Chapter 5

Mr Quinne asked Grace to provide a room for Klein. He had officially become a member of their family. Though the official wedding ceremony was to take place in two days. 

 Looking at Natalie, she said “Since he is going to be your husband in few days, I think it's time you start performing your wifely duties from now on”

She ordered Natalie to show him to a room on the first floor in the Quinne's mansion. Natalie nodded in acceptance. 

“This girl has always made our family name go down the drain as if that's not enough, she is now set to marry such a clumsy lowlife! I wish Natalie was not my real granddaughter” 

“ Mum, just calm down, you don't need to go through this stress right now. And if I must say, always remember we still have Marvin and some others in the family. she will always elevate our families name that I can assure you. As for that loser and her husband, you don't need to worry yourself about them. She is no different from her Dad.”

Angela made up her mind to say it loudly to the hearing of Natalie. Hearing this, her heart was broken into pieces. She has always been referred to as the useless granddaughter. A beautiful young granddaughter with a dumb brain with no bright future. Streams of tears began rushing down her chicks and she only tried to control herself by letting out a sub. 

Klein heard the faint cry of sobs, he knew pretty well such a faint sub came from his future wife. He was confused for a moment as to how he could handle the situation. It was quite evident that Natalie cried because she was disappointed getting married to a man with no future ahead. 

‘My dear, you deserve everything good life has to offer. Just be a little patient and you will be happy with the man you got married to Klein thought to calm her down with those words but on a second note, he thought it will only make her more angrier and sad. So he just followed silently praying in his heart that Natalie will calm down and stop crying. 

“This is your room, try to make yourself comfortable. You will be occupying this room for few days. She quickly turned around and brushed the tears that were about to fall off her eyes. She never wanted Klein to see how vulnerable she was that very moment. 

“Sorry to ask, but are you disappointed to be married to me? Klein suddenly asked out of the blues.

" You know what? I am highly disappointed in myself. Marvin was right, I was born to be a failure, all the decisions and projects I ever handled always ended in disaster. If only I did not make that foolish decision of letting you into the house, I wouldn't have ended up in this nasty situation of being your wife” she wipes her tears and walks out on him. But Klein quickly got hold of her wrist as said. 

“ If only you can give me a little time, I promise you will be happy with me"

He said in a soft and assuring voice. 

“Oh wow it's not been up to an hour and you two have fallen for each other so quickly? What an amazing sight to behold" it was Marvin and Everett. She was another granddaughter of the Quinne's family. She was of the same age group as Marvin. 

“Let go this instant," Natalie said, trying to distance herself from Him.

“Shusss don't be in a rush darling! Marvin said. " As a matter of fact, Everett is here to greet your future husband. Can you be at least nice? show some act of kindness by introducing him to us”

“That's right Nat, I rushed home as soon as Marvin told me our stupid cousin was getting married in four days or don't I deserve to be introduced to our future in-law?” She asks while looking at Klein with a satisfactory look to see that Natalie actually ended up with someone as clumsy as that. 

Before now, she was always scared that Nats beauty would only attract all the handsome and rich guys making them invisible but today her heart was at peace to see her settle for such a scrab like Klein. 

“Come on cousin, introduce your future husband to Everett” Marvin reminded holding back her laughter. 

Natalie wiped her eyes and walked up to Klein. “Everett, meet Klein, my future husband" 

" Oh wow," she exclaimed, walking towards Klein. By the way I am Everett Quinne, cousin to your future wife" she said and smiled. 

" So Klein, can you tell us the company in which you work? Because I have been thinking what could our grandfather have seen in you to have married his beautiful granddaughter to you” 

“hi Everett, I am Klein, and I don't have any company neither am I working with one" he said and scratched his head. 

Natalie lowered her head in shame while Marvin and Everett continued to laugh.

" Can you tell us what your last job was? Marvin asked.

Natalie prayed in her heart to hear something meaningful and appealing to the ears. But she was further stroked with another shock of her life. 

“I.. I have been unemployed for as long as I can remember recently got a cleaner job but was fired" 

Marvin and Everett couldn't contain their laughter anymore, they were so pleased to hear that he didn't just lost his job, and he was literally unemployed. 

Natalie went close to him and said

 “Never mention this to any of my family, think of something better to say if asked" that said, she turned around and left while Marvin and Everett kept laughing. 

“You said you have been unemployed right? Well I have good news for you. After your wedding, there's no need to go out looking for a job, the chores in this house awaits your presence. I will also like you to clean my office and that of my boyfriend” Marvin said, laughing even harder. 

“To be honest I don't think I can do such a thing," Klein stated bluntly. 

“Huh, so what job is good for you? Freeloader?”

" Well ladies, let's forget about that for now, you can resume your worries when I officially become your cousin-in-law. And I bet you, you would envy Natalie and will live to regret your actions". That said, he entered his room and closed the door.

“Besides being unemployed I never knew he was also a joke," Marvin said, still laughing. 

“I can't wait to see how their wedding will look like with such a disappointment she calls a husband”

“Me neither" Marvin replied and they both laughed, walking away. 

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