Short story 6: Laura's journey (Part 3)

I lay down my body to the think moss. I stare toward the clouds and blue sky. Feeling the breeze of the wind, I closed my eyes.

I don’t know how much time was passed. But I definitely fell asleep. Opening my eyes the sun is already setting down. I run my eyes and stretched my arms.

Turning my glance around I saw Mayu looking out for me while I was asleep. She looks at me and gives me her usual smile.

“Good morning.”

"I did fell asleep… Thank you for looking for me."

I hurried and got up.

"The sun started to set let’s go home for today Laura."

Mayu and I then started to walk back to our houses. Mayu’s home is the church. It’s in opposite direction to my house that located eastern side of the town.

While both of us are walking back toward our home. The earth suddenly shakes and I lost my balance from it. Resulting in me to fell. Mayu catches my body immediately and assist me to get up.

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