Nuke Em
North Degestan, Buratia.


Private Andrei shivered faintly against the icy cold breeze that caressed his face as he stood on top of a 50 meters high guard tower. It was a full moon but its light could hardly illuminate the Buratia Central base that was blanketed with thick sheets of snow.

The base was large enough that Andrei could hardly see the next tower adjacent to where he stood and the wind-carrying snow had hazed their visions. Even using his fog lamps had had little help with their visibility.

“It’s shitty cold out here. I hate to be on tower duty,” he turned to his partner, Corporal Anatole, who napped on his seat with his both feet placed on a table.

“As if you are not used to this cold,” Anatole responded, not opening his eyes.

“I’m used to this weather but not this high. It is much colder when you are in this altitude,” Andrei complained, “There is nothing here to guard. Nobody would dare attack the largest military base of the Capital. And the attackers would not
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