Chapter Fourteen

Over the last two days, I have been spending more time with Gregory, often finding myself playing chess or just simply talking with him. For knowing him less than a week I find that he has become one of the closest people to me. He is easygoing and is not rooted in the beliefs of other humans, welcoming me rather than shunning me. Since I have spent most of my time with Gregory, I have thankfully not seen Geoffrey since our meeting in the hallway. He has been avoiding me like the plague, even going as far as to skip meals. But I must say I cannot blame him. I am not certain how I would react if I did see him again.

    When I first came here, I thought I would spend my days in complete and utter agony, but as of late I have found myself slowly falling into a routine. I am beginning to enjoy myself; I spend my mornings with the human Flavius, talking, and occasionally taking him flying. Around him I seem to forget all my problems I am free; he helps me to enjoy things I have not enjoyed in years. It is almost like living the childhood I never had.

    Being around him, I feel the absence of all negative emotions, and the presence of many positive ones; joy comes in many different forms. I can say with certainty that he is one of my reasons for joy. Though my time in Mimmgar has not been perfect I have still been able to find peace in many of the things around me.

    The sensation of my soul being released from its constraints is both wonderful and frightening. I am afraid of these feelings I have; I am afraid of losing the people closest to me again. But I am also overwhelmed with the happiness they give me. Happiness is infectious; it starts small, much like the feeling I have when I am anxious, but instead of it being worrisome, it is warm. I feel it pass through me like an ocean wave, washing away the stress of my days leaving me refreshed inside.

    I have also found that I can freely talk of my problems around Flavius without the fear of judgment. Though most of time he has no advice to offer it is still nice to relieve myself of the weight of my issues. Each morning I go to see him I leave with the happy thought that I will see him again the next day.

    Much to my disappointment, I have hardly been alone though. Gwen follows me like a lost dog; she does not talk much just follows, watches, listens to me. She is silent, the kind that falls right before you get knifed in the back. The darkness about her kisses up to my skin and sings of cruelty in my ears. Her very aura eats away at me like she is slowly dissecting every part of my being. I do not want her too close yet I cannot allow her to stray either.

     To everyone around she is the poor noble girl who is forced to serve a beast, but I know better it is in her eyes. I might have been fooled by her, if not for her eyes, they are like a lioness stalking its prey. She sees every move I make not letting up for a second. I cannot shake the feeling that something is not right with her. I have seen the eyes of many killers, behind each lays a darkness and she is no different.

    My bare feet stick to the cold marble floors as I make my way through the halls Gwen trailing behind me. My hair clings to my back like a second skin, sweat rolls off me like condensation off a cold glass. What started as a glossy sheen is now is beading down my body, but not attractively as the morning drew. It is forming tiny rivers flowing into my clothes, causing me to look as though I have been running in the rain. My black pants that once hung loosely off my hips are now wrinkled and sticking to me uncomfortably.

    Though I enjoy spending my afternoon training with the rookie knights it always leaves me a sweaty mess.

    We reach my room and Gwen opens my door for me I head straight to the window pushing it open. The cool afternoon breeze helps to dry my damp skin, I stand there enjoying the feeling.

    "Gwen, if you would have some maids draw me a bath,” I order her.

    "Yes, princess Eleonora,” she says.

    I hear footsteps and the soft click of the door. Moments later my room is filled with maids, I watch them as they bring in the tub and fill it.

    "Leave me," I say waving to the door.

    Stripping out of my clothes my skin is covered with goosebumps. I sink into the warmth of the rosy-colored water. All my muscles relax as I slump in the tub enjoying the warmth. I breathe in the light rose scented water while picking at one of the many rose petals floating around. After a moment of just sitting in the water, I grab a white rag and some soap sitting on the edge of the tub and proceed to cleanse myself of my afternoon workout. I scrub at my skin until it turns bright red and burns once satisfied, I wash my hair.

    I sit in the bath now just enjoying the water and the silence of my room, that is until there is an abrupt knock at my door. Standing, I step out of the water, not bothering to grab my towel. I walk to the door, leaving a trail of water behind me. Opening the door, I come face to face with a very old looking maid. Her grey hair is nearly falling out of the bun its placed in, she is looking at me with narrowed blue eyes her nose turned up.

    "His majesty the king has asked me to bring you these garments,” she says shoving the clothes into my arms and walking away.

    I close my door and toss the clothes given to me on the bed. I watch as a little piece of paper flutters from the clothes and onto the floor. Picking it up I gently unfold it and read what's inside-


     I hope you like the cloak I have picked out for you, be sure to put it on tomorrow before sunrise. I will be sending someone to your room with directions to the commander's cottage.


    I crumple the note in my hand, walking over to one of the many candles lighting my room burning the paper to nothing but ashes. I cannot have someone find this.

    Changing into some clothes I go and pick up the cloak off my bed examining it. It is floor-length and dark ruby red in color with a lace floral print lining the hood. Though this cloak is beautiful I will surely stick out wearing such a bright color, but it is all I have so it will do.

    leaving my room, I go to Gwen's chambers, I do not bother to knock I just open the door and walk in.

    "Gwen do not bother to come to my room tomorrow I will be leaving early in the morning to go into the city,” I inform her.

    She looks at me with slightly narrowed eyes, "Might I ask where you are going your highness?" She inquires.

    She has a stiff smile plastered on her face as her words come out forced through her clenched teeth. Though she manages to still look as prim and proper as ever.

    "I will be meeting with a blacksmith and having a sword made for myself, your presence will not be needed,” I dismiss.

    Without even looking at her I leave her room and go back to my own.

    The rest of the day goes by uneventfully, I spend most of it playing chess with Gregory. After dinner, I head to my quarters. Taking my clothes off I toss them to the floor plopping onto my bed the blankets and pillows jumping around me. Grabbing one of the blankets I pull it over my body turning onto my side. I am trying desperately to find sleep but I just cannot seem to. The excitement of what is to happen tomorrow is keeping my mind racing.

    After tossing and turning I finally fall into restless slumber.

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