Chapter Twelve

After dinner, me and Gregory, talk about simple things as we play chess. I tell him of my childhood, and what it is like growing up in the horde. I tell him of the very first time I held a sword. I was four years old, and the sword was twice my size and made completely out of iron. I could not even lift it off the ground. My father had me stay in the training hall all day until I could finally lift it. When I did, I was so happy I smiled until my face hurt. I thought nothing could ruin this moment of joy, even when my father did not acknowledge my progress.

    No matter how hard I worked my father never noticed so eventually I just stopped trying to impress him. I have only come this far by working solely for myself.

    I enjoy Gregory’s company very much he makes me feel comfortable. I cannot help but think about what it would have been like if he was my father. I know it is impossible, but I cannot help but wonder. Could I have felt the warm loving embrace of a father instead of chilling glances?

   "Nora you are too good at chess, I do not think I have ever lost so many times," Gregory says with a hardy chuckle.

    Smiling I reply, "You have only never lost because people are afraid of offending you if they win."

    He laughs at this, "Alas, you are correct." Stretching my arms over my head I let out a yawn, feeling both physically and emotionally exhausted.

     "I think I am going to head to bed now old man, thank you for..." my words trail off as I think of what to say, "Thanks for the talk, I must admit I really needed it."

   Gregory's soft brown eyes filled with kindness bore into mine.  The warm look leaves me feeling strange. I cannot help the doubt pooling in the back of my mind. He too could just be using me.

I sigh pushing those thoughts away.

    "Anytime you need me my dear I will be there,” he tells me.

    I let out a soft breath, "Thank you, and goodnight."

    Standing up from his chair Gregory helps me to my feet and leads me to the door opening it for me, "Goodnight my dear, we will talk more tomorrow." I nod and begin to head back to my room.

    The halls are dark and empty as I begin to walk back to my chambers. The cold damp air wraps around me like a heavy coat of chain mail. All the hair on my body stands on end, as my senses go haywire, the faint scent of jasmine fills my nose. My ears twitch, I can hear the soft sound of someone breathing, and light foot steps behind me. How long has this person been here? Did they hear what Gregory and I talked about? I continue down the hall pacing my steps and keeping all my senses under control so as to not alert whoever is following me. I do not feel like dealing with them right now.

    If my stalker had any intention of not being caught, they should have considered my heightened senses. Reaching my room, I stop and listen, whoever has followed me is still near, I must start being more careful. I slowly open the door; it creaks down the hall. Walking into the cold dark room I close the door behind me. I go over to the fireplace and light it up, my room fills with the soft warm glow of the flames instantly heating up.

    I strip out of my clothes throwing them to the floor and climb into the comfort of my bed. My body is tense, and I cannot seem to focus on sleep. Between finding out that my brother was killed by a dragon slayer and being stalked in the halls I am stressed. I curl myself up pulling the silky blankets over my head. I toss and turn for what feels like hours until I am swallowed up into restless darkness.


    I wake up with a jump, sweat coats my body making me feel cold and clammy, my breath is shaky. I pull the crisp sheets from my body. Not bothering to put clothes on I go to the large window on the right side of my room. Shoving it open I feel the cool morning air caressing my clammy skin. Without a second thought I push myself onto the windowsill. Closing my eyes, I let myself fall out. Wind rushes around my body, I allow myself to fall until I am only feet away from the ground then in an instant, I faze taking off into the dark morning sky.

     I fly to the same small lake I did the last time, the crystal blue water reflecting the fading moon. I dive into the ice-cold water. Rising up water drips off my scales.

    My eyes scan my surroundings taking in the lush dark green trees, the sound of birds chirping fills the air. My head turns to the direction of a familiar sweet scent. My eyes meet with Flavius's deep brown ones, he is knelt by the water's edge droplet's beading down his face and neck, his large hands cupped. He looks even more attractive than the first time I saw him.

    "Well, dragon, we meet again,” he says.

     Pushing my body to the water's edge I rest my head in the lush grass the rest of my body is still submerged in the icy lake.

    "If it is not the little human, how have you been?” I ask telepathically my voice coming out in a relaxed murmur.

   Chuckling he runs a hand through his dripping black curls.

    "I saw you only yesterday morning, you're acting as though it’s been such a long time,” he teases with a laugh.

    Has it really only been a day? I guess with everything going on my days seem longer. I have only been in the capital for three days, yet it feels more like months.

   "I suppose it has only been a day," I mutter. If I continue like this, I am going to lose track of everything.

     "Are all dragons this forgetful?" He asks cocking an eyebrow.

    I can tell he is asking warily. Whether someone is afraid of dragons or not, offending one is never wise. Fortunately, I know he is being playful and laugh lightheartedly.

     "It would seem it is only I, but in my defense, human royals can be hard to handle,” I laugh.

    "That's right; I heard the dragon was staying in the castle. All though I didn't think it was that much of a problem. After all, you’re living in luxury. That’s more than I can say for the rest of us,” Flavius says.

    I sigh, "Those who are not born into high standings do not understand the struggles we must face. While to outsiders we seem to be living well off just because we are not facing poverty, there is a dark truth behind what is really happening,” I tell him.

    Seemingly confused at my words he just sighs and turns away from me.

     "Well instead of dwelling on the things you cannot help, why not just stay here and take a break,” Flavius offers, turning back to face me.

     "Eager to have my company are you little human? Then I will stay.... for a while,” I reply.

    Talking and laughing with Flavius has made me feel a lot better. His laughter is as peaceful as the summer rain and every time I hear it my world brightens, it is as if the sound lifted a veil from my eyes and allowed me to see things more clearly. Calm is the forest surrounding us, just being here brings my soul into surrender at one with nature. I wish my life could stay like this calm and serene, without the heavyweight of duty and loyalty.

    Lifting my head up I look into the dull gloomy grey sky. There are dark lush clouds covering most of the sun, I feel a cold raindrop hit my nose.

     "Does it rain here often?" I ask my eyes still glued to the sky.

    "Not usually, but when it does it's quite heavy,” Flavius informs me.

    “There is hardly ever any rainfall at the Perilous mountains as well. There is something about the rain that is just so peaceful. It helps to wash away one's stress,” I voice.

    Flavius looks up at me thoughtfully, “If you don’t mind me asking what is it that troubles you?”

    “You see my father Valdis; chieftain of my horde is quite the cunning man. I live by a just code of honor, if I say I will do something then I most certainly will. He used that against me when I was first told that I was to be sent to Samirya it was only as an ambassador to protect the people. Later on, I found out that I was to marry prince Geoffrey. Marrying the prince is the last thing I want to do but I currently do not have the power to defy my father,” I tell him.

    Flavius scratches his chin as if thinking then looks up into my eyes, “I wish there were some words of advice I could offer to such a predicament, but I have not enough knowledge on such affairs. But I can always lend an ear, I’ve found that sometimes simply saying your problems aloud can aid in finding a proper solution.”

    “You are right, it would seem that telling you has already made me feel lighter. Even if just a bit,” I say thankfully.

    I climb out of the lake water pouring from my body, "Say, little human, care for a ride in the rain,” I ask.

    I stare at his shock ridden face, "Do you mean ride as in taking me flying?"

    "What else would I mean,” I say.

     Extending my wing down to the ground I look at him, “Hurry, get on."

    Flavius is grinning brightly, as I feel him pull himself up onto my back his rough hands brushing my scales lightly. His touch is warm, and my body pulses with electricity leaving me near breathless.

    Once he is on my back, I turn my head until I can just barely see him, "Sit on my head and hold onto my horns, I do not need you falling off."

     "I wouldn't dream of it,” he responds laughing.

    He climbs onto my head grabbing onto a small horn on my snout. As soon as I feel his arms wrap securely around my horn I take off into the clouds. The wind blows strongly against me as the rain picks up. It pellets against me, falling from the white velvet sky.

    "This is incredible," he breaths out, "I could get used to the scene from up here."

     "I know what you mean, no matter how many times I do this it never gets old,” I agree.

    “I’m surprised though that you’ve allowed me to ride you,” Flavius comments thoughtfully.

    “It is strange, you are the first person I have allowed to ride me. But for some reason I feel like I can trust you,” I admit.

    I never would have let someone ride me before because for me that is too close for comfort. But something about Flavius draws me in and makes me feel as though he is trust worthy.

    “I’m glad that you feel as though you can trust me,” he replies.

    After the small exchange we go quite enjoying the silence of the whispering wind.

    Flying over the city I watch as the weather washes everything anew, bringing deep puddles into which children splash. I gain a great sense of being alive. From such beautiful simplicity comes everything I love, the floral, the fauna, the very essence of nature itself.

    Finally, I land near the city sending some nearby humans scattering, the smell of their fright filling my nostrils. I let Flavius off my head, already missing his touch.

     "I have to leave for now little human, but we should do this again sometime,” I say.

    "We should,” he replies rubbing my nose, his deep voice causing me to quiver.

    “Before you go, please tell me your name?” He asks.

    “I think it is much more fun when I leave with a little mystery. How about this, if I find myself in the city, I will be sure to visit you, then and only then will I tell you my name,” I promise him.

    “All right then, be sure to visit soon, I’d hate to be kept waiting,” he says playfully.

    I look into his intense brown eyes that have traces of a light hazel burning in them. He blinks and the beauty is momentarily covered by the shield of his long and soft looking lashes. I take in every dip and curve of his face, his high strong cheekbones, and largely defined jaw. His nose long and sharp with a bit of a crook as if it were once broken. By the time he opens his eyes again, I am still not fully recovered from his intense stare. My heart is booming erratically in my chest. What is this human doing to me?

    I look away and take off into the sky without another word, only the silent promise that we would soon meet again.

    I reach the castle and go back to my quarters, getting stares from the people around me as I walk down the hall naked and dripping wet. Once in my room, I pick up a towel that I had just lying on the floor and begin to dry myself off.

    Fully clothed I leave my room and begin to head for Gregory's study hoping to find him there. But I am stopped by Gwen whose standing outside my chambers.

    “Is there something you need Gwen,” I ask.

    “I am just waiting for you orders princess Eleonora,” she says with her eyes cast down.

    “I am heading to the Kings study you are free to do what you will,” I tell her while walking away.

   Leaving Gwen behind I continue on to Gregory’s study.

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