Despised Son-In-Law's Legendary Rise To Power
Despised Son-In-Law's Legendary Rise To Power
Author: Essone Darrel
Chapter 1

In the restroom of a Lifan’s tech company, three bodied build men walked in, with a signal, one of the men grabbed Klein and slammed his head against the wall. 

“Ahhh…” he yelled out in pain but managed to remain silent not to draw the attention of others. 

“Make sure you scrub that floor properly, not forgetting the pot. I want to see it spotless. After all the only thing that differentiates you from it is the smell” he said triggering a rowing laughter in the room.

Klein watched his co-workers leave the room one after the other. When they left the room, he heaved a sigh and brought himself closer to the mirror to see the bump created from the hit. 

Klein was already used to such treatment from his co-workers and fighting back was not an option as he suffered a lot to get that job. So enduring such treatment was nothing new to him. 

He was doing his best to endure so he could gather money to take care of himself and also the only man who took him in. He did all kinds of jobs from being a delivery man, laundry agent, he had also worked in different restaurants and hotels but he was unjustly fired without pay. 

So he did everything possible to keep it. He loved his job blindly because that was his only means of survival. 

After cleaning the director’s toilet, he heaved a sigh of relief. As he stepped out of the office, he bumped into Brian, his heart skipped a bit. 

“Come here you loser” Brian called in his husky and rude voice. He followed him in fear lowering his head. In Brian's office, Brian took a pile of papers and scattered it on the floor then he walked up and slapped him in the face,

“Pick up these documents and take them to room 20, the manager needs them.”

Being bullied by everyone in the company had become a regular occurrence for him and if he dared to utter a word or tried to defend himself, it only invited more mistreatment. 

He quickly assembled the papers and walked out of the room. As soon as he got to room 20, he stopped. He was about to knock on the door when he started hearing sounds coming from inside. When he concentrated, he heard sounds of moaning and groining. 

He decided to wait because if he didn't, he would attract more insults and punches which he wasn't ready for. He waited for about five minutes when he heard them breath heavily, he decided to knock. 

“Come inn..” as soon as Emile laid eyes on Klein, he cursed " so it's you?an  irritating son of a bitch?”

" I am sorry sir, but I was asked to give you this” extending his hand to give him the documents. 

" And so what? Can't that useless brain of yours be reasonable enough to drop it on the table and leave?” he shouted, causing Klein to freeze. 

The insults he avoided finally found its way. Klein reluctantly dropped it on the table with a sigh and was about to leave when a loud shout stopped him. 

“You fool, I need you to go over there and serve us lunch,” Emile instructed before excusing himself to the bathroom. 

Klein wanted to do everything possible to avoid any confrontation with any member of the company just to protect his job,and did as instructed. 

Holding a tray of food, lost in thoughts, Klein unintentionally bombs into Emile’s girlfriend Cleir who was standing behind him trying to get a glass of wine, he stepped on her shoes and mistakenly spilled the food on her. 

“So sorry mi…" before he could finish, a slap landed on his cheeks 

“Are you blind?" She cursed. 

" What's that? I didn't mean to smarsh your feet” 

" You have to apologize for hitting me for no reason,” Klein stated bluntly.

" And why should I? You do the math, it's your deity stinking self that stepped on my shoes and ruined my clothes, I haven't asked for compensation yet and you dare ask for an apology?”

" But I just apologized for stepping on you. Why did you have to hit me?” 

" Oh! Is that so? Let's see how it goes! She said, kicking him on the leg and spitting on him. 

Klein ignored her and quickly went on his knees trying to take care of the mess he just made. Emile walked in almost immediately from the restroom 

“Hey honey what's going on there?" 

“Klein!! What have you done? You spilled the food I worked hard to buy you good for nothing?” delivering a punch in his face. 

“Ahhhh…” he screamed 

“Mr Emile I really didn't mean to step on her shoes nor spill the food, I am really sorry, miss cleir!"

"You are a forking loser and a basterd. I expected you to continue playing tough here as well! Just an apology? Never, I will make your life miserable”.  

Touching Emile's chest “Honey, my shoes and clothes are brand new he ruined them” she said with a sad look on her face. 

Noticing her change of countenance, Emile looked at him.

" Klein Anderson right? Do not show up at work tomorrow! You are fired” 

" Please reconsider! I still have a mouth to take care of.” He pleaded, holding Emile by the hand. 

" Hands off!!, you smell” he cursed accompanied with a kick on his stomach. 

I will like to get my salary for this month”

“your salary?! Do you even know how much her shoes and clothes are worth? 

Your shabby salary can not even cover up for those.let me tell you. Your salary for this month will be used to cover part of her losses. Just get lost and I never want to see you around here ever again” 

He said with his leg kicking Klein on the face. Klein seemed unable to withstand it anymore, with swollen eyes, Klein Seethed no longer concerned about the consequences of his act after all he had lost the job without getting paid.” he grabbed Emile, 

“Do not think you can go about treating the poor as an object of exploitation for the rich you spoiled brat” he punched Emile on his mouth. 

“Ahhhgg! Emile fell to the ground groaning in pain with a bloody mouth, he had initially wanted to call on security but on a second thought, he didn't want the news to spread outside the confines of his office that Almighty Emile of Emergence Tech was beaten up by a cleaner. 

Not wanting the embarrassing gossips to spread, Emile stood up, shouting at Klein

“ You are fired, bastard, get lost. I will make sure you pay dearly for this." He screamed 

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