Despised Son-In-Law's Legendary Rise To Power

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Despised Son-In-Law's Legendary Rise To Power

By: Essone Darrel OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 10 views: 53

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Klein Anderson, a bullied and humiliated orphan and now the live-in-son-law, who everyone looked down on and regarded as a freeloader. Is the heir to his grandfather's multi-Tillion company but all of these remained a secret. In a world where wealth and power is the weapon, Klein promised to outmaneuver and make those who looked down on him crumble at his feets and beg for mercy. A tale of resilience, revenge and redemption. 

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10 chapters
Chapter 1
In the restroom of a Lifan’s tech company, three bodied build men walked in, with a signal, one of the men grabbed Klein and slammed his head against the wall. “Ahhh…” he yelled out in pain but managed to remain silent not to draw the attention of others. “Make sure you scrub that floor properly, not forgetting the pot. I want to see it spotless. After all the only thing that differentiates you from it is the smell” he said triggering a rowing laughter in the room.Klein watched his co-workers leave the room one after the other. When they left the room, he heaved a sigh and brought himself closer to the mirror to see the bump created from the hit. Klein was already used to such treatment from his co-workers and fighting back was not an option as he suffered a lot to get that job. So enduring such treatment was nothing new to him. He was doing his best to endure so he could gather money to take care of himself and also the only man who took him in. He did all kinds of jobs from bei
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Chapter 2
It was late in the afternoon and Klien was walking down the streets of New York thinking of what to do to survive and pay the bills when his phone rang and when he looked at the phone screen, he realized it was William calling. “Klein.. where are you?! A strange voice was speaking through Williams's phone. " Give the phone to its owner” Klein screamed on the other end of the phone. " Klein, I have considered you as my own family and friend at the same time. How can you then do this to me? I trained you till the point you are in life today. How can you go about looking for trouble and I end up paying for your crimes?!”There was a faint sound of sobbing of Williams. Klein's brows furrowed because he didn't understand what he was actually talking about so he decided to go over to his apartment to understand what he was saying over the phone. Not far away from the house, he saw the neighbors loitering and chatting among themselves he quickly rushed to one and asked “Hey mister can
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Chapter 3
“ I can do this" Klein Anderson said to himself then struck the giant bell that hung by the door. Through the transparent door, he saw a maid leave the kitchen with a piece of cloth in his hand. He hates it when perverts like Klein wander around his master's mansion. “What could a dirty trash like him be doing around this vicinity? The maid cursed walking towards the door. Klein tried to support himself on the wall but he was caught off guard with a scream. “Keep your dirty self away from the Walls of this house. I don't want my master's house to be contaminated with the germs you brought with you” he said, looking at Klien with disgust. Klein was shocked at his response but he managed to maintain his conposure. “ Sorry sir, I don't mean to cause any trouble but I am here at the invitation of Mr Quinne, I have proof, and I can show it to you if you don't…” before he finished his sentence, the angry maid shouted at him even more. “I see hundreds of beggars like you everyday who
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Chapter 4
Klein took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He did not expect that the beauty who just let him into the house would be met with such confrontation from her family. " Sorry to interrupt you ma, but I have an invitation card” he said trying to answer Marvin's accusations towards Natalie but Marvin shot a scunful glare that caused him to swallow whatever he had in mind.“What gave you the mind to open your stinking mouth to speak!? Just you know, I wasn't talking to you.” She then turned to face Natalie who bowed her head biting her lower lips.“ But he has an invitation from Grandpa. You know what we have to do in such situations right, else…!“I don't care about the invitation, just make sure this reckless decision of yours doesn't end in chaos, I am warning you now to get rid of this trash!" Marvin had just finished talking when an elderly woman who was in her 60s walked in on them. She was Grace Quinne, wife of Mr Quinne. She hates it when her grandchildren fight amount themselves
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Chapter 5
Mr Quinne asked Grace to provide a room for Klein. He had officially become a member of their family. Though the official wedding ceremony was to take place in two days. Looking at Natalie, she said “Since he is going to be your husband in few days, I think it's time you start performing your wifely duties from now on”She ordered Natalie to show him to a room on the first floor in the Quinne's mansion. Natalie nodded in acceptance. “This girl has always made our family name go down the drain as if that's not enough, she is now set to marry such a clumsy lowlife! I wish Natalie was not my real granddaughter” “ Mum, just calm down, you don't need to go through this stress right now. And if I must say, always remember we still have Marvin and some others in the family. she will always elevate our families name that I can assure you. As for that loser and her husband, you don't need to worry yourself about them. She is no different from her Dad.”Angela made up her mind to say it lou
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Chapter 6
Klein learned by the door and shook his head. There was one big secret about him that only he was aware of. The wedding day is finally here. If not for Natalie's family, the wedding preparation would have ended in shame but with money and connection, that was successfully avoided. Because Quinne's family had all of that. “I just want to remind you to take care of your husband, I don't want him to go out there to embarrass our families reputation because if he does, just know the shame will be on you alone” Grace sent Natalie a message few minutes before the wedding proper. Natalie bowed her head and took in a deep breath before forwarding the message to Klein. With another caption attached to it “hope you heard her properly, make sure to keep your composure. Because this wedding is attended by Grandpa's Friends Nation wide and they are all important personalities. Klein suddenly started behaving like something was bothering him. After shaking for a while, he decided to speak up.
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Chapter 7
" Waoow our new toy is so talented” Marvin commented while they were having their breakfast. Klain was busy washing the dishes on the sink after the Quinne's family had their breakfast while Zane White was sipping a glass of wine, he had joined them for breakfast. Klein was unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time. “Klein get me a glass of water”After an expression of shock as to why he was calling him, Klein turned and continued doing the dishes. But Zane wouldn't let him be. He bellowed on him. “Hey servant can't you hear me? Or have you suddenly gone deaf?" Klein was initially filled with rage but as a nobody in the house of a wealthy man, you have no place to disrespect their guest no matter the relationship they have with them. So Klein quickly cleaned his hands, picked up a bottle of water and a glass, placed it on a tray, obediently, Klein poured the water into the glass and handed it to Zane. Zane took the glass of water in his hand and intentionally let it sl
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Chapter 8
Later that evening, another ceremony was held to officially welcome Klein into the Quinne's family. It was a ritual for each new members to the family. Klein held a glass of wine and hurried to catch up with Natalie who wanted to greet some of her friends who honored the occasion. He unintentionally smashed the shoes of an elegant young man who was coincidentally drinking wine as well. The wine nearly spilled on him causing him to quickly turn to see the bastard that almost made him stain his expensive suit. “What?!" Emile almost choked on his own spit. “Bastard, it's you again? Wait..! The last episode didn't seem to bother you at all. It's obvious you want trouble, I can serve it to you if you want!? I am very generous!”. “I still have urgent matters to attend to, thanks for coming to my welcome party" Klein muttered under his breath and walked away. But Emile was not ready to let him go just yet. “You bastard, you have no manners at all I am not done talking to you" He delibe
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Chapter 9
Klein woke up early to do his chores to avoid being punished. He was mopping the floor after having washed the toilets ready to round up for the morning when Mrs Quinne walks in. “Make sure to shape the flowers and dump the trash" a rage of fury filled his chest but he couldn't utter a word. After all he was the live-in son in law of the Quinne's family. Even after two year of being married to Natalie, he still didn't have a place in the home. Even the maid has a better place in the Quinne's family than he did. “Bastard, why are you only rounding up now?” Marvin's mum questioned rudely. “I am sorry but I think I am unusually fast today”A slap landed on his chicks. “How foolish can you be to talk back at me" He placed his hand on his cheek burning in anger but it was the most he could do. " You weakling, you are just an asshole who smuggled his way into our family mansion, I promise you, this house will be hell for you" she said and spat on him. He wiped off the saliva off his f
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Chapter 10
Klein quickly finished his chores as there was no way he would leave the house without doing them. He quickly got dressed ready to leave but was rudely interrupted by Marvin. “ I need to have my foot washed and nails polished and I want you to do it immediately!"Klein let out a deep sigh then looked at his wrist watch, realizing that he got some minutes to spare, he quickly took off his most expensive dress he had worn to attend the interview ready to get done with her. “ Not bad actually" Marvin commented after having had her nails polished. “ Don't think I am going to let you go that easily" she took the bowl of water Klein had used to wash her feets and turned it over his head leaving him standing like a kid dripping with water. Klein thought to retaliate but then, he also never wanted anything that was going to interrupt his interview. He had made up his mind to get something done with himself so that he can make Natalie proud of him. Noticing that he had just a few minutes t
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