Chapter 30: Death Match

As the landscape outside shifted and changed, they found comfort in each other's presence, knowing that together they could overcome whatever challenges awaited them. In that moment, surrounded by the steady rhythm of the carriage wheels, Bing Cao and Mo Li felt a sense of peace and determination wash over them, strengthening their resolve for the journey ahead.

Unbeknownst to the rest of the world, the duo weren't even aware of the bloody battle occurring not far from where the carriage was traveling. They were lost in their own world, completely unaware that Li Wuji and Hang Feng were still locked in combat just a few miles away

[3rd move of the Ghost Martial Claw art—Specter Claw]

Li Wuji rose high into the air before striking down with his clawed hand, aiming directly for Hang Feng's head in an attempt to dissect it cleanly. How could Hang Feng allow such a thing to transpire? In one move, a Saber met the vicious claw head-on, causing sparks to resound in the air as they clashed.
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