All Chapters of Doctors Axel's Revenge: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
95 chapters
Chapter 1
1A man sat at his desk, holding an old, faded wedding photo from the nineties.His face was flushed, his eyes misty as he gazed at the bride's portrait in the photo. Suddenly, memories from twenty-five years ago flashed through his mind.Back to 1995, when the man, who held the title of the most vicious mafia boss in Milan, Italy, was slaughtering his own wife.He wiped the blood still on the knife with his fingers, his thick lips curling into a sneer as he looked at the bloodstained sharp object."Diana, you thought... you thought you could just run away like that. Oh, no! That was not going to happen." The man in the Panama hat, the most vicious mafia boss, swung his hand again, plunging the sharp object straight into Diana's heart—his own wife, the blood-soaked woman lying helpless in front of him.Blood spurted, splattering the face of the man in the black suit. Let's call him Maurer. He roughly wiped the blood off his face.When the knife pierced Diana's heart, her body shuddere
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Chapter 2
2 After performing the autopsy, Dr. Axel returned to his office, removing his surgical mask and medical gear.He grabbed the chess set on his desk, kicking over one by one the black chess pieces—his enemies."Before attacking Maurer, I must first eliminate Daniel," Axel said as he knocked over the rook positioned behind the pawns—the defensive fortress protecting the king."But before eliminating Daniel, I must get rid of the small pawns in the front line first. Yes, I must attack Maurer's businesses that are now on the verge of collapse." He flicked the small pawns aside.Smirking, he then removed the knight—the piece that defends the king. If the rooks and knights fall, nothing can protect the king."Then the queen, I will eliminate the most valuable piece in Maurer's life—his adopted daughter who is now Maurer's motivation. Just wait, if I can't destroy your business, then your adopted daughter's heart will be shattered," Axel declared."Game over, I won't kill you quickly, but sl
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Chapter 3
3Axel sat at his desk, listening to a news broadcast about Maurer's pharmaceutical group releasing a new pain relief medication called Razqa80, touted as able to eliminate pain within minutes. This was the same drug that had been involved in legal issues and delayed for years."Maurer really has no heart, repackaging this banned drug under a different name. He's determined to market this hardcore medication that will claim more lives." Axel turned off the TV, massaging his throbbing temples."I need to work with a great lawyer to sue Maurer's pharmaceutical group. This damn Razqa80 drug contains substances that activate tumor cells in the body. That's why my uncle Marco has a brain tumor."Axel scrolled through his phone, opening the case file on Maurer's pharmaceutical company that a prominent lawyer had unsuccessfully sued two years ago. Rumor had it that lawyer would be released from prison next week."One more week and I'll meet Mrs. Le Yuna," the lawyer who previously prosecute
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Chapter 4
4One week later.The day Maurer had been waiting for arrived - when the renowned lawyer Le Yuna would be released from prison.The young forensic doctor waited in his car. Soon, a woman in casual clothing emerged from the detention center carrying a backpack, squinting against the bright sunlight as she looked around for her ride.Axel drove up and stopped in front of her. "What took you so long?" the woman protested.Axel remained silent, opening the door for her to get in. She sighed in relief once seated next to the driver."Sir, were you the one who handled my mother's murder case?" she asked, tearing up before Axel could respond. She grabbed a tissue from the dashboard and tossed it under her feet."Before discussing serious matters, could you take me to see my mother's body that you're keeping in the morgue?"Again, Axel could only nod. Yes, this was Le Yuna, born from the womb of the elderly woman tragically murdered - eliminated by one of Maurer's men for an unknown motive.
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Chapter 5
5At Marco's ResidenceAxel, his aunt, and uncle sat at the dining table laden with Italian specialties - lasagna, pizza, spaghetti, ravioli, and minestrone soup."Aunt, why did you prepare so much food?" Axel asked, puzzled. It wasn't a holiday or special occasion."The first step was a success, and the next will be too. Consider this a celebration of your initial victory, Axel," the elderly woman who had raised him explained."Aunt, this is just the beginning. Don't celebrate before I've truly won," Axel objected, thinking she was getting ahead of herself."Let her be happy, Axel. Let's eat."Axel nodded. Before the meal, they said a prayer - a family tradition of Marco's to show respect for the food.After breakfast, Marco wiped his mouth with a napkin and studied his nephew's face, so similar to the young Maurer's."So, is it true Maurer's adopted daughter will be interning at the hospital in forensics?" he asked.Axel nodded. "Yes, according to my informant, she recently applied
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Chapter 6
6 "I think today's research is finished, the results of the death history that has been neatly packaged can be delivered to my desk, later I will give you an assessment." Axel said. He put the body of Le Yuna's mother into the morgue cabinet. Then locked the cabinet using a password, which no one else would be able to open except Doctor Axel."Okay, thanks, Doc."The students dispersed one by one, only Aurel remained in the room. While staring at Axel's broad back."Sir," Aurel called out."Yes," Axel replied."Sir, thank you for saving me from that group of thugs." Aurel said.Axel turned his body around, he smiled sweetly at Aurel. "You're welcome, Miss.""Sir, to say thank you can you have lunch with me?" Aurel looked shy saying that. Because this was the first time the girl invited the opposite sex to eat together. It did sound very strange."Lunch?" asked Axel.Aurel nodded. "Yes, sir.""Maybe I can't today, Miss. Maybe some other time. Would you mind having dinner with me?""D
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Chapter 7
7The bullet from Daniel's gun missed, luckily Aurel pushed Daniel's body, causing the shot to miss its target.Aurel ran when Daniel was about to shoot Axel. She managed to save Axel!"This is too much, you should not have pulled out a gun, your weapon could harm others, Daniel!" Aurel cried out indignantly.Axel remained silent, he could only smile wickedly when he saw Aurel start to defend him, meaning his second plan had succeeded. Axel realized the girl was starting to develop feelings for him."Trapped, you fell into my trap, Miss Aurel, and I intentionally remained silent when that damn Daniel fired at me," Axel thought to himself."What is the meaning of this, Miss? You brought me here for dinner, but your bodyguard beat me up instead," Axel said angrily, grabbing his phone and car keys. He then promptly left Aurel behind.The girl ran after him carrying the red envelope containing her research paper. "Sir, the summary of my work."Axel took the papers and remained silent, the
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Chapter 8
8Part 8Maurer Djadinigrat's ResidenceAfter Aurel left the dining table, Maurer stared wistfully at his daughter's back as she got up and left without having breakfast together. It turned out his daughter was hostile towards him, by giving him the silent treatment."Daniel, have you gotten any information about that forensic doctor?" Maurer asked his bodyguard.Daniel nodded. "Regarding the information we have, the man who is a forensic doctor is the one who saved Miss Aurel, Sir. However, the bad news is that the man comes from Marco's family.""What?" Maurer was shocked, just remembering that his brother-in-law was still alive. "Who is he? Is he Marco's son?" Maurer asked inquisitively.Daniel nodded. "Yes, Marco's second son. Marco's first son is currently in the Netherlands, specifically in Amsterdam, completing his studies, while the man who is the forensic doctor is Marco's second son."Maurer seemed to ponder for a moment, still shocked, disbelieving Daniel's statement. Back
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Chapter 9
9Night time. The plan had been carefully prepared. Axel worked together with people to destroy Maurer's business, of course those people were Axel's chosen ones to destroy the pharmaceutical company.Axel succeeded in instigating the victims of the pain relief drugs who suffered the same fate as his uncle Marco - people who had tumors due to the cruelty of the Razqa80 drug. "Are you all ready?" Axel asked. The group of people he had gathered nodded together. They prepared by putting on protective suits to shield their skin."You only have ten minutes. After that, you must quickly exit the pharmaceutical building," said Axel. The group nodded again. "I understand, sir," one of them said.Axel instructed them to wait in the car. He aimed his gun at the two bodyguards waiting at the main gate. He pulled the trigger and the two bodyguards were successfully shot down, Axel's aim was on target.Once the two bodyguards were incapacitated, the five men slowly approached the factory gate
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Chapter 10
After Maurer's departure, Axel stood up but Aurel suddenly grabbed his arm. "Where are you going, sir? Oh, sorry," Aurel said, realizing her flat gaze was on the arm she had grabbed. The girl immediately released her grip. Of course, Aurel was flustered, even berating herself for foolishly grabbing Axel's arm out of reflex."Since your father is no longer here, and the issue has been resolved, I shall take my leave, Miss," Axel said, accompanied by a sweet smile. Aurel nodded. "Very well, I'll walk you out."As he was about to leave Maurer's house, Axel stopped in front of the large portrait clearly displaying his mother's image. She looked so graceful and sweet when she was young. Axel's hand reached out, and his blood suddenly rushed as he remembered that the beautiful woman in the frame had perished in a cruel and horrific way."Damn it!" Axel cursed.Aurel frowned."What are you doing, Doctor? Why are you touching my late wife's portrait?"Thump! Axel quickly withdrew his hand
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