Chapter 7: Hidden Meaning

The rising sun marked the start of a new day, and as the sunshine began to dye the land and the buildings with its brilliance, the people of Blue Carp County began to go about their daily lives. Although most of the people living in Blue Carp County had just woken up, there were those who were awake long before the sun had risen.

The sky was beginning to turn a soft shade of pink as the first rays of the sun peeked over the horizon. Lei Wong leaned against the stone wall of the city gate, his eyes fixed on the breathtaking view before him. "Look at that sunrise, Yu Bao!" he exclaimed. "Isn't it the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?"

Yu Bao rubbed his bleary eyes and let out a yawning. "You're delusional, Lei Wong," he grumbled. "All I see is a bright light blinding me."

Lei Wong chuckled. "You need to open your eyes, my friend. Look at how the light dances across the sky, painting it in shades of gold and orange. It's like watching a painting come to life."

Yu Bao shook his head. "All I see is the same old view we've seen every morning for the past few years. It's nothing special."

Lei Wong raised an eyebrow. "Nothing special? You must be blind, Yu Bao. This is a moment of beauty that should be treasured."

Yu Bao let out a sigh. "I don't have time for your poetry, Lei Wong. I've been up all night watching the gate, and I'm exhausted. Can we please just focus on our duties and not on the sunrise?"

Lei Wong nodded. "Of course, of course. I just can't help but marvel at the wonders of the world. There's so much beauty out there, if only we take the time to notice it."

Yu Bao rolled his eyes. "You can marvel at the wonders of the world on your own time, Lei Wong. Right now, we need to stay alert and keep watch for any trouble that might arise in the city."

Lei Wong chuckled again. "Don't worry, Yu Bao. I'm always alert. And besides, with a view like this, who could ever fall asleep?" Yu Bao grunted and turned away, muttering something about crazy dreamers under his breath.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, the two guards settled into a comfortable silence, watching the city come to life below them. Despite their differences, they both knew the importance of their duties and the need to keep the city safe. And as they stood there side by side, they both knew that they would always have each other's backs, no matter what.

Just as Lei Wong and Yu Bao settled into their watch, a new recruit made his way up the stairs to the top of the city wall. He stopped in front of the two guards, saluting smartly. "Good morning, Lei Wong, and Yu Bao. I hope you had a good night's rest."

Lei Wong smiled warmly at the new recruit. "Good morning to you too, young one. How are you finding your new duties so far?" The recruit's eyes shone with excitement. "Oh, it's wonderful, sir! I feel honored to be serving the city and protecting its people."

At that moment, a captain strode up to the wall, his cape flapping behind him in the breeze. The new recruit immediately straightened up, saluting the captain with a crisp motion, "Good morning, captain." The recruit was quick to welcome the captain as soon as he saw him. "Your rather early, sir; aren't you supposed to be here a few hours from now?"

Yu Bao snorted, turning to Lei Wong with a mocking expression. "Ha! Listen to this one, Lei Wong. He's already licking the captain's boots so earnestly. I can't even wait to see if the man's worth his salt."

Lei Wong scowled at Yu Bao. "Don't speak that way, Yu Bao. That kind of conduct is unacceptable and unbecoming of a guard. We are to respect and obey our superiors, regardless of our personal opinions."

The new recruit, meanwhile, stood rigidly at attention, waiting for the captain's response. The captain looked him up and down before noddingapprovingly. "Good morning, young one. I'm glad to see that you take your duties seriously. Keep up the good work, and you'll go far in this world." The new recruit beamed with pride, saluting once more before turning to take up his post.

Lei Wong turned to Yu Bao, his voice low. "You should be ashamed of yourself, Yu Bao. Mocking a fellow guard like that is not the behavior of a true protector. And besides, the captain is just an earshot away. You wouldn't want to be overheard."

Yu Bao shrugged, unrepentant. "Bah, the captain can hear what he wants. I don't care. I'll speak my mind whether he's here or not."

Lei Wong shook his head in frustration, At times, Yu Bao would be quite brash with his comments, often not thinking before he spoke. However, to Lei Wong, he was friend no less.

Not long after the captain arrived at the wall, another man could be seen traversing his way up the flights of stairs to the top of the wall. Unfortunately, the man missed a step and crashed to the ground hard, The young recruit immediately left his post and rushed to aid the man to his feet.

"Vice-captain, sir, are you alright?" The young recruit asked as he tried to help up the man, "If you are injured, I could call the local physician to assist you."


"Am fine; there is no need to be so concerned." The man had brushed aside the recruit as he rose up, continued up the wall and abruptly waved the recruit off. "Please return to your post and resume your duties."

"Understood Vice-captain!" The guard shouted with a voice full of enthusiasm as he stepped aside with a large grin plastered on his face.

Not far away from the two men at the stone stairs, Yu Bao glanced at the smiling young recruit and heaved a sigh. "I don't understand why new recruits always try so hard." A faint smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Maybe it's because they think if they kiss enough ass, a promotion would be certain."

Lei Wong frowned after hearing his friend's words. "You shouldn't be saying things like that, Yu Bao The last time Yuan Cai heard your funny comments, I had to help you scrub the latrines for a week."

"If you're that scared of him, why don't you call him Vice-captain?" Yu Bao teased Lei Wong for his cowardice. "In fact, since he scares you so much, why don't you switch back to patrol?"

Yu Bao words cut Lei Wong deep, mainly due to the fact that Yu Bao was forcefully placed at this post due to slacking off on patrols. Lei Wong had done nothing wrong but he still decided to transfer to this post by his own volition just to stay close to his friend.

After hearing Yu Bao's foolish remarks, Lei Wong decided to remain silent. Yu Bao sensed the change that had undergone Lei Wong; he realized he had crossed the line. However, when he was about to apologize, he heard someone calling them from a platform not far away from where they were standing.

"You two over there!" A man standing on a podium not far from where they were stationed called out, "Come here this instant." Yu Bao and Lei Wong glanced at each other for a moment before reluctantly making their way over to the podium.

"Vice-captain Cai" Lei Wong paid respects to the man by bowing courteously, "Is there something that you wanted us to do?" Yu Bao hesitated before replicating Lei Wong's actions, and just like that, the two men found themselves with their heads down before the man they had just been gossiping about.

"It's really nothing," Yuan Cai said in a casual manner, "I just needed some volunteers for a very special task." The Vice-captain placed some emphasis on the term special; this unusual speech pattern caused a feeling of uneasiness to crop up in the minds of the two guards before him.

"May I ask what this task is?" Yu Bao impatiently remarked; it was clear that he and the vice-captain were not on good terms. Yuan Cai glanced at Yu Bao briefly with a demeaning look in his eyes before turning his attention back on Lei Wong.

"Our proud city is expecting some visitors," Yuan Cai said with a proud look on his face, "The guests are coming from a land very far from here."

"How far?" Lei Wong's curiosity got the better of him as he asked with an anticipating look in his eyes. Upon seeing this reaction from Lei Wong, Yuan Cai was inwardly pleased with himself for roping in this simple-minded guard so easily.

"Unfortunately, I cannot tell you," Yuan Cai said in a dejected manner, "Only those that are taking part in the operation may be given details about this matter."

Lei Wong's expression went through a drastic change, going from anticipation to sadness, Yu Bao, on the other hand, couldn't help sneering to himself at the pathetic theatrics of the vice-captain. It was clear as day that Yuan Cai was simply luring in Lei Wong by piquing interest.

"Well sir" After some internal deliberation, Lei Wong finally spoke up: "I need more time to properly think this through, I hope you understand." Yu Bao's expression brightened when he heard his friend's reply, It was a smart decision to ask for more time as they could weigh the advantages and disadvantages properly. 

"Is that so?" Yuan Cai asked in a disappointed tone, as if saddened by Lei Wong's reply. "If that is the case, you may return to your duties." Both guards lifted their heads and saluted their vice-captain before walking back to their post. As Yuan Cai watched the two guards walk away from him, he entered a deep state of thought.

'Lei Wong should be easy to convince, and while that stubborn mule may require a more forceful means of persuasion' it was evident that Yuan Cai was willing to use various methods in order to make the two subordinates take up the task. 'It seems that another pawn must be introduced into my plans.'

Yuan Cai's gaze fell to the young recruit who had rushed to his aid earlier on, During this time, a series of thoughts began to flow through his mind in a meticulous fashion. 

'Yes, he will work nicely.' Yuan Cai smiled to himself, the meaning of words a mystery.

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