Chapter 51

Azmar and Veronica began to think about the problems they faced when celebrating his birthday yesterday. The mysterious statue hanging on the stage made them fear. Azmar remembered the contents of the paper he read from the statue.


The brief note made his head spin even more. He felt himself being watched from afar. He hugged his body while standing with his back to Veronica.

Meanwhile, Veronica was just sitting on the sofa in Azmar's office. However, her head was busy thinking about the problem they faced yesterday.

"You know, I'm getting dizzy. I couldn't sleep well last night."

Veronica said, expressing her anxiety. Azmar just kept silent.

"The statue hanging on the stage..who made all that?"

Veronica asked while holding her forehead. Azmar still had no response. He seemed a bit stiff.

"You…didn't you hear what I'm saying?"

Veronica said it was getting weirder to see Azmar just standing stiffly while hugging his body without saying a word. Azmar immedia
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