Chapter 0006

The thug was surprised when the knife didn't penetrate. Ava was wearing a protective vest made of a lightweight but incredibly strong graphene-Kevlar blend. She had started wearing it recently after finding herself in a dangerous situation and didn’t want to take any chances with her safety.

Seeing this, Bryan immediately kicked the man away, targeting his forehead, which instantly knocked him out.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She nodded, "Yeah, I'm okay."

Bryan nodded in return, "Ava, that's a nice name. I'm Bryan."

"Thank you, Bryan, but your cheek, is it okay?" she asked with genuine concern. Although it stung, Bryan acted cool. "Oh, no, it's nothing."

"I can tell it's something and would hurt a lot," she said, bringing out a little plaster. She gently placed it on the wound.

"Are you a doctor, having a plaster around you?" Bryan jokingly asked.

"I'm an actress. Plasters shouldn't be far from us, you know," she said.

They walked away from the thugs before they could gather themselves, and on their way, Ava invited him for coffee. She was already building interest in him.

"At least I finally found someone I can pour my heart out to," she said. Hearing this, Bryan couldn't decline, and they both went to the nearest café.

Ava then told him about her miserable life. She was an actress who considered herself unlucky, always losing roles to her rival.

"It feels like an evil spirit is always around me. Every time I’m proposed for a female lead, this lady turns up, and I’m later rejected. I lost one this morning."

She sniffled and continued, "Funny enough, the actress chosen over me isn’t good enough. She is poor at acting. I’m not badmouthing her, but it’s a fact, and I feel betrayed. Everyone knows I’m better than her."

Bryan frowned and asked, "Your name is Ava?"

She nodded. At that moment, Bryan realized she was his ex-wife's rival. He had always wanted to make his wife the main lead, and due to that, other actresses couldn't get the chances.

Also, he had heard about Ava from Liana and how she was Amelia's biggest rival. So he told Liana to keep Ava away from his wife and to always get rid of her.

He felt really bad because he was directly involved in her misfortune. He was the evil spirit. Fate really worked in surprising ways.

Then, coincidentally, their phones rang at the same time. They chuckled before picking them up and excusing themselves.

For Bryan, he was being called by the movie director, who told him that since he canceled his wife, they would be holding a party to choose the main lead of the movie and would like to invite him as a VIP. Bryan wasn't interested and declined the invitation. The director felt disappointed because he wanted to boast about knowing Bryan.

When Bryan hung up the call, Ava was already done as well, and from her facial expression, something was bothering her. She looked upset.

He couldn't keep his curiosity. "Ava, what's wrong?"

She sniffled and hesitated. She didn’t want to tell her life issues to a stranger, but she felt somehow connected to Bryan.

"My rent is overdue. The landlord is asking me to move out. I don’t have any money," she said, her voice trembling in despair.

Bryan’s brow furrowed, finding it hard to believe because her dressing and jewelry portrayed that she was well off and that shouldn't be a problem.

He gulped and, out of guilt, decided to help. "I will rent a house for you, at least until you get things right."

Ava chuckled, finding it strange. "Oh, it’s okay. I’m not telling you so you could help me. We just met today. It doesn’t sound right for you to rent a house for me."

Bryan looked determined. "It’s nothing. I just want to atone for my sin. Please, let it be my pleasure. I would really like to help. Just consider it as me renting you a room; you will pay later."

Ava was confused, but she couldn’t reject it. She needed a house. "Okay, I will surely pay you!"

Bryan led Ava to an apartment complex not too far from the café. They walked in comfortable silence, with Bryan occasionally glancing at Ava.

When they reached the building, Bryan pointed to a cozy-looking unit on the second floor.

"This is where I stay," he said, opening the door to his apartment. It was modest but neat, with simple furniture and a warm atmosphere, the evening sun glooming in it.

Ava looked around appreciatively. "This is lovely… Bryan. You are giving this to me, so where will you stay?"

Bryan smiled. "I have an extra apartment not far from here. It’s not much, but you can stay here until you get back on your feet. I’ll handle the rent."

But, in fact, Bryan wouldn't be paying any rent; he was the owner of the whole building.

Ava's eyes widened in surprise. "With just some hours of knowing you, you’ve become the best thing that ever happened to me."

Bryan smiled silently, the guilt still all over him because he was the opposite of what Ava said. He was the worst thing that happened to her.

After surveying the room, Bryan decided to leave and she escorted him out. As they were about to take the building's elevator, Bryan nearly bumped into someone.

"I'm so..." He stopped in midway and couldn't finish.

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