window. He was cleaning his feathers, trying to find and feel what Lee was so attracted to and, probably, found - this is warmth. Feeling the movement
Last Updated: 2023-04-11
Chapter: pet
Didn't accept my loveAnd quickly created itAnd she replaced her own mother,But she couldn't compare! The newly appeared stranger delivered a lot of trouble! And that pissed Lee off terribly. So cute in appearance, at first he really was like that. He sat and rubbed against his palm, like a cat, twittering something in an incomprehensible language and meowing as if. But his true nature was not long in coming! If something was not according to his desire, Nyashik spread his little wings, began to run around the room, destroying everything he saw. And then he completely took up vampire affairs: he bared his fangs at every opportunity favorable to him. He did not let up for a minute, forcing him to sit and entertain him, but he did what he liked. So during that night, about three vases, several figurines and the already mentioned plate were broken, the Christmas tree was almost turned over twice and several of its balls were bitten. And this despite the fact that Lee ran after
Last Updated: 2023-04-10

City of inheritance
One day, a young magician received an inheritance and learned a secret about himself. He could have given up both, but he didn't. Few people will be able to give up what inspires, no matter what difficulties they get in addition to these wings.
Completed · 1.4K views
Chapter: Final
Toen boredly looked at the ceiling. A white and smooth ceiling, for some reason similar to a frozen and snow-covered lake.In general, Toen liked to lie there and do nothing. Always liked it. He just didn't want to admit it to himself for a long time. There were a lot of people around who aspired to something, wanted to achieve something, were going to grow above themselves and make great discoveries. And here he is - wanting to wallow on the beach and watch the surf lick the shore. It's stupid. And unworthy of a man.Therefore, Toen gritted his teeth and began to achieve everything in a row and in spite of everything. For a while it was even interesting. Then it stopped being interesting, but pride in oneself appeared. By that time, he had left almost all his acquaintances far behind. Then he rolled by inertia for some time, until one day he thought: why is it needed? Toen never found an answer to this question. Therefore, he quit his job and, without saying goodbye to anyone, went t
Last Updated: 2023-04-20
Chapter: Battle
Dorana managed to relax and get bored again when the guy sitting next to her naturally jumped up, froze in a strange position with bulging eyes, and then collapsed into her seat and began to think about something diligently, judging by the expression on her face. The girl was even afraid to ask why all these gestures. Suddenly it dawned on him, and right now he is inventing a recipe for eternal youth. And she will kill, and he will forget everything.Ladai's expression became at first gloomy, and then frankly gloomy. He stood up, leaned against the railing, and stared at something for a long time. Then he again returned to his place and froze in a relaxed pose, putting his hands on his knees.“Yes,” he said at last. - Do you have a shield?Dorana nodded and showed Ladai the bracelets. He scowled at them, touched them with his fingertip, and nodded.- Do you know how to sculpt birds?The girl shook her head negatively.- Badly. Liiran must be warned, they are two balconies from us, als
Last Updated: 2023-04-20
Chapter: Advice
A huge white snake and a man sitting on its head watched what was happening in the city that was dear to them. At night, they observed when most of the townspeople were asleep, and a minority was engaged in those things that are not customary to do in the light of day. Or for which they did not have enough time during the day.What was interesting to the snake and man began quite recently. In one of the oldest houses in the city, the light came on in almost all the windows. Shadows darted across the rooms. Weapons began to jingle, then human voices began to rustle. Quietly, but both the man and the snake, if desired, could hear what these people are saying. They just didn't want to.Noise in this house for a long time. Then the armed people began to disperse in small groups in order to gather around the House of Soviets and hide.The man smiled and whispered:- She was always reinsured and knew how to convince. Note that there are very few guards there, mostly people from older famili
Last Updated: 2023-04-20
Chapter: Family matters
The retelling of the conversation with the red-haired Wayne did not take much time. Then Atana told Toen in person how Khiyat confessed that he was the guardian of the cities and how those present reacted to this. I did not forget to mention that Teika, apparently from a great mind, did not come up with anything better than trying to enter the house of the keepers. For some reason, he decided that since the house has an owner, then the door there will be open. As a result, having tried to use force and influence the elements, he got back and now lay in the hospital near that very house. With a complex fracture of the leg, he was lying around, a dislocated shoulder and a blue bruise, in some places peeled off his back. Yeah, lying around was uncomfortable for him, and painkillers didn’t help much in this matter.But the brave adviser managed to share the news about Hiyata with everyone who was not lucky enough to get close enough to him. And now various rumors were circulating around t
Last Updated: 2023-04-20
Chapter: Red cloaked man
“A strong bastard,” Toen repeated, when the assistants finally left the head of the council alone, and various sympathizers stopped breaking into the house, wanting to personally make sure that she was not hurt.Atana saw everyone off with the words that she needed to rest and think that the trackers were dealing with the incident at the training ground, that everyone could offer their help and be sent to distant places by the already dissatisfied Koyan. Nobody wanted to be sent, so those who wanted to understand and help quickly ended.Atana, with a sense of accomplishment, locked the door and went into the kitchen to prepare soothing tea. And there was Toen sitting at the table, who wanted to talk.“You see,” he said, “we didn’t even notice him right away. His rustling of pebbles underfoot gave away. Almost perfect invisibility. If you don’t know where to look, you won’t even notice a slight tremor in the air. But we noticed. They waited for him to stop, and behaved very stupidly. W
Last Updated: 2023-04-20
Chapter: Finds and trap
On an island surrounded by rocks sticking out of the water, like those very dragon fangs, Taladat got with the help of a portal stone. To be honest, he was afraid to the last that Toen, who was gnawing his pipe, had calculated something incorrectly, made a mistake somewhere, and the portal would not open to an island at all. At best, in the open sea. At worst, in a cluster of rocks, from which, according to rumors, it is generally impossible to get out. But I had to take the risk. And, oddly enough, it was worth it. Some bad person set up a whole warehouse on the island, building a wooden hut and protecting it from all possible and impossible dangers, including time. And another bad, but obviously talented person managed to crack the protection against penetration and not bring down all the others. He also hung a signal above the door, which Taladat fiddled with for a very long time before he forced her to ignore him.“Deeds,” Taladath said, once inside the building.No, these were no
Last Updated: 2023-04-20

Dark souls
Returning home after the Hundred Years War, the knight could not curb his inclinations and staged an orgy where he passed. In one of the monasteries, he crucified the abbot. Dying on the cross, he cursed him to the thirteenth Kalen. Since then, freaks have been born in the knight's family: physical and mental. Which influenced the fate of France for centuries. The thirteenth descendant had to break the curse by sacrificing himself, or everything would start anew. The thirteenth offspring appeared. But has the curse been lifted?
Ongoing · 1.4K views
Chapter: 67
“I told you to leave the sword,” the woman said calmly. The knight's fingers loosened. “I didn’t see you or your coat of arms. I haven't heard of you or the sorcerers. I was just waiting for you.- How did you know that I would come? the knight asked furiously. The woman shrugged and turned to the shack. - No, you say! The knight grabbed his sword again. But the woman, without turning around, waved her hand, and his fingers seemed to burn. He stared at his hand, then at the back of the retreating woman, and with a cry he rushed to grab her and strangle her. But his hands passed through the void. And the woman herself was a few steps ahead of him. The knight hesitated.- Well? the woman asked as she continued walking toward the shack. - Will you come in? Or am I here to predict your future? The knight hesitated and followed her. Indignation bubbled in his soul - this peasant woman dared to turn her back on him, and even expose him to ridicule with her tricks. Muttering curses,
Last Updated: 2023-05-05
Chapter: 66
After a while, when there was no place for the apple to fall in the hall, the door slammed shut with a loud noise. Katya looked doomedly from one face to another: so different and so the same. Bodily deformities and mental pathologies, the gifts of the psyche and the curses of the soul - all this must soon be destroyed. All this will die and not be reborn. The poems written by a novice boy centuries ago were just poetry. And no prophecy. And now some fanatic decided in his own way to fulfill what he considered a prediction. All of a sudden, all heads went up to the glass ceiling. Katya also heard a sound and raised her head. High above her in white robes and a white mask on his face stood a man.Dear relatives! Suddenly, a voice sounded in her head. “Today, the prophecy of the old monk who was killed right on this spot will be fulfilled. Many years ago, the abbot Gilbert Orsi was crucified by our ancestor and, dying, predicted his punishment up to the thirteenth degree. Only
Last Updated: 2023-05-05
Chapter: 65
During the same week, Katya tried to leave the castle , worrying about Agnia. She was also made nervous by the ever-increasing number of relatives gathering in the castle . And also the strange behavior of golems, wearing something all the time, dragging and repairing. What caused such a pilgrimage of relatives to her, no one could clearly say. However, the sane, interrogated by her, fell into some kind of inhibited state and insisted that they should be here. By the end of the second week, Katya became more and more worried. Moreover, Guillaume became somehow apathetic and clearly tried to avoid her. And Katerina just stopped noticing her. Discouraged Katya tried to act herself. But then her clothes suddenly turned out to be dirty or washed, then the keys to the car or passport disappeared somewhere, then it rained from morning to evening, turning the roads into impassable obstacles, then the candles in the car flooded, then gasoline disappeared somewhere, then she herself ha
Last Updated: 2023-05-05
Chapter: 64
Guillaume looked attentively at Katya, sighed and opened his mouth to continue the story. Suddenly he became alert. Katya also had an unpleasant feeling. For a while, an uneasy silence surrounded and weighed on them. Then there was a thump of feet, and the door swung open. Katerina stood in the doorway, alarmed.Catherine,” Guillaume turned to her. “I feel the presence of a member of our family. Who is this? Katerina suppressed her surprise and spoke quickly.Some woman came and brought the police. She screamed that her friend had gone mad here and she was being locked up like a beast. That people are being killed and eaten here. She brought her hands up to her face. “And worst of all, the commissar who came with her is a distant descendant of ours. Guillaume looked at Katya with a smile. Then he turned to Katherine.But is it possible to influence him?Bertrand finds out just that,” Catherine said calmly.And what is the name of a friend, she did not say? Katya ask
Last Updated: 2023-05-05
Chapter: 63
Well, - Guillaume clapped his hands and rubbed his hands. – Would you like to have a bite to eat? A simple question reminded Katya of a monstrous feast, and nausea rose in her throat.No, no, she shook her head. - Do not worry.Then coffee. Suddenly, quickly, the little man rode up in his chair to the corner where he had a kitchen. It really was a miniature kitchen with a refrigerator, electric stove, microwave and dishwasher. A switch flipped, and a soft, muted light lit up the corner. Everything was sparkling clean and tidy. Jars of coffee, a sugar bowl, a teapot, a salt shaker and other little things were at arm's length. Katya watched in amazement as Guillaume deftly managed all the objects, moving his chair along the way.Yes, in this sense I am not disabled, - he said without looking at her. I have been living with a chair for a long time. It is my legs, and it would be surprising if I had not learned to manage it for so many years. He pointed Katya to
Last Updated: 2023-05-05
Chapter: 62
The room they arrived at was huge, dark, lit only by candles and torches. Through the high window openings one could see the starry sky and the full moon. A circle was drawn in the middle of the room, in which a pentagram was inscribed. There was an inscription in Latin around the circle, black candles burned at the corners of the pentagram. A cross was inscribed inside the pentagram. A smaller part of him was looking at the door. In the place where the planks of the cross met, there was a bowl. Along the walls of the round room were couches with pillows and bedspreads, which could be guessed from the outlines, since most of the room was in the shade. Bertrand de Gault came out of the darkness with a tarred torch.“Here you are,” he said, and lit a torch from a nearby candle. Sweetish smoke drifted across the room. Bertrand waved his hand. Pierre put a three-legged stool over the cup in a pentagram and led Boris to it. Boris, who had already begun to have its effect on the smoke,
Last Updated: 2023-05-05
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