
Lily was out and it was starting to slowly kill me. So what's slow? Terrible and unbearable! Loneliness brought me pain and coldness, and this, as a rule, drives people crazy. As I see it, vampires have also been affected.

The evening was coming to an end, and the first stars were already beginning to twinkle in the blue-black sky. My face again began to resemble a white sheet and was terribly tortured. But, despite all these metamorphoses, the realization of their uselessness was the worst thing in the world.

I was sitting with my legs crossed on a fluffy blanket, the very one that this mischievous vampire had once thrown at me, who had also disappeared somewhere. “She took him with her, which means he really is dearer to her ... - I understood, squeezing my elbows with force and digging my nails into the thin white skin. Suddenly, something warm touched my back and began to desperately stroke it all the way to the neck. I froze, unable to turn around and look into the face
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