8 Life is sometimes funny, isn't it?
Few hours prior, Shitface had made his mind. Together with Beauty, or even probably Scholar, to use Neo as bait if… or when the need arises. When Neo woke up, Beauty had said that it changed nothing. If anything, they would have been happier, given the fact that they wouldn't have to carry the bait around. It's like leading a ram to the slaughter, but the ram this time was Neo. And about Neo defending or launching an attack himself, that would have been the least of their problems – actually a swing from Shitface's metallic rod would have done the job. For all he knew, his presence must have been the reason the rambunctious muscle glory was holding the metallic rod amongst other things. But eventually, he ended up being made wraith bait by his most trusted companion. Talk about the irony. Neo would have laughed out loud if he wasn't too weak. Breathing was enough stress though. But that wouldn't make him stop thinking about what just happened. What happened between Shitface and Beauty was not a preconcorted betrayal scheme of some sort, it was just a calculated action that was most likely executed on the fly by Beauty. Neo might have done the same… most likely. Shitface had already been infected by the bite. He had lost himself already. Beauty already knew that, she was the one who treated his injury after all. It was only a matter of time before he turned to one of those mindless wraiths lunging at the crew in their most vulnerable state, so Beauty had to kill two birds with one stone, use his body to buy them some time and then prevent future calamities. All in all, it looked like an ingenious twist of fate. Well...not really. Although most of the work had been done by the elusive abstractness "fate" and it's distant relative named probability, the rest had actually been done by Neo himself. When he was on the roof, alone, he had noticed half-dead --or half-alive-- wraiths snapping and convulsing around . It took him a while, but he eventually discovered that they were snapping at him. That made him the first of the crew to discover that the invisibility they were enjoying was waning, so Neo kept observing the environment, pondering as he walked, but if anyone was nearby, they would have noticed that his pace was not a chaotic mess of steps, instead it was decisive and coordinated as if driving at a certain goal. Actually, he was. He was hiding those half-dead wraiths in the deepest of shadows where it would be the hardest to notice them. It was quite an easy task for Neo, the invisibility was still there then, albeit weak, so he would use himself to lure the wraiths into the shadows. So, if he increased his pace a little, they would lose his scent to the cloaking might he enjoyed, staying put within the confines of the shadows casted by the pale moonlight. Neo had hoped that the elusive Beauty would be the one to fall to his cryptic machinations, but it seemed her luck was as good her looks. Her boisterous lover fell instead. All in all, Neo was quite proud of his achievements, although eliminating Shitface was not his primary plan, but that way, there would be lesser potential threats that he would have to worry about, thereby granting him the luxury to concentrate on his prime suspects. Also, he found out that eliminating anyone that wasn't the threat didn't actually count as a failure, which put him in a little bit of relief, but that was not to say that he was out of the woods yet. In fact, the real battle had just begun. Neo was resting on the floor, his chest rising and dropping heavily. His breathing was labored and it was hell painful. He would wince from time to time if he inhaled too deeply. It was quite the torture. Beauty was right beside him on the floor. She was in a slightly better state, but not in good shape still. Scholar was perhaps the worst of all. He was leaning on the door, his hands dancing across the control panel of the door of the defense HQ. He was trying really hard to override the security protocol and barge into the building, but his efficiency was diminished as a result of his weariness. His eyes were closing on themselves constantly, as if he was having a tug of war with sleep in his mind. Right behind him, helping him with the rope, was the instinctual will to survive, but on the opponent's side was the mental weariness that kept assaulting his mind. The only iota of relief was that there was a semblance of safety available. Utilizing the time that Shitface's corpse had bought them, Neo dragged his body along, trying to keep up with Beauty's dashing figure. The defense headquarters was already in sight. The defense headquarters was the section of the DCC that controlled everything defense and safety, just as its name entailed. So, it had a barricade of its own, fencing round the whole DHQ, which was built in the shape of a pentagon, giving off a military vibe. But Neo didn't have time to admire the structure. Shitface's body, despite being almost twice Neo's size, didn't hold down the horde for long. He could only imagine if he was the bait. Neo glanced back to see how far from the horde he was, but he quickly forgot why he looked back when an unnerving sight caught his attention. Shitface had lost all his skin to the fangs of the wraiths. What was left of the muscle-packed man were cleanly picked bones and intact innards. The dead heart suddenly picked up, slowly at first, then it started to beat faster and faster. Rotten flesh and viscera started to grow around bare bones. Suddenly, it looked like the dead man was back from the dead. His huge rotten body sprang up and joined the horde in chasing the crew, their eyes burning with corrupted fury. "Curses!!" Neo sucked in a hoarse breath as he looked forward. Although the DHQ was quite close, it felt like it was a mile away. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, the crew finally got to the DHQ, but they weren't free just yet. The horde was still hot on their heels, but fortunately, the last crew to beat a hasty retreat closed the barricade around the DHQ but didn't lock it. So, Scholar was able to pry it open before the horde got to them, and there they were, resting and tentatively safe. A crackling sound could be heard not too far away from where Neo was resting. He raised his head only to meet a smirk plastered on Scholar's face. He had finally cracked the lock. Scholar staggered inside, his steps unsteady. Suddenly, Beauty's voice came from behind. "Follow him, he needs your help." Neo hesitated for a while and then finally obliged. The reason behind her words was clear. She wanted some privacy. Neo didn't really care about what the hell she wanted, but he also wanted to find out Scholar's motives, so he obliged. The adrenaline seemed to have resisted the weariness somewhat, so Neo was able to stand up without looking awkward. "Now let's find out what that bastard's up to," Neo thought, his frail figure swaying as it disappeared into the building.9 Neo entered the building, glancing around to find his way. It didn't take him long to find the light source, likely triggered by Scholar. The whole place was pitch black because there were no windows. Even the oxygen seemed thin. The security was... admirable. And best of all, it made tracing the light source much easier. Neo suddenly entered the room, making Scholar tremble. A dry smile appeared on his face as Neo walked up to the control deck to check out what Scholar was doing. What he saw made his eyes widen. There were two buttons beeping red. They seemed to be working on some kind of separate energy reserve, so the energy shutdown on the DCC didn't affect them. Beside both buttons were written: ... INITIATING NUCLEAR DECONTAMINATION ... INITIATING PERMANENT SHUTDOWN Neo's fist tightened as he stared at Scholar with murderous intent. His face demanded an explanation. Scholar's lip suddenly trembled, and he replied, "Fine… fine, now that you have found out, I gu
10 "Ahah!! I see you have killed him, now we are even," Beauty said, a disturbing giggle escaping her lips. "Yes, I did. That should tell you just enough about me," Neo said placidly, attempting to play the formidable and dauntless assassin. He was already on his last legs. It would be unfortunate if she chose that moment to attack, so he had to put some contingencies in place. "You should understand that there's strength in numbers, right? So why did you kill him?" Beauty said, staring daggers at him. Neo tilted his head. Beauty's understanding of "strength in numbers" made him shiver. Her concept of strength in numbers meant wraith baits, most especially the ones that would transport themselves to the point of slaughter. "How sinister." Neo cleared his throat and replied, "He tried to kill us all, so I killed him first." He tried to maintain his elusive behavior. Beauty walked up to the corpse, confirmed its death, and with her usual sinister smile, she replied again. "Now tha
11 A monster stood gallantly, its back turned to an open gate a few meters away. It looked like it was playing "eeny meeny miny moe" to decide which of the two humans before it would taste better. One of the humans, Neo actually, was struck by an epiphany in the middle of impending danger.-How timely- He had finally realized the reason for their weakness and lethargy. Since the vaccine's effect was waning, the virus was trying to take over their consciousness. He already had quite a similar experience during his test for allegiance trial so he was quite sure of the feeling. But it was of no use anyway; they were a few seconds away from being monster dessert. Speaking of vaccines, Neo had one of them stashed away in his pocket at the moment. At that moment, Neo suddenly had a crazy idea. What if he took it to suppress the virus, making Beauty—the most virus-infected—between them? The caution only said he might die; it didn't say it wouldn't work, so it was a fifty percent chance,
12 "You are on your way to the afterlife." Neo grinned, as the cloud of darkness receded gradually, the faint light of dawn piercing his eyes. He was in a cave; there were crystal cones protruding from the roof and the floor. Neo knew they were called stalactites and stalagmites, but he didn't know which was which, not that it mattered anyway. His happiness had been quenched by the sight in front of him. One look was all it took for him to know that he was not in a human settlement; in fact, he was far from it. The entrance to the cave was in sight, the visage of a glowing white sun towered above the world. "Where is this place?" Neo mused, walking towards the entrance of the cave. He felt something thin press against his pale skin. Neo looked down to check what it was, before he could recover from the shock that he was stark naked; an arrow pierced through the air with insane speed and lodged itself firmly into his shoulder. The force sent him reeling to the ground. Al
13 Neo checked out the skin and phantoms, and they were unsurprisingly empty. They were supposed to be extremely scarce anyway, so he didn't bother himself too much about them. As far as being cool went, skins and phantoms were also considered top-notch, albeit not as cool as specters, but in Neo's own opinion, they were as cool as specters, even much more so. The usage of skins and phantoms was rather simple. A skin will provide the wielder the ability to transform into a creature for a specific period of time. The usage time and cool-down period is dependent on the level of the creature. Phantoms work in an almost similar manner except for the fact that the wielder summons the creature whole without having to transform into the said creature. As for the perks and quirks, Neo already had a probable explanation for that. "[Bone of contention]," "[ten lives per second]," and Neo's second ability "[soul stinger]" were all Reaper's gifts, and they all had perks and quirks, so that pr
14 Neo was trying to fight himself free from the creature that was hell-bent on snuffing out what was left of his life. What's worse, Neo was bleeding from multiple places as blood cascaded down his naked body like a crimson stream. Speaking of blood, upon closer inspection, one would notice that Neo's blood wasn't touching the ground at all. Once close to the ground, it would suddenly turn into a spark of red lightning and dance out of existence. Neo's body also seemed to be undergoing the same transformation. His veins were slowly being replaced by red bolts of lightning as they flickered, and red sparks erupted from and around his body. Then the bolts of lightning made their way around his body, dancing and flickering. Neo's eyes shone a deep red hue as his strength exploded in leaps and bounds. He moved with inconceivable speed, grabbed the Herknidae, and pummeled it with his fists. A huge chunk of flesh vaporized out of existence, revealing the blood-soaked innards of the cre
15 "So uhm, a mutant beast would give me a beast soul, berserk two, and Amok three. The same logic should work for the monsters, devils, and the others I guess." Neo thought, finally alighting from his train of thoughts. Then he moved on. Innate ability— Crimson nebulae Remarks: You wield a tremendous power; its prowess can only be limited by your mortal body. Neo suddenly paused. The memory of him wreathed in crimson red lightning and the backlash to his body that followed flashed through his mind. "Now it all makes sense." Neo nodded weakly in understanding. He then continued. Reaper's gifts— soul stinger Reaper's remark: Energy is the foundation of all things. Perks: You gain great affinity to souls of the living. You can repair or destroy it. Quirks: During each attack, your souls become exposed. Progress— 2 Specter— Ten lives per second (soul tied), bone of contention (soul tied), cave mantle Skin-? Phantom-? Neo stared at "[soul stinger]" for a
16 It was a mural. There were three people, and two heads were missing. Neo stared at it in bewilderment, straining his eyes to make out its shape under the light bioluminescent insect lantern placed in the center of the room. After studying it for a while, Neo discovered the mural was only quite familiar with the portrait in Neo's house, but it was definitely not the same. Neo and his elder brother's head was intact in the portrait, but their parent's head was faceless, for a reason Neo would kill to find out. And strangely enough, as far as Neo knew, that was the only portrait that survived the fire. But the mural in front of Neo contained only three figures: two headless tall people, and a relatively short person with his/her head intact. It was just a bogus cave wall painting made with makeshift colors after all. So Neo couldn't quite figure out the gender or the facial features of the short person. Neo studied the mural for a while, but he couldn't figure out anything s
It was another day of death and blood in the Valley of Endless Battles. The sky was overcast, a more frequent occurrence lately. The day was still young, but the signs of the previous night's battle were still evident on the valley's terrain. Gargoyles and Harknidae were already converging in massive numbers, ready to continue where they left off the day before. The endless, harrowing cycle—an endless loop of death—was about to begin again.Neo, however, observed the activities from a particular ledge. His long, inky black hair fluttered in the wind. Something seemed different about his apparel; a deep blue cape was attached to his mantle, also fluttering in the wind and bolstering the grandeur of his stance. A great sword, silver with intricately running orange lines across its hilt, rested resplendently on his shoulder, held steady by his arm.With a sharp, unyielding gaze, devoid of emotion, Neo's expression darkened."Oh, Valley," he voiced, "I heard you never run out of fodder?"
The creature thrashed wildly, swinging its ample muscular frame around. Neo gritted his teeth, swinging like a loose hair strand, ensuring the willow vine remained firm. It didn't seem to work; the creature was furious, trying to rid itself of the parasite assaulting its body. But Neo was just too stubborn. During its wild thrashing, the creature struck the cave tunnel wall. A large chunk rained down, causing a chain reaction; a large slab of stone crumbled far away, covering a sizable portion of the tunnel. A smile threatened to break through Neo's grim expression; his plan was working. He just needed to inflict more pain. The creature was momentarily disoriented by the damage it caused, so Neo seized the opportunity to skewer another part of its belly. Repeating this several times, Neo tested his theory of pain. The creature's endurance finally gave out; it seemed to have had enough of Neo's shenanigans. It abruptly fell to the floor, rolling to crush Neo under its immense we
Neo's skin seared and hurt badly; the fur of the cave mantle was blackening and charring from the lightning coating his body. But that was the least of his problems. Bolstered by the speed of Ten Lives Per Second, further augmented by his Crimson Nebulae, Neo quickly escaped the cave chamber— where he killed the most harrowing creatue he'd ever faced, save for Seeker. Neo, being Neo, was quickly confronted with another problem. This wasn't surprising actually; he seemed to attract death and blood. One might say it was the price for having Soul Stinger and Bone of Contention, both weapons that cheated death in some way. Nonetheless, it could just be Neo's bad luck. "If only someone out there could fix my luck," Neo thought sullenly. Exiting the chamber, Neo found himself in a tunnel leading to the cave exit. He could see the pristine sunlight at the other end, but it seemed miles away. Worse, the tunnel was completely straight, offering little room to maneuver. If the harrowin
Neo pondered for a few moments, figuring the only person who he spent enough time with for the scent to rub off of him was Seeker. At least, that was Neo's assumption. There was a high possibility the leviathan feared him because of the ancient, mysterious man Neo had lived with for weeks. Thankfully, Seeker was gone, and Neo wouldn't have to worry about him anymore. But aside from that, after the creature spared Neo, it must have abandoned its wait-and-bait game. It compelled Neo to kill it so it could sacrifice its life for its unborn child. “Actually, scratch that; I’m not sure about any of this nonsense,” he muttered. “Being lonely has finally ruined my sanity,” Neo mused, shaking his head in self-deprecation. “So, what am I to do with this egg? Fry it, scramble it, or destroy it and gain more leviathan souls and probably a specter? Perhaps I’ll go with the third one,” he thought, laughing at his own dry humor. The prospect of an easy, stress-free leviathan soul was ecs
Neo stared at the creature's carcass with astonishment. He still couldn't comprehend what made it slay itself, but further thought wouldn't change anything.There was much to harvest from a creature of that caliber: its tough scales and extremely dense bones would be very useful. Feeding on the creature wouldn't be worthwhile; partly because Neo felt a connection to it, and mostly because it would be so tough it might not even digest. He'd rather eat his nameless soup or some cayherd. It wouldn't be pleasant to see the meat return whole after a stressful voyage through his digestive system.Neo summoned Weeper's Fury and got to work.He climbed onto the creature, his legs trembling slightly. He was actually standing on a leviathan! What if it was just pretending to be dead? he thought. But he quickly dismissed his doubts and began.Even though it would have been cleverer to start from the deep laceration in its underbelly, Neo couldn't turn the whole creature over. Not only because
Neo walked toward the creature. Wisps of crimson lightning crackled beneath his eyes. The massive creature's soul came into view, but instead of a single soul shrouded in a misty haze, there were two: one mature, the other immensely fragile and weak.Neo's expression remained placid as he moved with a steady gait. He raised his right arm and thrust it toward the mature soul. His arm phased through the creature's body as if cutting through air, striking the soul—a pristine orb. Cracks spread across its surface, but then something strange happened.The cracks immediately began to close, restoring the soul to its whole state. But before this process was complete, the creature intentionally halted the healing, and the cracks reappeared. The soul shattered into countless pieces, finally free from the curse of corruption. Essence from the dead soul, bending the will of the realm, flowed into the less mature soul—the power of a leviathan.[Reaping: You have slain an Amok Leviathan: Heavenly
After seeing the gigantic eye, Neo's initial reaction was to flee—something he had become quite proficient at recently.But then he didn't. He had a sudden, strange feeling that something was off. Whenever he was agitated or frantic, there was always an adrenaline rush born from fear or panic, accompanied by the killing intent surging from the threat. Neo's brain had summed up these feelings as a beacon of danger. So, since one of them was absent in his current situation, he couldn't help but notice that the giant eye, or whatever creature it belonged to, wasn't releasing any killing intent whatsoever. That was even the reason behind Neo's impetuous act of climbing the ledge, without even taking notice of the creature lying in the darkness within.Neo silently contemplated for a split second whether he should leave or check out the cave. His logical reasoning was trying to rip him apart from within, scolding him for even having the thought of staying.A wry smile suddenly appeared on
Neo breathed gently and sat down. He summoned another Dew Heart and took it, calming his nerves in the process. The sounds of carnage below him were muffled as he made a mental note of his next steps. It might take forever, but at that moment, Neo, in his little heart, determined he was going to leave that cursed valley, even if it was the last thing he did. His slightly long and bushy hair fluttered gently in the wind, as if in approval of his immense conviction. And for the first time in many years, a thin veil of cloud loomed above the Valley of Endless Battles, besmirching the ever-pristine radiance of the sun. Neo rose to his feet and stared down. Since there was no winged Seeker to break his fall, if he jumped down, he would only end up as a blood puddle. The ledge he was standing on was at least forty meters from the floor. There was no way he would fall from such a distance without reducing himself to a bloody goo. Well, maybe not, but then. Neo wasn't so much into risk
REAPER'S GLYPHS [language of the divine]Name— Reapling Neolin. Progress: Beast souls— 28Monster souls— 16Demon souls— 1…..Innate ability— Crimson nebulaeRemarks: You wield a tremendous power; its prowess can only be limited by your mortal body.**Reaper's gifts— soul stingerReaper's remark: Energy is the foundation of all things. Perks: You gain great affinity to souls of the living. You can repair or destroy it.Quirks: During each attack, your souls becomes exposed.Progress— 3Specter— Ten lives per second (soul tied), bone of contention (soul tied), cave mantle, weepers fury, whispering fang, willow vine, moon witness, dew heart, dragon blaze.Skin-?Phantom-?Neo had forgotten the ecstasy of entering his soul core for a while. Checking the glyphs with the backdrop of the mist was kind of aesthetically pleasing, or probably being in his soul core was kind of soothing. Neo couldn’t tell which. Not that it mattered anyway. There were also some noticeable changes in Neo’s