Chapter 0005

Bryan was broken as he walked, lost in thought. He never imagined there would be a day when he and Amelia would divorce. He had loved her so much. He stayed at the park and exhaled loudly, wondering where to go.

Then it hit him that he had just left his home. He was the owner of the house, and he shouldn't have been the one to leave. It should have been the two adulterous people.

“I should get my home back,” he groaned and was about to turn when his phone rang. it was from Amelia, he wondered the reason he was calling and she picked it up.

"Hey, You didn't pack your loads, your luggage here will just be a dirty stinky rags in the house, I urge you to come and picked it up as soon as possible!".

Bryan scoffed, and hung up the call, "Don't worry, you would be the one that will pack away from the house".

He was about to tuned when his phone rang again, he stopped and checked it. It was from Liana.

He picked it up. “Boss, the movie has been arranged and the supposed FL has been removed. I have given your wife's information to the director; she is going to be the female lead,” she informed him.

There was a brief silence before Bryan spoke. “We have divorced! It is of no use.”

“Huh,” Liana was surprised.

“I said we divorced. Just cancel everything, including the company's share transfer arrangements. Cancel it all,” he said.

Liana was overwhelmed with joy and very excited. “Wow, that is great...” she slipped.


“I am sorry, sir. I was just… somehow shocked. Okay, I will tell the director as soon as possible before he notifies her,” she said.

“Okay, do that. I will be back; prepare,” he said before finally hanging up. At that moment, Liana was the happiest woman on earth. She was so excited that she started dancing.

She had admired Bryan for years and had coveted him, and she didn't even like Amelia a bit. She was spinning around, then immediately composed herself.

Her subordinates shouldn't see their stern and serious CEO behaving like this. Liana was a very disciplined person, and all staff respected and feared her.

She calmed herself and called the director. “Hello, please cancel any arrangements you have with Amelia.”

“Huh, we are already on it and about to call her. So… should we call it off now?”

“Yes, right now! And even forbid her from casting her role for the moment. Put a stop to it,” she said. The director was surprised and found it very strange because Amelia used to be their favorite. But he didn't care that much because Amelia's acting was nothing special. She was rude and wouldn't even listen to corrections. Removing her would reduce his stress.

“Okay, I will do that,” he assured her before hanging up. Liana's face was filled with smiles. Finally, her boss would be back to her.

Bryan stood alone in the quiet cemetery, his eyes fixed on the grave before him. The headstone bore his mother's name, Mrs. Wood. He had come to pay tribute to her. He kneeled down, his knees sinking into the soft earth, and gently touched the engraved letters.

"Mom, here I am again… I have failed you. I broke my promise to you that I would be here with my wife, but I was unable to do that… I even turned into a villain to support her but…." He trailed off as he lamented.

Then, a feminine voice suddenly shrieked into the air, so loud! The voice was screaming, “Help, help, help…”

He immediately stood up and looked around, then traced the voice. It was coming from one corner of the alley. When he got there, he saw some gangs of thugs. Four of them. They aggressively held the woman and covered her mouth. They were trying to assault her!

Bryan stormed at them. “Hey, what do you think you are doing?! In broad daylight?!”

They gazed up, and the leader stepped forward. "Mind your own biz, dude, or stay there and watch real-life blues!" They all burst into laughter.

Another added, "Yeah, this ain't none of your concern, punk! We are the Blade Gang." The Blade Gang was a well-known set of thugs in the area. They were ruthless, and no one dared to stand in their way. They killed people, too.

Bryan stepped forward. "Blade… what? I have never heard of that.”

The leader motioned at his gang. “Show him what the name is made of.”

One of the thugs snarled, "You are gonna regret this, dude!" and swung at Bryan, but he dodged the blow and landed a solid punch to the thug's jaw without even stress.

The others closed in, but Bryan was ready. He fought each of them without stress at all. The leader was shocked. He brought out his knife and swung it at Bryan.

Bryan picked him up and turned him around before landing him on the floor. He was worried about the young lady and turned to her. “Are you okay?”

Meanwhile, the leader was already up and swung the knife.

"Behind you!", the lady screamed out, Bryan saw it in time and immediately dodged it.

The knife missed him but left a scratch on his cheek. Enraged, Bryan delivered a powerful punch that knocked the leader out.

then he went to help lady to her feet, Bryan was struck by her beauty, even in that state, she was still looking very astounding.

She asked him to wait, then removed her shoes and took revenge on the thugs, precision-targeting their weaknesses with impressive strength. Bryan watched, initially frowning but then impressed by her resilience.

When she finished, the lady turned to Bryan, her eyes still burning with determination. "Thank you," she said softly. "You saved me, and I need to save others too."

Bryan smiled for the statement and nodded in agreement.

As they introduced themselves, the lady stretched out her hand to shake. "My name is Ava," she said.

Ava?, The name ring a ball and also, the lady looked farmiliar.

Meanwhile, from behind, one of thugs was already on his feet, just right behind Ava, and He stabbed her with the knife.

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