Chapter 16: Ruckus at the Airline

Kevin arrived at the airport. Alessia booked him a first-class seat. He didn't know about it until it was time to leave.

If Kevin had known, he wouldn't have allowed her. But then, it wasn't everything he would be stopping Alessia from doing.

She was his person after all.

Kevin entered the plane and walked to the first-class seat. He found his number after searching for a while.

A woman was already sitting by the windowside. His seat was beside her.

The woman screamed suddenly as Kevin sat beside her. Kevin was so startled that he stood up, thinking there was something on the seat.

“Is something wrong?” He asked, concerned when he didn't see what was wrong with the seat.

“No way!” she screamed again, ignoring his question.

Kevin was confused.

She wrinkled her nose as if there was a disgusting smell coming from somewhere around her. “Someone needs to get here this moment!” She yelled the more.

Her shriek attracted people around. Everyone started to gather around to see what was reall
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