Short story 6: Laura's journey (Part 4)

After the night of the tragedy.

The state knight stays in the village to do some investigation. Cries of the people who lost their love once were heard. The flames that burn each house were put off but the tragedy and trauma it leaves to the people was left behind.

Even I can’t believe what happened. I can’t believe the fact that the smile that used to put relief in my heart was now gone.

I was regretful at that moment. I didn’t even get a chance to make up with my mother after the fight we had earlier. I was so selfish and childish.

This is my fault, I have no one to blame but myself.

In Mayu’s arms, I continue to cry and cry until my heart out.

The next day.

Mayu and I decided to bury my mother near the biggest tree in the village. We made a coffin with the sapwood and made a pretty-looking coffin for her. We filled it with plenty of colorful flowers. After that, we lay her down.


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