Chapter Five

     I wake up the next morning before sunrise. The castle is shrouded in an eerie darkness. On the mountain, everyone has usually risen before dawn to do the morning patrols around the territory. It would seem that I am the only early riser here. That is good, it means that I can have some time to myself without being interrupted.

    I peel the cold, crisp sheets from my body, feeling the morning air surround me. It has only been one night, and yet I already miss waking up in the mountain, surrounded by cool air and the smell of the outdoors. Here in this castle, the only thing I smell is the stench of perfume. I need to get out of here for a little while before I go insane.

    After washing my face and brushing my hair, I leave my room. I am actually quite glad I was shown around the castle yesterday. Now I do not have to worry about getting too lost.

    I make my way to the roof of the castle where I first landed when I got here. The morning air licks at my skin, and I cannot help but shiver with delight. I strip out of my clothes, letting my dragon form take over.

    Stretching my body out, I push myself off the roof of the castle and take flight. I could spend all my days just flying. It is so calm and relaxing. The freedom of flight is truly exhilarating. You stand above all that surrounds you and become one with the sky.

    I fly out of the city and into some nearby woods, heading to where I saw a lake yesterday.

    With the lake in sight, I make a swift dive into the cool water. I land, sending water splashing all around. The feeling of the cold water against my scales is soothing, and I relish in it.

    After spending some time swimming underwater, I slowly rise up, filling my burning lungs with some much-needed air. Swimming to the edge of the lake, I lumber out, extending my wings. I shake myself, expelling all the water from my body. I take in the woods around me, admiring the beauty of nature. The sprightly sound of birds and bugs fills the forest.

    My ears twitch when I hear the crack of a stick. My head snaps to where the sound came from. Off in the distance, I see a large human male gathering what I assume to be firewood. I skulk through the trees so I can get a closer look. Peeking over the treetops, I find that this human is very appealing to the eyes. His long shoulder-length curly black hair hangs loosely bouncing about his head as he reaches for some sticks. At this angle, I get a good view of his smooth bronze skin and exposed back. Many tribal-like tattoos swirling across his toned chest and arms. His muscles flex with his every movement, showing the strength of a barbarian. I must admit I am rather enjoying the sight.

    Even though I have done well hiding in the shadows of the trees, the human looks in my direction.

    "I know you’re there. Stop hiding and come out?" His deep husky voice calls out causing me to shudder. I nimbly emerge from the shadows standing tall and proud. The now rising sun glints off my midnight scales as I show myself.

    I lower my head down to his until we are seeing eye to eye. A strange feeling washes over me. The more I watch this human, the more he entices my senses and calls to my soul. His scent fills my nose, and my primal instincts are telling me to take him away and never let him go. Though I do not think the people in the castle would be too keen on me bringing back a stray human.

     Normally, when I am this close to a human, they show some form of fear, but not him. He is rather calm. Shocked, but still so calm.

    Looking up at me with a fire blazing in his eyes, he questions, "Why were you following me?"

    I snort and give him a big toothy grin. Though in my dragon form it probably looks like I am baring my teeth in anger.

    "Sorry to disappoint you, little human, but I am not following you, we were simply in the same place at the same time," I say, talking to him telepathically, unable to speak in this form. For a moment he seems startled, but the look changes to a scowl.

     "If you were not following me, why did you try to hide?" He questions.

    I chuckle, "Most humans are not like you. They piss themselves at first sight of a beast like me. You could say I was trying to save you the embarrassment,” I say.

    There is something about this human that is different, but I just cannot quite put my finger on it.

    Laughing, the man replies, "Thank you for trying to 'save me the embarrassment', but I don’t find you terrifying in the least. Your presence was a shock. But I’m most certainly not scared,” he says sounding more relaxed than before.

    "You are the strangest human I have ever met. Most of your kind are either scared or disgusted by me. But you, I have not seen an ounce of fear or disgust in you. Why is that human?" I ask curiously.

     "This might come as a surprise to you dragon, but you’re not as terrifying as you think you are." He pauses for a moment staring into my eyes with an unreadable emotion covering his face, then continues, "You’re actually quite beautiful,” he murmurs the last bit.

    The soft tone of his voice caresses my ears nearly making my heart stop. He has to be joking. No one has ever said that to me. My heart is flickering with unknown emotions from this human’s words. I have never been so affected by someone like this before. This feeling is so new, I am not sure if I like it very much.

    "Do not be ridiculous, humans have only ever seen us dragons as monsters," I grumble.

    Though I am quite pleased with his words, I cannot bring myself to admit that.

   The man sits down on a nearby rock. I cannot stop my eyes from tracing over the defined cures of his body; the way his broad shoulders sit in perfect proportion with his well-toned torso. He is so alluring that even I cannot help but admire his beauty.

     "Are dragons usually this stubborn? I just complimented you and you were so quick to refuse,” he inquires.

    I look at him thoughtfully.

     "I guess you could say that I am not used to your kind being so accepting,” I admit.

    His deep-down eyes gaze into mine a certain softness floating in them. "People are afraid of what they don’t understand,” he says.

     "I suppose you are right,” I respond.

    Lifting my head up over the treetops, I look out at the distant city taking in its worn stone roads and dull buildings.

    “So, tell me, human, what is the city like?” I ask in a hushed voice.

    “I spend most my time working in my blacksmiths shop Phoenix Fire, or out here enjoying the lake by my lonesome. But from what I’ve seen of the city in all the years I have lived here it is rather pleasant. There is constant music and plenty of food. The king takes mighty fine care of his people. It’s shown by how peaceful our country is,” he expresses in awe.

    “You are a blacksmith?” I question surprised.

    “Yes I am. It’s been my trade for many years now,” he tells me.

    “What kind of blacksmith are you?” I question.

    “Me and my business partner make weapons and armor for knights,” he replies.

    I am lucky to have met a weapon-smith, thinking back I did not bring my sword from home with me. Having a new one made would not be such a bad idea.

    The human turns his heated gaze towards me flashing a simple smile. “While you’re here, you should visit the city. You might like it,” he says.

    “I am not one for crowded places, or humans for that matter,” I tell him.

    “Visiting the city should not be so bad. There are so many people around that as long as you show up in human form, they would not give you a second glance,” he tries to persuade me.

    “Alright then, if I ever do visit the city, I will have you be my escort,” I declare.

    I look up to see that the once-rising sun now hangs full and bright in the sky. I have been gone too long. It is time to head back. I do not want the humans to think that I have run away.

    Turning to the man I ask, "What is your name, little human?"

    He looks up at me, the sun glinting off his deep brown eyes, "I'm Flavius. Flavius Black,” the man tells me.

    This is a name I will not soon forget. Flavius. I have a feeling we will see each other again soon.

    "Well, Flavius, it has truly been a pleasure, but I must be off now. I do hope we have the chance to see each other again, farewell," I say, extending my wings. Pushing off the ground I send out a gust of wind as I take off into the sky.

    "Hey, wait! You never told me your name," Flavius shouts at me.

    I briefly turn to look in his direction, but I do not reply. Messing with this human is quite fun. I cannot wait to meet him again.

    I leave the forest and head for the castle at full speed. Hopefully, no one has noticed my absence. When I reach my destination, I get dressed and head to the dining hall in hopes that breakfast will be ready.

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