Chapter 31: Ambush

The commotion deep in the forest went unnoticed by Bing Cao, who continued to immerse himself in thought. As for Mo Li, the time in the carriage was mostly devoted to reading the letters from her family and friends. It had been over a year since she had last seen them in person, and she missed them dearly.

'I will be home soon... Jie Mei I hope you're alright.' In this serene moment, Mo Li couldn't help thinking about her dear friend, whom she had separated from during the last Martial Gathering. Mo Li couldn't understand why her usually resourceful ally would trust a stranger in this situation.

Mo Li was not accustomed to matters of the heart, where logic often fell short in providing easy explanations. Her neat eyebrows were furrowed due to her confusion, but she knew she had to trust her friend's judgment. She sighed, hoping that her friend was safe and sound wherever she was.

"The scenery is rather unusual. It almost seems devoid of life." Mo Li shifted her focus to the carriage w
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