Chapter 3

“ I can do this" 

Klein Anderson said to himself then struck the giant bell that hung by the door. 

Through the transparent door, he saw a maid leave the kitchen with a piece of cloth in his hand. He hates it when perverts like Klein wander around his master's mansion. 

“What could a dirty trash like him be doing around this vicinity? The maid cursed walking towards the door. 

Klein tried to support himself on the wall but he was caught off guard with a scream. “Keep your dirty self away from the Walls of this house. I don't want my master's house to be contaminated with the germs you brought with you” he said, looking at Klien with disgust. 

Klein was shocked at his response but he managed to maintain his conposure. 

“ Sorry sir, I don't mean to cause any trouble but I am here at the invitation of Mr Quinne, I have proof, and I can show it to you if you don't…” before he finished his sentence, the angry maid shouted at him even more. 

“I see hundreds of beggars like you everyday who come here trying to trick me and you think I will fall for this? You must be joking! Don't you have anything reasonable to do with your life other than roam about the gate of rich people begging? Come on, get out of here and get something useful doing with your life, I don't want to use violence!”

Klein ignored all what the maid said and quickly reached out to his pocket and took out a gold card. It was a special invention card, specially issued by Mr Quinne to whoever he wanted to visit him at his quoter. 

“ sorry to bother you sir, but you can check it yourself, it's an original card specially given to me by Mr Quinne on one of his business trips, and I am here to honor his invitation.” 

Looking at him with pitiful eyes "you can just ignore the card and walk away if you realize the card is fake.” He stretched his hand to hand over a card for him to verify but he shifted behind covering his nose. 

“I don't care, I have important things to take care of inside. Infact, don't you have mirrors in your home? Or water if I may ask? Just take a look at yourself, you do not even qualify to be a gardener at the Quinne's residence, here you are trying to see my master.” 

Looking at Klein he scoffed "oh! I forgot, purpers like you do not have homes talk less of mirrors and at the same time pride has distanced itself away from you! But you know what? Just get your filthy self out of here.”

Klein took a step back and heaved a sigh he did not expect bad luck junnied with him all the way there. He looked back and saw the maid walking away. 

“I only give you 30 seconds to get lust else you won't like my next move"

He sighed even harder, he had not thought that just honouring an invitation was also going to be accompanied with such drama of rejection. For some reasons, he was reluctant to leave. He looked for a comfortable place under a trees and sat, thinking of how he was going to see Mr Quinne without any further trouble. 

While he was sitting lust in thought on his next move, his attention was quickly drawn to the sight of a beautiful young girl standing in front of the door of Mr Quinne in a beautiful but relaxed attire. It seemed she was expecting someone as she kept looking at her phone and looking towards the road. 

Klein quickly stood up on his feet rushing towards her “hello miss,  over here" Klein shouted quite loudly, drawing the attention of the maid from the kitchen. Seeing Klein he was shocked that he was still loitering around. He quickly rushed towards them to make sure that he left the area even if it means that he uses violence on him. 

“I am sorry to bash on you but please take a look at this card. It's an official invitation given to me by Mr Quinne himself, giving me the right to go in but the maid wouldn't let me in!!! Take a look at it, he said, trying to catch his breath.  “you can check it out yourself, it's the real thing!” He said handing the card over to Her. But he was immediately interrupted by the maid. 

“Sorry, miss Natalie, I am sorry for my carelessness. I will take it up from here" the maid said walking towards Klein. 

To his surprise, instead of the beautiful damsel to scold at the maid for allowing a trash like him litter around the mansion or display an even worse behavior, she asked the maid to step back. 

“Wait a moment, I just heard him talk about an invitation from Grandpa. I need to check it out, and if it's a lie, then I will leave you to teach him a lesson he would not forget in a hurry” that said she walked passed the silent maid. 

Hearing the words of the young girl, he let out a sigh of relief. With a beautiful smile, Klein handed a gold card to her. 

“It's the real card miss, Mr Quinne gave it to me himself” 

For a second Natalie studied the card and when she found out the card was real, her brows forrowed.  

“The card is real. But one thing is still not clear about how you got this card. And if it turns out that you stole this card just to gain access into the house, one thing is sure, you will be in big trouble" he warned and returned the card to Klein.

“No miss it was given to me by Mr Quinne himself" 

“Okay, since I have warned you and you insist it's yours, you can come in, but you will bear all the repercussions that comes with your actions!”

Natalie then instructed the maid to let him in and let him seat in the waiting area where guest are usually attended to. With a beaming smile, Klein walked into the house. 

Shit! Natalie when will you ever do something good in your life!?”

Immediately Klein entered the house, Marvin, Natalie's cousin rebuked her for letting a loser like him into their home. 

“Are you stupid, how could you even think of bringing a rag into our home! Have you lost your mind?"

"But he…” Natalie tried to explain, but Marvin wouldn't let her. 

“But he what?", Marvin asked raising her voice. She paced back and forth while scratching her hair and bitting her index finger she said,

“I am going upstairs immediately to tell Grandma that her incensitive granddaughter, just let a mad man into her home, and this time around, I will make sure you don't go unpunished.

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