Chapter 10

Klein quickly finished his chores as there was no way he would leave the house without doing them. He quickly got dressed ready to leave but was rudely interrupted by Marvin. 

“ I need to have my foot washed and nails polished and I want you to do it immediately!"

Klein let out a deep sigh then looked at his wrist watch, realizing that he got some minutes to spare, he quickly took off his most expensive dress he had worn to attend the interview ready to get done with her. 

“ Not bad actually" Marvin commented after having had her nails polished. “ Don't think I am going to let you go that easily" she took the bowl of water Klein had used to wash her feets and turned it over his head leaving him standing like a kid dripping with water. 

Klein thought to retaliate but then, he also never wanted anything that was going to interrupt his interview. He had made up his mind to get something done with himself so that he can make Natalie proud of him. 

Noticing that he had just a few minutes to spare, he rushed in, cleaned himself, got dressed and stomped out of Quinne's mansion. He stood out of the gate and took in a deep breath with a beautiful smile. 

Ever since after their marriage, Klein rarely went out except on days where he was sent out to run errands for the family. Attending general meetings or occasions held by close family friends was possible but it always ended in shame. His thoughts were immediately interrupted by the buzzing of his phone. 

Looking at it, it was his friend and guardian William. 

“ Hello, I am calling to wish you luck in your interview, according to the list of who will be taking you for the interview session, I realized it was your highschool mate Ryan Willow"

“ Oh" he exclaimed “waoow, thanks for letting me know" the thought of Ryan taking him for the session didn't sit well with him, they had always been on each other's neck from the very start. But at it stands he had no choice to decide on who to take him for the interview or who not to. 

Klein walked into Engrads group and was directed to the waiting area where the interview was to take place, anxiety of what will happen when Ryan sees him filled his mind but he managed to shove it off. A minute later;

“Hey Klein Anderson, it good to see you again"

“ The pleasure is all mine Mr Ryan"

“Mr Ryan!!!, that's great, how does it sound to address me in such a manner?" 

“Feels great, I mean you are the employer here and should be addressed as such"

" Great I heard you got married to one of the Quinne's top beauties and you now live with them. How is life treating you over there as a live-in-son-in-law?” He asked and flipped through Klein's file, maintaining a straight face. 

" Great,”Klein replied. 

" How is that? Is it not rumored that you both haven't consummated your marriage yet? And that you actually got married to a loser like yourself, who can not handle a project and it comes out successful?” He asked with a griddy smile on. 

“I think we should focus on the sole reason why I am here and forget about my family's affairs!!" Klein said, trying hard to maintain his confidence and composure. Klein could handle any insult directed towards him but when it came to Natalie, he never wanted anyone to talk against her, else he or she was going to get it hot. According to him, she has already endured a lot just by accepting to marry him. 

“Oh yeah sure, the interview" he replied putting the file together. 

“Well, going through your documents I have realized you do not qualify for this position” he said and dropped the file In Front of Klein.

" But why? I have a cumulative GPA of 4 on 4. And I am a quick learner and can adapt to any situation and you know that” 

" You know what, nobody cares about your cumulative GPA after highschool, after graduation what the world wants to see is what you can offer, your potential and relevant work experience. and you clearly do not have any of that”

“ Well, I do have a couple of them and it is clearly stated on my CV," Klein tried to explain, still keeping a cool face. 

“ Well not enough for the job," he said, ready to leave. 

“You are free to reapply but it is not a guarantee that you are going to get the job next time" 

" So the poor have to always be treated badly and disposed of?” Klein muttered. 

Klein was battered and confused, his high expectations had been cut short. Stepping out of the Engrade group building lost in thoughts, he received a call. 


Would you shut up and get back here immediately? You think you can just move in and out of my house without doing what you have to do properly? Get yourself back here before I lose it” 

Grace screamed over the phone Leaving Klein confused. The 10 dollars pocket money that Natalie always gives him daily was in his pocket. He decided to tag along on a kids bike so as to reach home early. 

An hour later, he was home and headed straight into the kitchen to prepare dinner. 

“I already told you not to bother yourself because you would never amount to anything" Marvin said. 

Zane intentionally pushed his spoon on the floor.

“Hey servant, pick that up" Klein, heaved a sigh then bent to pick it up only to feel the wetness of liquid running over his head. Angry and frustrated, he grabbed his hand, turned it, then pushed him to the ground. 

“Ahhh" Zane screamed in pain. Marvin rushed towards him immediately trying to massage his ankle. 

The other family members gasped in shock, this single act of his could lead to the termination of their contract with the Zane's family. 

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