Chapter 42

After what seemed like two hours, Ali found what he was looking for. Buried beneath the knickknacks and memorabilia were two small printed cardboard boxes, each the size of a football. With an enormous grin, Ali took out the two boxes.

Devon’s eyes widened. His hand went to his mouth.


In Ali’s hands were two figures from Warriors of The Endless Road (WotER), an anime series of some popularity. Devon had watched a few seasons—it was a good show by any measure, but not one of his favorites. Still the show commanded a large fan base, with some bordering on zealous fanaticism. Fans of the show were famous for their heated arguments around small details in the show, and amongst the anime-crowd they had become something of a meme. Much of the show followed a typical format—struggling warriors forge difficult friendships under the specter of war, and through their growing bond become stronger. Devon was absolutely not surprised to discover that’s Ali’s was a fan.

He was surprised
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