A non-ending, black expanse of nothingness ..
A silence broken by sound of liquid trickling ..
Was it from the ceiling ?
Maybe. Though it didn't seem to be that high .
A low-height ceiling ?
She closed and opened her eyes a couple of times with the hope of gaining some visibility .. Then strained her ears .. Did some sound get lost into the sound of trickling ? The sound of grinding of some metal plate on something solid .. maybe stone ? Or was it hammering ? Like the sound of mincing of .. meat ? Her nose twitched at the thought. 'No it was just her wild imagination .. the effect of those horror series she loved watching on TV', she tried to convince her mind. 'Hmm .. What have I been watching last night ?' 'Strange!!! Why can't I remember the name ?' she asked herself. She tried to remember the story, instead.
A young woman suddenly wakes up to find herself caged inside a dungeon. A masked figure was pulling a body, chained and gagged. It laid it on a wooden table, and she could hear the victim's sobs - a desperate, futile yearning for life. There was another table with a number of plumber's tools on it. Plunger, pipe wrench, sledge hammer, pliers, basin wrench, hacksaw, spanner, hole saw, jigsaw and what not? She wondered what were these doing there.
She tried to turn her head but was shocked to find that a crown had constrained it from moving. Yes it was indeed a circular ornament, but too heavy for a crown. Then as blood started trickling down her earlobes, cheeks and chin .. she discovered her head to be fastened with a metallic thorn sort of arrangement. It pressed at her temples the more she struggled to set free. The man had taken out a jigsaw by this time and from the woman's groans she knew what he was doing to her. A series of cries echoed left and right and looking through the corner of an eye she could deduce the other cages to be filled with women too. 'Hey you .. mother-fucker .. son of a bitch' she shouted. She couldn't hold herself back.
The figure turned back at her and she found the mask resembling a puppet, but a horrendous one, she hadn't seen before. A pale white skin, a receding hairline in the front giving shape to a huge forehead, a pair of bloodshot eyes, a strange symbol drawn in red on its cheeks, blood smeared on the edges of lips. Clad in a black leather jacket and loose trousers, a bow-tie worn neatly around the shirt collar, the man seemed to be in a halloween party mood, except for the jigsaw held in his left hand from which fresh blood trickled.
Suddenly the man stepped aside after opening the victim's gag, as if deliberately, and the woman lying on the table started screaming her lungs out. The jigsaw blade had scraped off her face's flesh and circular patches in red were etched on her cheeks just like the symbol on the man's mask. The woman had been striped completely naked now, and whether the shaking of her body was due to the pain, shock or fall in temperature inside the room, she couldn't say. The man started humming the tune of an old bollywood number - from a classic black and white movie of the colonial era, though she couldn't remember which one.
He kept humming while caressing her skin with his knife - starting from her neck and stopping at her breasts, then going down her tummy, stopping again at her vagina. He had made small slashes, she found now, with the skill of an artist lending last-minute touches with his brush to his favourite painting. The girl was screaming perhaps more from shock of what she anticipated ahead than the pain she had to endure so far.
One by one the man was picking up the tools in his hand. Now he held a wrench and hacksaw. With deft hands of a plumber the man wrenched her nipples like he'd turn a screw and cut through the soft areole with the hacksaw. As they fell off her breasts, he fondled the nipples with his gloved hands and held them to his mouth. The girl had been crying profusely till now, her tears having mingled with the blood on her face, making it thinner. She had fainted, it seemed and a shiver ran down her spine discovering that the cold-eyed stare was aimed at her. She tried to remember where she had seen that face, but in vain. The killer had disappeared from the range of her view suddenly.
After sometime which appeared like ages, the man returned with a bucket of water. The victim's body trembled for sometime before coming to a stop and during that time she was left to do nothing other than curse herself for her hopelessness. He rinsed the body thoroughly with water, then wiped it clean with a towel. His tongue rolled out from his mouth and kept licking the blood oozing out from the wounds like a cat licks milk from a saucer. He felt his erection at last and started unzipping his pants.
She nearly jumped out of her skin. It pained her to watch the extreme insult of womanhood, being a woman herself, but she couldn't take her eyes off him. It was as if the man was a magician and she was in his trance. The woman lay on the table like pounds of mangled flesh now - a dismembered corpse with eyes gorged out from the face. The man held a sledge hammer in his hand this time. He pointed a finger to the wall across her cage and she saw something written in red. Was the place inside a cave ? Her mind returned back to her dream.
The first picture which came into mind. 'No .No. this is over generalization', she thought. There was always deviations in dreams from what one saw or read . Maybe it was a cellar below a washroom with a leaky ceiling. But still being inside a cave was a more fanciful thought. But what was that stench now ? It didn't' appear to be stony or associated with earth or debris. Not chemical .. Something organic .. Yes. Yes .. She could recognize it now. . the smell of fish not taken out of fridge for a couple of days .. She wondered what some rotten fish was doing inside a cave and controlled a strong urge to retch. Why was she feeling restless anticipating something queer about to happen ?
Suddenly something crawled up her legs .. pairs of tiny feet scurried past her thighs .. waist; pulling along a thick, rough weight of fur. It sat on her breasts parting and she could hear only her heartbeats now. It seemed a pair of eyes was staring at her, as time stood still. Just when she thought her mind was playing games in the dark, she felt its whiskers brushing her cheeks and when it opened it's mouth she could make out the two pairs of yellow incisors.
A field mouse!!! As she screamed her lungs out, expecting her dream to come to an end abruptly, like all dreams did; she found that she couldn't move her arms and legs freely now. Where was she ? She ought to be in her bed with a pillow tucked between her legs, expecting the one under her head to be lying on the floor - a sleep habit she always received a scolding for. But she seemed to be lying on the floor instead and it wasn't dry and cold like her bedroom, instead it was wet and slippery.
To her horror she found her hands and feet to be chained exactly like the victim of the tele-series. She tried to remember the face of the victim in the horror show before the killer butchered her. Following the source of liquid dripping below she looked above, having come out of her dreamy state now. As she moved her head, trying to sense the place, her chin rubbed with the cold surface of a bathtub. And she immediately recognized the hot and cold water taps .. the basin .. WC .. the faulty shower .. the mechanic .. Where was the mechanic ? In a flash she remembered the lines on the dungeon wall of the horror TV show.
'Wait for me in your dream, my sweetie'. She knew very well what those words implied, but try as she might she could hardly keep her eyelids open. The scene of the TV episode got enacted before her once again and the title of the show sent chills down her spine. She searched frantically for the name of the channel, but in vain. The camera zoomed over to the girl lying on the table now, inches away from the knife of the killer and she recognized herself this time. Almost immediately a pair of gloved hands grabbed her.
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Episode Thirty Nine - Deceived Once Again
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Now pronounced disability stood around him like the leafless trees smeared in darkness. Nobody was walking. Nobody was standing properly either. Nothing was moving anywhere. A subtle consciousness of mixed emotions - astonishment, sorrow and loneliness formed lumps inside the throat but wasn't able to manifest itself fully in the end. The divine revelation continued his speech above their heads. 'Those of you who have made it till here - the time for your final verdict has appeared. From here the path will divide into two. One goes towards heaven, the other towards hell. A sky-scraping wall separates the two. Positioned on the wall are my dedicated messengers since time immemorial. Judging the karma of your human births they will decide who chooses which path. The door of heaven would never open for those who've insulted me, been rude to others. But those who've never lost trust in me, have been honest throughout their lives, always cared for others shall always find place in heaven.
Episode Thirty Six - Sara
Scaring the shits out of him a young lady stormed inside. He recognised her immediately to be Sara - his neighbour. They stayed in the same barrack quarters. Despite their age difference of ten years they were quite friends. She was physical instructor Mr. Snehashish Dutta's only daughter. This was the man who had cured him of acrophobia. 'What's up? Won't let me in? Whom did you expect at this hour? A hooligan? A fugitive? Well he must be lion-hearted then .. a gem of a criminal .. to have hoodwinked the security. Did you expect an old rival?' When Sara spoke her words flew copiously like a mountain spring without giving the listener any chance to reply. Then eying the bottle and half-filled glass on his table she asked. 'Partying alone?' There was a twinkle in Sara's eyes. 'Just stressed out a bit', he shrugged. 'Well .. lemme guess .. you must've had a fight with your boss .. no .. you have that every other day. Then any particular case you're worried about?' The words were cascad
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Episode Thirty Four - Lost
There was darkness all around. He strained his eyes but could hardly make out anything. Then slowly shapes of wild bushes and creepers appeared. He discovered himself lying on his back with no sky above his head. How long had he been lying there? He had no idea. He rose up and sat down on the ground with legs straightened before him. He turned his head around in the hope of finding a way around. He didn't feel any fatigue. As if a long period of sleep had rejuvenated his energy. But how strange the shrubs were here. There was no smell in them. He tried to touch them but couldn't. The branches were withered and dry without leaves. Is it winter here? How did he come to such a place? He tried to remember but in vain. Nobody was speaking around him. But there had been people even a little while ago, he could bet. He had felt their presence. Were they too sleeping like him ? Where are they now? He couldn't remember anything before or after that incident. He was feeling very lighter now. H
Episode Thirty Three - Wait for me in your dreams
She heard Dad calling her mother. It was too cold outside. Dad had been calling her name since long. Why wasn't Mom getting up? Like previous times Dad had returned late from work. Even in her sleep she could feel his presence. He had knelt down before her bed and parted the strands of hair on her forehead. Then he had bent down and kissed her cheeks. The next morning when she had woken up Dad was gone again. How tired he must've been and to keep him waiting at such an hour of the night in the nail-biting cold was a crime. And then she realised that Mom had fallen asleep after a hard day's work. She hurried down from the bed and ran towards the main door. She knew immediately after getting in Dad would curse at Mom with 'Were you dead?'. Then he'd rush upstairs into his study and lock himself up. Despite knowing eavesdropping was wrong she had tiptoed up to her Dad's closed door many times. Anirban would be having a row with someone over phone. She could recall a few words like 'Tende
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It was a December night at Kolkata before Christmas. The cold had just started to show it's teeth and nails. A time when people hid themselves inside the trusting sheathe of blankets and quilts.However, barely a month more would the residents of the city be lucky enough to get a taste of winter. For the rest of the year the tiresome humidity and untimely rainfall awaited them. Perhaps I should've said a number of people and not all when I said people slept peacefully inside the cosy comforts of blankets and quilts. For many weren't lucky enough to procure them or to even have a roof above their heads for that matter. These hapless people who were generally beggars or ragpickers lighted little fires with twigs and dry leaves of trees. Often stray dogs joined them in their struggle to somehow pass away the night and long for the mercy of sun god when his seven horses would spread radiance and heat into the earth and rescue them from their state of helplessness. And this hope and wait c
Episode Thirty One - The Chase
A man was walking leisurely down the road. When Arunava asked where the nearest bus stop was he measured him with a mixed expression of surprise and irritation. 'No buses ply in this road. You seem to be a newcomer to this area. What happened? Your car broke down? Hmmm .. there's a mechanic who lives three kilometres down here. I can give you his number. But I need ..'Arunava knew what he needed. At other times he would've slapped him twice. Once for seeking bribe from a police officer and twice for talking too much without listening; but now in a remote place several kilometres away from Kolkata, in a devastated condition; he needed help desperately. He had tried to reach railway enquiry on mobile but could not. The internet had also stopped working. The man seemed to be a local from his accent. His torn clothes, sewed at places and a large jute bag on his shoulders told him that he was a vagabond, probably a ragpicker.. 'I want to reach the nearest railway station quickly. How far i