Chapter 2

It was late in the afternoon and Klien was walking down the streets of New York thinking of what to do to survive and pay the bills when his phone rang and when he looked at the phone screen, he realized it was William calling. 

“Klein.. where are you?! A strange voice was speaking through Williams's phone. 

" Give the phone to its owner” Klein screamed on the other end of the phone. 

" Klein, I have considered you as my own family and friend at the same time. How can you then do this to me?  I trained you till the point you are in life today. How can you go about looking for trouble and I end up paying for your crimes?!”

There was a faint sound of sobbing of Williams. Klein's brows furrowed because he didn't understand what he was actually talking about so he decided to go over to his apartment to understand what he was saying over the phone. 

Not far away from the house, he saw the neighbors loitering and chatting among themselves he quickly rushed to one and asked 

“Hey mister can you tell me what's happening here and where is Mr Williams?!

The old man pointed at one of Emiles cars from a distance speeding off. “You have offended a wrong person Klein, you offended someone you shouldn't have, this has caused William his health as he has been rushed to the hospital on an ambulance” 

“But I didn't do anything"

“Yes you did, son of a bitch" 

“Bastard" another added

For a moment Klein felt like the heavens were about to fall on his head. He was speechless. He had not expected that Emile could go this far. 

On his way to the hospital,he got hit by a hit and run driver, not having any money to go for checks, he ignored his pain and rushed to the hospital but he was asked to wait. They were still trying to make him stable after securing so many injuries and fractures. 40 minutes later he was invited to see him. 

“Klein I was asked to give you this” Mr Williams said pointing to his pocket for Klein to check and shortly after he went into a coma. Klein took out a piece of paper from his pocket and opened it. 

“Loser this is just a worm up, let me warn you. Before the sunsets, you will be left with just one leg bastard, you have messed with the wrong person” 

Klein scrapped the paper furiously, his breath rose and fell anxiously confused of how he was going to settle the bills of his guardian. 

Suddenly vera walked into the room, she raised her hand and what landed on Klein's face was a wide slap that resounded throughout the hospital. 

“Can you see what you've caused my dad? If only he listened to me when I told him not to take you in” she yelled with tears flowing down her cheeks with mucus excaping her nose. 

Still filled with anger, she through a punch at Ethan back, he punched him forcefully to the point where he almost fell to the ground.

“ Dad has been here for three hours and you are only showing up now? 

“What kind of human are you, what could be so important than his life, that you are just arriving now? She tearfully inquired. 

“It's all my fault” Klein muttered falling down on his knees “ I should have just walked out without retaliation after being fired, now he is here because of me”

“You useless son of a bastard, if anything happens to my dad I will make sure you rot in jail” she yelled. He didn't say another word as he understood the words of a grieving child could be so cruel. They were immediately interrupted by a nurse and Klein stood up and walked up to her. This makes Vera even angrier.

“You poor reached thing, how dare you walk out on me when I am still talking to you?"

Though Klein was standing by her, she walked over to Vera 

“The doctor will be with you soon to give you the details madam" the rest of the other nurses continued to look at Klein in a weird manner “ look at how shabby he looks" the gossiped as they walked on. 

Though he saw and heard what they said, he cared less about it, this was not the first time he was being treated that way. It has become part of his lifestyle. 

However things were not always this way for him not until he lost his dad and shortly after he was regarded as a bastard son and excommunicated from the family. 

Vera on the other hand had not always been like this, she was that sweet little girl but changed and left home the moment things started going south for her dad. She blamed Klein for everything. 

“Dad should have listened to me when I told him you are never going to amount to anything in this life. You are just a good for nothing who has decided to die poor and have everyone around him to suffer”

A tall elegant young man walked in and Klein called out “Doctor, what is wrong with him" but he ignored him as he didn't recognize him as a family member of the patient, he walked up to Vera and sighed before he said 

“He has serious internal injuries and broken bones, and he needs to be operated upon as soon as possible. Please sign this document and make a deposit before we can carry out the surgery” 

“A deposit? Very asked as she had not heard when the doctor first said it " Yes the deposit” he replied before walking out on them. 

She quickly opened the document and scanned through it and her eyes fell on the amount and she gasped in shock knowing full well it would be very impossible for them to raise such amount amount of money. 130000 dollers? She screamed and tears streamed down her eyes. She looked at Klein in anger knowing he was the cause of it but was too poor that he couldn't afford to pay a pin. 

Klein on the other hand screamed in shock because even if he sold everything he had, it wouldn't sum up to what was needed. 

He exited the building. He made up his mind to come up with the money to pay the bills, even if he had to get married to raise the money. 

Mr. Williams life was paramount to him as he couldn't afford to lose him.

So he took the card out of his pocket and before he knew it, he was standing in front of the Quinne's family mansion

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