Chapter Two

My heart drums in my chest as I follow my father into the room, closing the doors behind us. The inky blackness that surrounds my father engulfs me snuffing out the frail bit of light I have left. Now, only silence lingers in the air. I shiver, beginning to feel claustrophobic at our close proximity.

    I swollen the lump in my throat breaking the silence, "What was it you wanted to talk about?" I cringe when my voice cracks.

    He stares at me a moment, not saying a word. His emotionless eyes bore straight into my very soul. These moments of silence are what scare me the most. The longer he spends just staring at me, the more my heart rate picks up.

    "Eleonora, you are my only daughter, and I love you very much. You know that right?" He says seriously.

    my body goes rigid, as I feel my palms become clammy. What is he talking about? He never says he loves me.

     "Y-Yeah, I know," I say, stumbling over my words. The fear of what he is to say making me want to vomit.

     "I needed you to agree to go to the city of Mimmgar before I tell you everything that will be happening. I am not just sending you there to simply protect the humans,” he says, implying there is more I must do.

    My chest clenches at his words. "What do you mean," I ask through gritted teeth. I take a deep breath, trying not to burst out in anger.

    "You are going to the capital to protect the people. But I am also sending you there to marry the king's son in order to strengthen our alliance,” father states.

    My heart stops. What the hell does he mean? I am being sent away to marry some foreign prince, and a human at that. I am no longer nervous. Burning rage hisses through my body like a deadly poison, screeching a demanding release in the form of much-needed violence.

     "Why did you not tell me from the beginning that I would be marrying some human? I am waiting for my mate just like everyone else! I will not take someone else; it is cruel of you to ask that of me," I shout, the sound bouncing off the stone walls.

    "Nora, you are being unreasonable. This is for the good of our people. If you marry into their royal family, then we will have long-lasting peace with them. Think of future generations, sometimes sacrifices must be made,” he tries to explain.

    His words do nothing to calm the wrath bubbling inside me. It is like a volcano erupting, fury sweeping off me in ferocious waves. Wrath consumes me, engulfing my moralities and destroying the boundaries of my loyalty. I feel the urge to snap at him. Clenching my fist, I manage to control myself for now.

  "Why am I the only one who has to sacrifice my happiness? I would rather die an honorable death on the battlefield than live my life as the wife of some human prince,” I snarl.

    My father's face flushes with anger, reaching out, he grabs my face squeezing it in his large bear-like hand. I hiss in pain.

    "I am thinking about the future of our horde, just as you should. Stop being selfish. I have already made up my mind, and the king of Samirya has agreed to my request,” he tells me, releasing my face from his tight grip.

     "Did you ever think about the fact that without my mate I will die?" I say, bringing my face dangerously close to his. My eyes bore into his violet ones so similar to my own.

    He smiles, "Do not worry, I have already thought of a solution. You will brand Prince Geoffrey as your mate to make sure that you live a long life,” he tells me with a smug smile.

“If that fails both the prince, and I could die,” I exclaim.

    His words make me feel sick. Branding is very sacred to us dragons, and is only used to mark our mates. Things could go horribly wrong. I cannot believe he is asking me to do this, but I have already agreed to go to the capital. I never go back on my word, so I have already signed my own death warrant.

    “No one has ever tried branding someone that is not their natural mate,” I cry out.

    “There is always a first for everything. We will never know the result until we try,” he says indifferently.

    Looking my father in the eye with as much hatred as I can muster, I say as loud as my voice will allow, "You bastard!"

    I spit on the floor at his feet. With those words, I storm out of the room. Mates are very important to us dragons. They are better than any gold or jewels. I have been waiting for mine for as long as I can remember.

    I cannot believe he is willing to risk the death of his only daughter just to keep those humans on our side. Why am I always the one that gets hurt?

    I pull away from his grip, my face pulsing in pain. Turning away from father, I run out of the room. Bounding down the hall, I reach the familiar opening in the mountain. I do not even bother to take my clothes off as I faze. Violet fog surrounds me as I begin fazing. The sound of fabric ripping fills my ears as I watch my now torn clothes flutter to the ground. I take flight, releasing a powerful roar, causing the trees beneath me to tremble.

    This feeling of hatred I have for my father is like a volcano ready to erupt, magma ready to spill from every pore of my body. Sending me to the capital to defend it is one thing. But sending me there to marry someone is completely out of line, especially since he waited to tell me.

    I fly around my horde’s territory trying to stall for time as much as I can. I do not want to face my family. I know my father is not the only one that planned to sell me to the humans, my mother must have been a part of it too. She knows some things that go on in the horde but chooses to turn a blind eye.

    Landing in a small clearing on the backside of the mountain, I lay on fresh green grass, stretching my body out. The midday heat warms my scales. If I could just stay here, I would.

    Sometimes I wish I could run away, but every time I feel this way, I think of my brother Fafnir’s words. ‘You have to be strong; I will no longer be here to protect you.’ Running away will do me no good. Thinking of him brings me great sorrow. I miss him. If only things had happened differently.

    Fazing into my human form, I sit, pulling my knees to my chest. A few stray tears escape, sliding down my face. I wish my brother were here. He would know how to help me, he could comfort me. But since he is gone, I have no one to turn to. I am completely and utterly alone. I cry for a long time, allowing my anger and frustration to leave my body.

    After a while, I get up with a new determination setting in. I faze, heading back to the mountain, my wings pumping against the harsh winds. Reaching the mountain entrance, I head to where I know I will find my mother.

    When I reach Loki's bedroom, I shove the door open. It smacks against the wall with a loud bang.

    "Mom!" I yell.

    She turns to me, scowling, "Nora, be quiet. I just got Loki to take a nap,” she whisper-yells.

     "You hid it from me that dad was planning to marry me off to some human prince? You cannot tell me you did not know!" I accuse her.

    Guilt flushes her features.

     "Nora, I wanted to tell you, I really did. Your father...he, he told me to stay out of it. He said he would handle it. I am sorry, I really am,” she says.

    I can tell she is genuinely apologizing, but that does not mean I am not mad at her anymore. She always does this, cowers from my father. Behaving like a good little mate.

    "You should have told me. Do you realize what is going to happen because of this? We are not supposed to brand someone that is not their mate,” I breathe out.

    My mom pulls me into a tight hug, rubbing my back. I stiffen at the sudden contact, trying not to recoil from her.

    "I am sorry. I tried to get him not to do this to you. He just would not listen. Maybe the man you are going to marry will not be so bad. You could be happy,” she tries to convince me.

    Happy? That must be a joke. I am losing my chance at gaining real happiness all because father wants to get along with those humans.

    I know my mother is trying to make me feel better, but it is not helping. I push her away and hurt flashes across her face at my rejection. I leave the room without another word and head to my bedchamber.

    Once I make it to my chambers, I leave outside into woods through the opening in my room. I spend all my time outside until day turns to dusk, sending the sun sinking behind the horizon. Tomorrow I will be leaving for Mimmgar.

    I go to bed before dusk, trying to help prepare myself for what will be awaiting me in the capital.


    I wake up before dawn the next morning, my body screaming at me to stay in bed. Getting up, I look at myself in the mirror, seeing dark circles hanging under my eyes.

    My mother comes to my chambers after I wake up and helps me pack the stuff, I will need for my time away. I really do not want to leave. I wish I could just crawl back in bed and stay there.

   I bid Loki and my mother farewell, not bothering to acknowledge my father. I stand at the ledge leading out the cave.

    “Eleonora, when you reach the city of Mimmgar, fly to the roof of the castle. There will be people waiting for you. And Eleonora, remember to behave yourself,” father tells me.

    “Yes, I will remember that,” I reply.

    Looking out at the vast forest, I sigh. I am going to miss this sight. This is the first place I go to rest my mind, a place where serenity flows as cool as river water. Clothed in the greens of every palate, the vibrant hues of nature's wild dreams. In this place, I become a part of the art, of that three-dimensional creation of time and space. I am saddened that I will no longer be able to enjoy such a peaceful scene.

    Fazing into a dragon form, I begin my journey to the capital city of Mimmgar.

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