chapter 86

Chapter 86


Axel, Emilia, and Le Yuna finally arrived at the hiding place that Marcel had prepared. It was in an old hut located in the middle of the forest, hidden away from outsiders. The three of them walked carefully, making sure no one followed them. The car they were traveling in was parked a little far from the hut, as the small road would not be accessible by a four-wheeled vehicle.

Marcel, who had been waiting inside the hut, greeted them with a tired smile on his face. "You've finally arrived," he said as he tapped Axel on the shoulder.

"Are you okay, Mr. Marcel?" asked Axel, looking him up and down. Making sure that his partner was okay.

"He already knows, and now Maurer's target is not just you, but me too. Eventually, he'll find out that I caused the At-Tirmidzi10 ship to explode," said Marcel in a serious tone. He sat on the wooden chair again, with his gaze straight ahead.

Axel, Emilia, and Le Yuna's faces were also very tense listening to Marcel's explanation. Th
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