Chapter Three

After hours of flying, I begin to tire. My wings burning with every movement of my body. I finally see the city of Mimmgar up ahead. It is made of many small buildings and houses surrounding a large castle. The castle is bright on the blue beyond. Every stone is even and square as if those who built it were set on perfection. The walls were made to protect a community, to echo with laughter, and be the shelter they needed for the millennia to come. I admire its bold beauty.

    I wrinkle my nose. While the sight is beautiful in a strange sense, the city reeks of humans. And I cannot believe I am to marry one of them.

    Doing just as my father told me, I fly straight to the castle at full speed. Looking down at the city below, I see people jumping and screaming in fright as my large shadow looms over them. This should not be their first-time laying eyes on a dragon. The smell of their fear fills me with a strange sense of delight. I want more of it, but unfortunately, I am here to protect these insects. That does not mean I cannot give them a bit of a scare, however.

    With that, I lift my head up in the air. A dark violet fog-like gas spewing from my mouth along with a powerful roar. The people below screech, running around like ants. They must think I am here to kill them. Who invites a dragon without first warning their people?

    Flying to the top of the castle, I spot a group of four men. They must be the ones here to greet me. I land with a swoop of my wings in front of them, the ground rumbling under my heavyweight. Looking over the group of men, I see some staring in awe while the rest either seem scared or disgusted by my presence.

     A short bald man approaches me, his body trembling with every step. His mouth is hanging open in a silent scream, and his eyes look as though they are ready to pop out the sockets.

    As he gets closer, beads of sweat drip down his body. "You must be the princess,” he greets.

    His words come out shaky and uneven. I release a grumble, loving the sight of the scared little humans. I bring my face down to his and puff my hot breath across his body, letting out a grumble. Not a moment later, the man staggers back, the front of his pants wetting. I am glad to be in dragon form so they cannot see me laughing, poor humans. They get frightened so easily.

    I faze back into a human, causing a puff of violet fog to engulf my body. I face the men of Mimmgar completely bare, with my bag sitting at my feet. Many of the men turn red and look away while others stare on lustfully. I roll my eyes. They are acting as if they have never seen a female body before.

    "I am princess Eleonora of the Perilous Horde," I confirm to the bald man who just pissed himself. He looks flustered at my sudden change in form but tries to recompose himself.

    Clearing his throat he says, "Princess, if you would please put some clothe youtself. It is improper for a young lady of your standing to be nude in front of so many eyes."

    I rumble with laughter. These humans are indeed very strange. Growing up in the mountain, it is quite normal for one to be nude. Since it is physically impossible for us to switch between forms and keep our clothing. So, seeing one naked is not abnormal. But I must be respectful of the humans and their customs, I suppose.

"I am sorry. I shall change immediately. You see, where I come from, being like this is not uncommon,” I state.

     Pulling my leather garments from my bag, I change.

    The bald man looks up at me with forced kindness. "Now that you are ready princess, I will give you a tour of the palace. You may call me Nickolas," he says offering me a hand. I try to shake his hand as politely as I can, but I end up squeezing.

    Nickolas pulls away from me as fast as lightning, wincing. I roll my eyes at him. I did not even squeeze that hard.

    We make our way off the roof and head inside the castle. Looking around, I find that the castle is much different from the interior of the mountain. It is decorated lavishly in silks and gold. Not to mention there is not as much open space in here, so it feels very cramped.

     The floors are made from a deep marble with silky red rugs covering them. Above me hang golden chandeliers glittering with diamonds. Humans seem to love extravagant things. We dragons love gold and treasure, but we would never leave it out in the open. The possibility of their riches being stolen is high. Their choices truly baffle me.

    I follow Nickolas and the other three men around the castle as they show me various things and places. Which I could honestly care less about. But I feign interest, giving a nod here and there. I will probably forget it all soon anyway.

    Finally, when the tour is over, I am shown to my chambers.

    "This is where you will be staying. You have an hour to settle in. After that, some maids will be sent to get you ready for dinner with the king and your intended." One of the men informs me. By intended, they must mean prince Geoffrey.

   I just got here and I already have to meet my 'new' family. The day I love or marry a human will be a day when unicorns return to the lands of Midgar.

     I thank the men that showed me around, then I slam the door in their faces. I am glad that is finally over. I wish I could just hide out in this room and never leave.

    I take some time to examine my new quarters. It is much smaller than my last one. The walls are painted a wine red, and the floors are a dark marble with golden rugs laid out. The bed is sitting in the back against the wall, covered in a silky white comforter, with more pillows than I can count. This room is indeed beautifully decorated, but it is just a bit much for me. I would have preferred something simpler.


    Time passes quickly, and I now find myself being forced into a chair. Several maids are trying to do my hair and makeup, grabbing and pulling me every which direction. Irritation bubbles up inside of me.

    "Princess, you are so beautiful! I have never seen someone with such perfect hair or skin. Dragons truly are as the rumors say." A maid with dirty blond hair compliments.

    Rumors. There have always been many false rumors about us, but one that I can say is true is our beauty. Dragons have always been known by humans for our other worldly beauty. Because we are born beast, our human forms are mere imitations, that is why we look perfect. We are simply beasts hiding our true face.

     "Do not let the beauty of a dragon fool you. We are still monsters," I say with a straight face, looking into her innocent brown eyes. The maid simply holds a hand to her face in an attempt to hide her giggles.

    "What is so funny?" I question fiercely.

    Calming her laughter, she looks at me and replies, "You may fool others, but you do not seem quite as monstrous as you claim.”

    The only reason I do not seem so bad to her is because I am holding back. My natural roguish nature keeps me from wanting too much social interaction.

    Looking at the little maid, I smile and say, "I can assure you that I am quite the monster.”

    “Excuse me for being so bold as to say this princess. But it seems to me that you want people to view you as a monster as a way to keep them at a distance,” the maid voices quietly.

    Her words strike a nerve, but before I can refute, my short-lived conversation with the maid is interrupted when someone walks into the room. "Hurry up, and get the princess ready. I do not want to keep the king and his family waiting any longer,” an older maid says with an arched brow.

    With those words, the maids get me ready in a rush.

    When they are finished with me, I look absolutely horrendous. Reflecting the little time, the maids had. I am wearing an atrocious saffron-colored floor-length gown. My hair is piled on top of my head, but not neatly. There are bits, and pieces of hair hanging all over the place. Many pins are digging into my scalp. My lips have been coated in a light pink lipstick, and my already pale face has been smeared with chalky white powder, completely washing me out.

    I laugh to myself. Maybe with this look, the prince will be so revolted that he begs his father not to have to marry me. That would be a dream come true. There is only one way to find out. I leave the room and head to the dining hall.

     Time to meet my prince.

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