chapter 88


Aurel let out a long sigh, feeling quite satisfied with her achievements so far.

She had managed to climb on top of the fairly tall and sturdy wooden cabinet in her room. Now, he just needed to reach the ceiling, and open it in order to get out of his room through this unusual way. Because this was the only way. She could not access the door of her room. Not even the glass window could be smashed.

"Just a little more! Ughhttttt!" she reached up to the ceiling and pressed down slightly, checking if she could get through. And, free to get out of the room?

With the remaining strength, Aurel grabbed the edge of the ceiling made of white plywood, a plywood made of neatly packed wood, while trying to maintain balance on the narrow closet. "Ah, I should be able to open this ceiling carefully. But, it's a bit difficult, how can I open it, if it's so strong, arghh!" she said softly, hoping no one would hear her. She let out a long sigh. And, closed her eyes.

"Oh God, help me get out of
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