Dragon’s Breath
Dragon’s Breath
Author: Ray Whitaker
Chapter One

I push open the heavy iron doors leading to the throne room. The door screeches against the hard stone floor. Entering the spacious room, I am surrounded by the horde officials. They are all lined up side-by-side, facing fathers' throne. The ends of their gray robes trail behind them.

    Standing just feet away from him, I place a fist over my heart and bow in our traditional greeting. "Father,” I say, looking up at him. The depths of his cold violet eyes search mine.

     With a forced smile, he says, "You may rise."

     "Thank you, father, " I reply curtly.

     Standing straight once more, he lifts himself from the throne and moves closer to me and the horde officials in a composed manner.

     "As you all are aware, there is a rogue horde who calls themselves Betsalel. They have been threatening to attack from the south so as to claim our land for themselves,” father starts.

“If they make it that far we will lose everything we have worked so hard to build. That includes the trust of the human kingdom Samirya which lies just beyond our borders. I am sure you are all aware of our dealings with Samirya in recent years. It has taken a long time to build the trust we have with them. If that horde attacks, we will not only lose their faith in us, but the coming battle as well,” my father’s words echo around us, heavy with impending doom. The officials nod in agreement.

    One of many officials' steps forward to address the Chieftain, his gray robes dragging behind him.

"If I might be so bold, what is your plan to deal with the oncoming horde, Chieftain?" His eyes are cast down, unwilling to meet my father's intense gaze.

    "That is the reason I invited you all," he says, pausing to scan the room. His cold eyes land on me and I stiffen up.

    "I will be sending my daughter to Samirya’s capital city, Mimmgar, to serve and protect the people while we prepare for war," he says. A wide smile grazes his lips as he gazes at me.

    My heart stops beating as the room begins to spin. I put a hand over my mouth with the sudden urge to throw up. I cannot believe it; he is shipping me off to Mimmgar. This is outrageous! I do not want to be sitting in the capital with all those humans while the members of my horde die in battle. That is simply unforgivable.

    "Father, forgive me for being so bold, but I cannot go to Mimmgar. I will stay and fight beside my people," I refuse, my voice wavering. My body is shaking not with fear, but rage.

    His face flushes with anger. "Eleonora, you will listen to me; this is for the good of the horde and you, my only daughter,” he states.

    How could sending away one of his strongest warriors do any good? I doubt that horde will even make it to Mimmgar; the people there should be safe. Even if they do make it to Samirya, why should I care?

    "Father I do not think it is wise to send me away. I am one of your fiercest warriors you will be at a disadvantage if I am away," I voice.

    The faces of all the officials are white as sheets as they watch our exchange. They are no doubt preparing for my father's impending rage.

     He sighs, running a hand across his face. "Nora," He says with sudden calmness, using my nickname, "Please understand, I am doing this for your own good, and the good of the horde.”

    With how he is acting now I would only embarrass myself if I dare defy him. He might not be someone I get along with, but he is still my father. I can at least give him my compliance Infront of others.

    “Fine. I will go to Mimmgar, on your order," I sigh, running a hand through my long, inky black hair.

     My father claps his hands, the sound echoing throughout the room as he smiles widely, "Wonderful, you will leave for Mimmgar in two days' time." I nod my rigid body straining against my clothes. After coming to the conclusion my father wants, he dismisses me with a wave of his hand.

     I leave the room as fast as I can, slamming the door behind me.

     Two days. I only have two days until I am going to be trapped in the birdcage known as Mimmgar. All those people roosted like swallows there, each leading wonderful peaceful lives within their cages. Simply because we dragons sacrifice our lives for them. Every time there is a problem, it is left to us to fix, all for their comfort. Because my father thinks that having a good relationship with them is important. He did not even like humans until recent years.

      I storm through the corridor, the earthen walls cold and unwelcoming. Making my way to a large ledge leading out, I stand in the windy glory of the Perilous Horde territory. The sky, a dark ocean of black, does much to abate my growing irritation as I strip, peeling off my leather garments. The cool air licks at my skin and a shiver runs through me as it plays with my hair in teasing pulls. Without a moment to lose, I jump off the ledge, my body becoming consumed in a cloud of my poison elemental. Thick violet fog shrouds my figure as I faze mid-fall. My wings are the first to burst through the fog. As the winds push under them, I take flight leaving the mountain behind me.

     Pitch black scales take over my flesh, shining under the moonlight. The deep night sky is cloudless and empty. For that, I am thankful.

     I finally have some time to myself, which, starting in two days, I will not get much of. Going to the kingdom of Samirya is not something I want to do, but then again, to fight my father would be futile. His word is the law of the horde. A law I wish I could break free from.

    Humans have kings but we dragons have not had a king in over a thousand years since the Fires of Alira. Since dragons have broken away from the old kingdom of Highmire, individual dragon hordes are ruled by chieftains.

     One would think that being the daughter of the most powerful man in the horde would mean I have an easy life, but that is not the case. Because of who I am, I am held to higher expectations than anyone else. I must be stronger than most. If I am weak, it makes my father look weak.

     I fly above the dense forest enjoying the view of the lush green trees and small streams. I land in a small moonlit clearing, with a thump in the tall grass. I take in a breath of frosty air, slumping to the ground. My muscles relax and all the tension drifts off my body. Even if it is just a moment.

    As I lay out in the clearing, I think about the last time the Perilous horde helped the humans. About three years ago, a human kingdom known as Damirium was attempting to overthrow Samirya. As my father's eldest living child, I was sent to fight on the front lines. The battle was easily won. But we suffered losses due to the kingdom of Damirium having dragon slayers. I sigh, brushing those thoughts away.

     I spend what feels like hours staring up at the stars and enjoying the quietness of the night. That is, until I feel a sharp pinch on the end of my tail. I jump up releasing a thundering roar into the silence.

     Looking down, I see my little brother clamped down on my tail. The bright red of his scales glinting in the moonlight make it easy to see him. Little brat.

What does he think he is doing?

I thump my tail against the ground, knocking him off. He rolls off into the grass.

     What is he doing out here? My mother should have put him to bed hours ago. Grumbling, I pick him up in my talons, careful not to hurt him with my sharp claws. I fly us back to the mountain.

     Landing, I put him down and faze into human form a puff of violet fog releasing into the air.

     "Loki, you are supposed to be sleeping," I scold, and the once-happy baby dragon puts his head down and whines. After getting dressed, I pick him up, and to carry the hatchling back to my mother.

     The long tunnels of the mountain are dimly lit with torches. The jagged stone walls dancing with shadows. My bare feet lumber against the cold earthen floor. Wind whispers through the quiet, sleep-ridden mountain.

    While taking him back to my mother, Loki falls soundly asleep in my arms. Reaching his nursery, I find my mother searching for her lost baby. She's tossing blankets and pillows all across the floor.

     "Loki...Loki, where did you run off to? If you are hiding, you better come out now!" She shouts.

     I let out a light huff at the sight, "Mom, Loki is right here,” I murmur so I do not wake him up.

     As soon as the words leave my mouth she spins around. Looking at me she breathes a sigh of relief, running a hand through her long blue hair.

    "Thank you, Nora. I thought I had lost him,” she sighs.

     That is because you did. I turn my head rolling my eyes.

     "Where did you find him?" She asks.

     "Actually, he was the one that found me. I was sitting outside when he decided to join me,” I explain nonchalantly.

     “Well, I am glad you found him," she says, taking him from my arms.

    Once I am free from Loki’s weight; I sigh with relief. I stretch my achy arms out over my head and exhaustion setting in.

     Scratching the back of my head I think for a moment, “Mom did you perhaps know about father wanting to send me away?” I ask.

     My mother looks at me with wide eyes, “No I did not.”

     I guess there was no use asking her. I mean what did I expect my father tells her close to nothing in the first place.

     "Okay, well I am going to bed, night mom,” I say.

     "Goodnight, sweetie. Oh, and remember not to sleep in too late tomorrow. I would not want you to miss your combat training,” she reminds me.

     Right, I have combat training tomorrow. Will I ever get a break? All I want is sometime to myself.

     "I will not forget," I grumble walking away.

     As I make my ways through the rocky caves, I pass several warriors returning from border patrols. I greet them with a light bow, and they do the same.

     Entering my room, I jump onto my messy bed that is covered with blankets and pillows. Groaning, I roll over on my stomach, shoving my face into my pillows. Why, just why did I agree to go to Mimmgar? I know this is my father's ploy to keep me under control and away from the fighting. Considering how I got last time I guess I cannot entirely blame him. But he is also trying keep our relationship with those humans strong. I cannot help but think he is also got a hidden motive; my father could have sent someone else, anyone else, so why me?

     Well, I cannot dwell on this forever. Grabbing some of my blankets, I pull them over me, snuggling into the warmth. I wish this was just a dream. If I leave for Mimmgar right as a war is about to begin, then who knows how long it will be before I get to come back?

    Turning onto my side, I close my eyes and fall into a restless sleep.


     I wake with the cool morning breeze tickling my face, feeling as though I did not get a wink of sleep. This is just great. Not only am I worried but now I am in a bad mood. Fisting my dark locks, I yank my hair frustrated.

     Releasing a big sigh, I get up from my bed and put on a pair of black leather pants and a grey shirt, tying my hair back. If I start early, I will get to blow off some steam before in the training grounds. But I do not think all the training in the world will prepare me for what is to come in Mimmgar.

     Leaving my room, I bolt through the cave the smacking of my bare feet echoing through the caverns. Reaching the training room, I see my father standing in the doorway, "I knew you would be here early Nora, please come in. We need to have a talk,” he says.

     His words cause worry to shoot through my body, and the grim look on his face does not help matters.

     Either I am in trouble or my father has some terrible news. I can only hope for the latter.

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