Summoned To Another World As A Useless Hero

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Summoned To Another World As A Useless Hero

By: Kayysemiu023 OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 9 views: 5

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Fujimura Minato, a college student is whisked away to another world on his twentieth birthday after falling into an abandoned well. He arrived in a world called Engrassia where he and some others were summoned to become part of elite warriors whose sole aim was to destroy the evil Overlord and save the seven kingdoms from impending doom.

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9 chapters
001. An Unusual Birthday.
"Fujimura Kun! where the hell are you going this time?""For a walk, I need to clear my head.""What's there to clear when there's nothing there?" He mocked. "Just make sure you're back in time for supper, or you'll have yourself to blame." "Yes, Yamaguchi Sama."Fujimura Minato was an orphan, he didn't know how his parents died, or if they were even still alive. He grew up in the community home for children but he was framed for committing an offense he didn't, he got kicked out. Ever since, he had been struggling to make a life for himself. "Fujimura Kun, are you leaving the mansion?""Yes, Fumiko San.""Just a minute." The older woman walked back into her little room, returning a few seconds later with a single cupcake. "Happy birthday. I know it isn't much, but it's all I have.""Thank you very much." Minato accepted the treat with an eager smile. "It means a lot to me.""Aw, that's good to hear. Well I'm headed off to rest, an old woman like me needs to sleep a lot.""Rest well
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002. Engrassia.
As Minato plummeted to his death, he noticed a bright light that almost looked like a flashlight, but then it got bigger and brighter until it was big enough to fit a grown adult. The light was bright– brighter than anything Minato had ever seen before– and he had to close his eyes to avoid being blinded by it. For a brief moment, he noticed that he had stopped falling. It felt like he was frozen in mid air, but it only last a second, no, it was more like half a second. The light began to move in a spiral and Minato was sucked up into it. The second his body entered the light, he felt a burning sensation but that only lasted a second before it stopped. It felt like his body was moving in different directions at the same time, filling him with an immense sense of nausea. He couldn't see anything but white light for about ten seconds then all of a sudden, he felt himself on a hard surface. "Ugh, what the hell was that?" He ran his hands through his hair, trying to make sense of what
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003. Unwanted.
Minato could hardly believe his ears. Not only was he summoned to another world, it turned out that he was unwanted there as well. Just how pathetic could he be? "What is an Unwanted?" The cool guy asked, staring at Minato. "Well it has been said that once in a while, an extra is summoned along with the seven heroes. This extra is completely irrelevant and never makes any meaningful contribution to the progress of the mission." The bald man explained. "On some occasion, the Unwanted ends up joining forces with the darkness, antagonizing the heroes." The other man added. "Young man, why are you here?" 'Why am I here? Why was he asking like I had any choice? It's not like I intentionally came to their world. I'm still having a hard time taking in all they had just said, and now I'm an Unwanted?' "Just a second ago you said it has never happened before. So how come you're able to give such a detailed explanation?" The cool guy asked again, getting their attention off Minato. "We
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004. The Weakest.
Minato woke up very early the next morning– well it was more like he couldn't sleep– he kept thinking about how things had gone the day before. He walked out of his room and looked around, hoping to find someone that could lead him to the training area. He hadn't walked far when he met the cool guy. "Good morning." Minato expected him to just ignore him but instead he stopped and waited till he was standing next to him. "Morning. Do you understand what the man from yesterday said or would you like me to explain it better?" He asked with his usual cool tone. "I think I got it. You guys are great heroes that'll save this world while I'm just an undesirable summoned by accident.""Yeah, that pretty much sums it up." Minato looked up at him and he smiled, though it was barely visible. "I'm kidding. The sooner we defeat this Villa dude, the sooner we can go home. Stick with me, I'm sure we can help each other out. By the way, I'm Miyano. Ichimura Miyano.""Fujimura Minato. Nice to meet
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005. Hero Training.
The appraisal was necessary to determine what level the heroes were. Naturally, they were expected to be on a low level since they had only just arrived. The most impressive rank for a hero to be during their first appraisal was the D rank. Heroes who got a D rank from the start were the ones who tend to reach great limits. The appraisal is done to find the necessary information about each hero.Every human on the planet are descendants of the great primordial gods, and while most of them are never able to fully manifest it, every human was given an ability. An ability is basically a skill that we inherit from our past ancestors. The appraisal helps in finding out what it is, so the hero's training can be directed in that aspect. Skills however are abilities that a hero learns Every hero has the capacity to acquire six skills, seven if they have an ability they're born with. Additionally, their physical strength and intelligence are important as a hero can never fully grow if he
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006. The Promise.
As he pushed his body upwards, the muscles in his shoulders and back would bulge, showing a masculine side of him that Miyano had not seen before. 'Oh wow, I never knew Minato kun was so ripped. I wonder how it would feel like to have those strong arms around me.'Miyano's face turned red and he found himself looking away out of embarrassment for thinking about something like that. Remembering his reason for staring in the first place, he called out his name, his shock coming back. "Mi…nato?"His voice came out softer than he had intended and Minato who was a few feet away from him couldn't hear his voice. "...99, 100!" He laid on the ground, panting hard when he suddenly noticed that the others were watching him. "Uh is something wrong?" He sat up, and after getting a view of his legs, Minato finally understood what had happened. "I unlocked one!" He said with excitement. "It appears so." Bato dono was just as surprised as the others were but his hatred for Minato prevented him fr
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007. Field Training.
Bato dono said the day would always start with an appraisal, and since Kaito was the one who unlocked the most chakras, he would be appraised first. Name…. Yamaguchi Kaito.Ability…. Aura.Skill…. None. Strength…. 128.Intellect…. 112.Rank…. C.Soul Power…. 200.Magicule Restraints…. 200.Feat…. Zero. Bloodline…. Primordial 01, god of fire. Chakra…. Throat, Solar pexus, Sacral, Root. "I am very pleased at your results Kaito Sama, I knew I senses greatness within you."The compliment earned a grin from Kaito and he shot a glance at Miyano. "Hmph! Let's see you top that."Name…. Ichimura Miyano. Ability…. Fury.Skill…. None.Strength…. 140.Intellect…. 150.Rank…. B.Soul power…. 300.Magicule Restraints…. 250.Feat…. Zero. Bloodline…. Primordial 07, god of war. Chakra…. Third eye, Throat, Sacral. "Wow! You must be a prodigy! How can one's stats go up this much in just a day? Most impressive Miyano Sama." Bato dono couldn't hide his shock at the huge differences between his st
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008. A Stranger.
Fear glued Minato to the ground, sweat dripping down his face. The worm was huge, probably reaching up to 10 feet in length. It looked like a regular earth worm but with a hideously scary face. 'Fuck! What do I do? It's obviously impossible for me to try and out run this thing. Even with my sharp reflexes, I don't stand a chance against this monster.'Minato didn't know what to do, his heart beat kept increasing and he felt like he was going to meet his end. 'Am I really going to die this way? What about Miyano San? How is he doing?'Minato had made a promise to become stronger because he wanted to live up to his expectations, but it was also because he wanted to be able to protect him. He had not known Miyano for a long time but he felt really attached to him. He wanted to get closer to him, to get to know him better, to become an important part of his life. But he couldn't do all that if he died just like that. 'No! Even if I don't have a chance, I'm still going to try!'He turne
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009. An Encounter With A Demon.
"Minato Chan! Minato chan!!""Would you stop yelling already?! Can't you see he's not here?""Then where the hell is he?!!"Miyano hadn't been able to concentrate on their training at all since they were teleported. He was sure Minato was standing next to him back at the training grounds, so where the hell was he?"Minato Chan!!'"Would you stop that already?!! You're really getting on my nerves." "Well I apologize if my voice is bothering you but I am trying to find my friend.""Your friend? What the hell do you know about Minato? He and I have known each other for years! And yet after just a couple of days you're acting like he means the world to you.""Maybe that's because he does! Now if you're not going to help me look for him, mind your fucking business and just go back to killing your stupid monsters."In secret, Kaito was worried for Minato as well, but that was an emotion he would never show to him or anyone else. It wasn't like him to just wander off, and even if he did, he
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