
Didn't accept my love

And quickly created it

And she replaced her own mother,

But she couldn't compare!

The newly appeared stranger delivered a lot of trouble! And that pissed Lee off terribly. So cute in appearance, at first he really was like that. He sat and rubbed against his palm, like a cat, twittering something in an incomprehensible language and meowing as if. But his true nature was not long in coming! If something was not according to his desire, Nyashik spread his little wings, began to run around the room, destroying everything he saw. And then he completely took up vampire affairs: he bared his fangs at every opportunity favorable to him. He did not let up for a minute, forcing him to sit and entertain him, but he did what he liked.

So during that night, about three vases, several figurines and the already mentioned plate were broken, the Christmas tree was almost turned over twice and several of its balls were bitten. And this despite the fact that Lee ran after
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