Chapter 8: The Hunted

The quiet forest enveloped the clearing in an eerie stillness, broken only by the rustling of leaves and the distant sounds of nature. 'They came at the worst time' Li Wuji remained hidden amidst the dense greenery, his gaze fixed on the lifeless body of the slain white wolf that was laying in the clearing. 

The White Wolf had the strength of a peak Qi shattering realm practitioner, but its physical toughness was something a Qi shattering martial artist could never compare to. One or two may not be an issue, but a whole group could overwhelm even a Sky gathering practitioner, It was no wonder Li Wuji had such a hard time despite his strength.

A grim expression adorned his face as he recalled the events that transpired only a few moments before. 'If only my cultivation was a realm higher, perhaps I wouldn't be so helpless.' Not long-ago, He had seized the opportunity to ambush the unsuspecting creature, delivering a precise and fatal fist that tore through its abdomen, flawlessly blasting the pancreas.

From that moment on, the wolf's fate was already sealed. Although it was able to put up some notable resistance, the wounds began to accumulate before the beast finally dropped and died due to blood loss. 

Exhaustion weighed heavily upon Li Wuji as he approached the carcass of the white wolf. He knew he had to act quickly, for time was of the essence. With careful precision, he began to cut open the beast's lifeless body, intent on finding the object that lay within its stomach.

Due to his experience and meticulous work ethic, Li Wuji was able to cut through flesh and go through the organs in quick succession. It didn't take long for him to locate the beast core of the wolf, which weighed over 100 pounds. 

However, just as he was about to dissect the core from within the beast, the silence was shattered by the haunting howls of several wolves in the distance. The mournful cries echoed through the trees, carrying an air of primal aggression. 


A pack of wolves emerged from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with fury and hunger. They converged upon the clearing, their primal instincts driving them to protect their fallen comrade and avenge its death.

Li Wuji's heart began to beat faster as he realized the howls were a signal—a call to arms. A pack of nearly Fifty White Wolves was converging, drawn by the scent of blood and the loss of one of their own. A single White Wolf would probably need him to make over twenty moves just to finish off; it was evident he would be at a loss encountering the multitude before him. 

There was no need for any warning; Li Wuji knew he had a fight on his hands. The smell of their companion's blood had drawn the wrath of the Wolf pack upon him. With a renewed sense of alertness, he readied his fists and assumed a stance for the impending clash.

*RRGGHH!!* RAHH!!!* *HOWL!!!*

[2nd move of the Devil Flame Fist art: Abyssal Conflagration]

[2nd move of the Ghost Martial Claw art: Ravaging Claw]

The first wave of attackers lunged towards Li Wuji, teeth bared and claws extended. He fought with a combination of fist and claw, parrying their vicious attacks while delivering horrific attacks that sent massive shock waves, affecting those still rushing forward


'This cannot continue.' Flesh wounds began to multiply on his body, reminders of the price he paid for battling the vicious group of creatures. The levels of fatigue were gradually increasing, while his speed and reflexes began to slow down as he started to suffer more and more attacks.

"Go back…" As the skirmish unfolded, Li Wuji realized that he was getting suppressed under the relentless attacks of the wolves; if he did not do something quickly, his death would be certain. Unlike people, these wolves sacrificed their lives willingly in order to vanquish the foe, It didn't matter how many Li Wuji killed, as they would simply be five more lunging in for the kill.

The pack of wolves formed a tight encirclement; their snarls and growls were beginning to grow louder and more ferocious, It was clear that the tables had turned, and now he was the one that was approaching death's door.


At that point, his heart began pounding in his chest vehemently, Li Wuji prepared himself for a desperate tactic. He recognized that fighting them off stationery would be difficult, but he also believed that he possessed enough strength to break out of the encirclement. 

[3rd move of the Devil Flame Fist—Fist Demon]

A steady flame burned in his eyes at the time, as he took a deep breath, ready to unleash a flurry of fists focused on the vulnerable side of encirclement. In all honesty, the strategy itself was reckless, simply due to the fact that the odds of success were exponentially low and would more likely result in mutual destruction than victory

"Break!!" Luck was on his side this time around, as he was able to create a gap in between the formation that was just large enough for him to fit through. He did not come out unscathed, however, as one of the wolves he bypassed was able to deliver a vicious claw to his vertebra. Li Wuji endured the pain as he fled into the forest with his back thoroughly soaked with blood, despite the fact that the Devil Flame Fist had nearly burned it alive.

'I should address my wounds before my pursuers pick up on my scent.' Li Wuji had to abandon the corpse of the beast that held the beast core he so desired. 'No time to delay; I must keep moving.' Li Wuji darted through the dense thicket of trees, his every movement accompanied by a searing pain shooting from his wounded back. Blood stained his clothes, marking the path he left behind as a trail for his relentless pursuers.

'The pain is making it harder to move.' Li Wuji realized the growing urgency of nursing wounds and began to force his body to maintain a steady pace. 'It's only a matter of time before those vengeful carnivores pick up my trail.'

The forest closed in around him, its shadows swallowing him whole as he sought refuge from the pack. With each step, he could feel his strength waning, a reminder of the toll the encounter had taken on his body. 'My vision is blurring; I could pass out if I don't stop the bleeding.' Li Wuji could almost sense the power leaving his limbs. 'Their must be shelter or some sort of refuge nearby.'

The growing severity of wounds and gradual decline in his abilities left him with no other choice but to perform some first aid on himself. 'Between these trees should be fine' Li Wuji had no time to be selective with the location of his nursing area. it served little purpose to search for a comfortable space when you would already be dead by the time you arrived.

*Huff* *Hah* *Phew*

Finding a small alcove nestled between ancient tree trunks, Li Wuji lowered himself to the ground, his labored breaths filling the air. 

'Those bastards almost sent me to hell.' Li Wuji began to analyze his wounds with a cold expression on his face. 'I was almost done in by a pack of white wolves; I am truly pathetic.' With trembling hands, he began the arduous task of addressing his injuries. The pain intensified as he probed the deep gash on his back, but he gritted his teeth and pressed on.

'Ah, nursing a wound in such a tight place is troublesome.' Li Wuji was having difficulties reaching some of his wounds. 'It doesn't help that my vision is getting worse.' Using strips of torn fabric from his tattered garments, Li Wuji fashioned makeshift bandages to staunch the bleeding. It was a temporary solution at best, but it would buy him the time he desperately needed to evade his relentless adversaries.

'They have given up on following my trail and are now prowling around the vicinity.' Li Wuji understood the habits of predators when they lose sight of their prey. As he tended to his wounds, Li Wuji's mind raced, considering his next move. He had abandoned the corpse of the white wolf, the very creature that held a beast core he desperately coveted. It pained him to leave it behind, but his survival took precedence over his desires.

"I don't have much time," he whispered to himself, his voice laced with a steady fortitude. "I should focus on escaping this tight perimeter they have set up." With renewed resolve, Li Wuji pushed himself off the ground, his muscles protesting with every movement. He emerged from the shadows of the alcove and once again plunged into the labyrinthine depths of the forest.

'I must destroy their cooperation by limiting their communication with one another. Li Wuji was already planning ways to mount a counter attack on his hunters. As he moved silently through the underbrush, Li Wuji focused on masking his scent, using the knowledge he had gained from his encounters with traveling physicians.

He rubbed crushed leaves and herbs on his body, hoping to confound the senses of his pursuers. Every moment was crucial, and he couldn't afford to be careless.

The forest seemed to whisper secrets in his ear, guiding him towards hidden paths and forgotten trails. Li Wuji trusted his instincts, navigating through the wilderness with a mixture of caution and haste. He knew that time was running out, and he needed to find sanctuary before the pack closed in once more.

'I must survive this.' In the depths of the shadows, Li Wuji embraced the uncertainty that lay ahead. He knew that his journey was far from over, and the stakes had never been higher. With determination burning in his eyes, Li Wuji disappeared into the unforgiving embrace of the forest, ready to face whatever challenges lay in wait as he continued in his arduous quest.

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