Chapter Thirteen

As I walk through the halls toward Gregory's study the feeling of being watched washes over me and my skin begins to crawl. I stop in my tracks and listen for a moment. But with so many maids bustling about it is hard to find who could be the one watching me. If they are still following me then it is likely they do not know everything we are planning. With that in mind I continue to the study. I knock on the door, hearing a muffled come in, I shove the door open and stride into the room.

    Looking around the study I see Gregory positioned at his desk his white hair hanging around his head like a veil. He is looking at an old torn leather-bound book, he glances up at me in acknowledgment. He seems to be dressed quite casually wearing a black drawstring shirt and light blue vest. This is a contrast to his usual elegant and vibrantly colored robes.

    "Where did you run off to this morning Nora? We missed you at breakfast,” he asks.

    Walking across the room I grab one of the chairs sitting near the fireplace, and drag it to sit in front of his desk. The sound of the chair scraping against the wood flooring echoes through the room.

    "I went out to fly, and ran into a very interesting human,” I tell him.

    He raises his brows, "Really now tell me about this human?"

    I slump into the chair stretching my legs out.

     "His name is Flavius, he is from the city,” I say.

    I watch as Gregory's eyes become wide, and he looks up at me.

    "Flavius?" He questions.

     "Yes, you know him?" I ask.

    He smiles tenderly, "I do, he is the blacksmith   who runs the shop Phoenix Fire that makes the weapons for the royal guard. He is quite skilled,” He informs me.

    "Well, I knew he was a blacksmith, but I had no idea he made weapons for the king,” I say with surprise.

    I pause for a second, my mind becoming distracted before I suddenly remember the initial reason I am here.

    "Before I forget I wanted to tell you that I think someone may be spying on me,” I fret.

    His brows furrow together, "What do mean?" He questions, alarm sounding in his voice.

     "Someone was following me last night when I left here, and again today on my way to see you,” I tell him.

    He runs a hand through his silky white hair. His brows furrow as he thinks. I can feel as my heart starts to pick up. What if he believes me to be lying?

     "I figured someone would try to stop us from finding the truth about what happened eight summers ago, but I did not think it would be so soon,” he comments.

     He takes the leather book that he was reading when I came in and pushes it toward me, "look here, this is a record of all my soldiers both living and dead. Eight summers ago, thirty-two of my men went missing and it was later reported that they were found dead fifteen miles into your hordes territory,” he points out.

    "That matches up with the time of my brother's death. Who was leading the men?" I ask.

    "The report does not say, it simply mentions thirty-two men, no commander found dead at the scene just regular soldiers,” he explains.

    "Why was this not investigated when the soldiers first went missing?" I accuse.

    He sighs, "I was informed they had gone rogue, so I did not pursue the matter anything farther since they were all ready dead."

    "That complicates things,” I mutter absentmindedly. “Is there anything else that happened during this time that could raise a red flag?" I ask.

    Looking at me with hopeful eyes he replies, "It was shortly after these soldiers died that their commander resigned, saying if he could not keep his own men in line, he did not want to continue being a commander,” he tells me.

    My entire being shakes with hopeful excitement. Standing up I slam my hands against his desk. Gregory’s eyes widen at my sudden move, but a small smile soon appears in his face.

    "This means we need to find the commander! He most likely knew what was going on,” I shout in excitement.

    Gregory waves a hand at home willing me to settle down. Calming myself, I slump back into the chair, "What is the commander's name?"

    "His name is Ian Williams," Gregory says flipping through the book. "Ian is still living in the city, we just need to contact him."

    "Leave that up to me, I already have a reason as to why I would need to visit the city without raising alarm,” I say.

    Gregory looks at me his eyes shining, "Do tell, what is your idea?"

    I smirk and cross my legs over each other leaning closer to him.

     "I will tell everyone that I have gone to the city in order to get myself a weapon. I have heard just how skilled your blacksmith is,” I explain my idea.

    He nods in agreement with my idea, "You only have one problem, what are you going to tell lady Gwen? She is after all your lady in waiting, so it is her job to follow you and heed your beck and call,” Gregory voices the one flaw in my plan.

    "I shall tell her that I wish to be left to my lonesome, since she has to listen to me there should be no problem. I already often dismiss her so no one should be the wiser,” I come up with.

     "Brilliant!" He exclaims.

    "You seem rather excited about this?" I chuckle.

    "I feel that the sooner we resolve this the better you and everyone else will feel. Our races are close to dissipating our problems once we clear the air with this matter, I feel things will move more smoothly. But it seems to me that you are apprehensive about finding out the truth?" He speaks.

    My heart is wildly thumping in my chest, "I guess you could say I am... I am nervous. We are so close I can feel it, but there is a part of me that is scared to know the truth,” I explain.

    Gregory reaches over and pats the top of my head affectionately, "It is alright to be scared, but it is not okay to run from the truth. We have come this far, there is no reason we should stop now,” he says.

    I smile rubbing the back of my head nodding in stiff agreement.

    "Yes, you are right,” I mumble.

    Gregory closes the book in front of him pushing it to the side.

    "So that we do not raise any more suspicion, you will wait approximately three days before you go to the city. I will have a maid fetch you a cloak; it is best not to stir up any more excitement than we already have. People may already know there is a dragon in their midst, but they need not know where,” Gregory decides.

     "I agree." I do not need frightened mice alerting my prey.

    Standing up I shoot a bright full smile at him before strutting to the door.

    "I have not eaten at all today; I am completely famished. So, if you will excuse my leaving early, I am off to find something to eat I am sure there is a scrap of breakfast lying around somewhere,” I recall, smiling back Gregory waves me out the door.

     "I will see you later Nora." Nodding I leave the room quietly.

    I have barely stepped through the door when I see Geoffrey marching my way. He is dressed in a long black jacket with gold and black striped sleeves, rimmed with white cuffs. Peeking through the top of his jacket is a white drawstring shirt. He is wearing leather boots and gloves, the boots just barely missing his knees.

   I step closer to him looking into his dazzling green eyes, "Fancy meeting you here,” I chirp.

     "I have noticed you are often spending your hours around my father. Forgive me if I may seem...bold in asking this, but do you perhaps take a liking to older men?" Geoffrey implies.

    I scoff rolling my eyes, irritation rolling off my body in waves. I was being polite, and this is what I get in return?

    "Even IF it were any of your business, I shall have you know that I have no such interest in your father of that sort,” I rage.

    Suddenly he grips my shoulders tightly vehemently shoving me into the wall. The paintings hanging up clatter with the force of my body. He brings his face dangerously close to mine, I can feel his warm moist breath feathering across my cheek.

    "Anything and everything you do will always be my business, dear fiancée. As soon as we marry, you, and all your affairs, shall be mine. If I, were you, I should very well try to get used to it now, princess,” he proclaims.

His words are mocking and arrogant he pauses as he reaches the word princess, hesitant to even address me by such a term. It is increasingly obvious; he thinks I am beneath him.

    At this point my patience has shattered into a million pieces. I am blinded by a fiery rage, so bitter but contained for so long it becomes satisfyingly sweet. With my rage consuming me I lift my arm ramming it into his gut, being careful to hold back so I do not hurt him too much.

    "Gaw!" he wails, his body falling back. But before he hits the ground, I grab onto his hair, intertwining my fingers in his silky locks. Pulling his face to mine I stare him dead in the eyes, my face contorted in uncontrollable anger.

    "I think it is in your best interest that you never speak to me like that again, because I will personally cut off your cock and balls. So do not do something you will regret.  Just remember; an insect like you is nothing compared to a beast like me. Know your place human,” I hiss enraged.

    I toss him to the ground like a rag doll, his body clunks against the floor. He curls up gasping for breath all the while holding onto his stomach. He peeks up at me horror flaring in his eyes. Guess he never thought I would actually hurt him.

    I turn my sharp gaze away from him, striding down the hall with my head held high. Maid's stare and whisper as I walk past. Their eyes are full of fear, disgust, and hate, no doubt judging me for what I have done to their prince. These humans need to remember that I am nothing like them forget that and you will surely regret it.

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