She spaced into the sky from a wooden bridge, watching the yellow sun set. A gentle breeze slightly blew up her gown and hair, reminding her that there was a flowing river below the bridge. She was only fourteen years old with a lot of questions in her mind. Right from childhood, she had done nothing but to be inquisitively enthusiastic about everything around her because she was isolated from the real world to the blank world where nobody exist except animals. No form of education whether formal or informal. The young girl folded a thick paper in the form of a canoe without knowing what it was then lowered it to the river with a rope, watching it sail with the current of the river. Suddenly, footsteps came from behind to her side. She glanced at the owner then concentrated again before breaking the silence.
"Jessica, why does the sun move?"
The old woman hesitated for a while to find a convincing explanation. She smiled at her saying, "The sun doesn't move, Amaya, rather the earth moves around the sun."
"Who made the sun?" Amaya was still inquisitive.
Jessica held one of her shoulders. "I've told you, everything you see come naturally."
"Even us the humans?"
"Certainly but not really. Soon you'll know how humans are formed so you can form yours."
They kept quiet while Amaya roamed her eyes around the environment to see a few male and female workers hired by Jessica to do some domestic and farm work which was mostly the source of their daily bread in the blank world. She turned to Jessica for the last time saying, "Why are we the only humans in this world?"
"It's a long story, Amaya."
Amaya glanced at the sun-set again. "Jessica, I have a feeling that where the sun is going are other humans like us."
"No, Amaya. I've told you the sun...." she paused when the young girl raised her gown up for the woman to see not only her pant but the blood-stain on it. That was the first time Amaya experienced it, hence, she had no idea what it was or the cause of the blood flow from her private part. Therefore she began to panic.
"What's happening to me, Jessica?" She obnoxiously became more inquisitive, shedding tears.
"Amaya, pull down your cloth. There is no cause for alarm. You're just witnessing your first..." once again Jessica was interrupted by Cynthia, a young lady, who just arrived.
"Jacob is here to see you, Jessica." she announced, instantly, presumed Amaya's state of being. Cynthia was like a Nanny to Amaya, the closest maid who guides her on basic activities. So she didn't need a susayer to inform her that Amaya needed to be cleaned up. She held her by the hand, "Come on, Amaya, let's go inside"
Jessica silently watched them as they were leaving. At the end of the bridge was Jacob, an old man, coming to meet her. "Cynthia!" Jessica called the lady who turned immediately. "Calm her down and teach her how to use a sanitary pad" she ordered.
Jacob's movement on the wooden bridge was like that of a bride walking down the aisle according to the sound of a trumpet. He critically observed Amaya with a smile when they passed him before proceeding to Jessica. He wore a black hat, a jacket over a strib longsleeve shirt and a bogus trouser. On his feet were hard shoes too, an addendum to his 'cow boy' appearance. When he speaks, his deep voice overshadows any other sound from creepy insects like a croaking frog. He stopped before the old woman, staring at her intensively.
"It's time, Jacob." Jessica broke the silence, turning her back on him and walking towards the other end of the bridge, while Jacob followed her side by side as she continued. "The long awaited day has come. Amaya is sexually ready. She just experienced her first menstruation"
Jecob glanced. "So early?"
"It's already late. I expected her to develop this sign earlier before now. We must start arranging how she must meet her twin brother and naturally fall in love with him."
"We should give them more time. At least let them come of age like sixteen or seventeen."
Jessica stopped walking and looked straight into the old man's eyes. "There is no time, Jacob! Her sexual hormones are ready. Or is Sunday, the twin brother, at fourteen, unable to produce sperm that can fertilize an ovum?"
Jacob remained quiet.
"Listen Jacob" Jessica continued, taking a few step closer to him. "These twins must fall in love, have sex and born for this ritual to be successfully completed. The idea of bringing them to this blank world is to deprive them the knowledge of a family, the knowledge that family members, especially twins can't be sexually attracted. I've done nothing in the past ten years but to answer hilarious questions from Amaya just to cover the truth of life..."
"So am I from Sunday, Jesaica" Jacob interrupted.
"Then let the main purpose of this ritual begin coz we're left with only six years."
Jacob groaned, taking a walk out from Jesaica in a way he turned his back on her, took off his hat and rubbed his hair haphazardly. He turned to her after taking a deep breath. "Before Amaya meets her twin brother, don't you think both should have a sex education first? Let it be the only education and truth we have ever told them because they need it for a successful sexual intercourse."
Jessica was pleased by the idea. It could be seen from the smile on her face. "Well said." She concluded.
Amaya stood stack naked before Cynthia in her room like Eve before Adam in the garden of Eden. One could see her sprouting breast and pubic hair around her erogenous zone. There was no electricity thoughtless of an electronic device. The source of illumination was a candle light and lamp. The young girl watched Cynthia open a sanitary pad, getting ready for an application. She never hesitated to ask her what it's use for. Of course the lady told her, though absentmindedly. "..it will help absorb the blood to prevent stain from your underwear." she added.
"Why do I bleed from there?"
"Because you're a female. Every female bleeds from there a few days in a month unlike the males."
"Unlike males?"
"Yes, sexual organs differs according to their purposes."
"I don't understand, Cynthia."
"You'll soon understand, Amaya" she began to teach her how to apply the pad starting with her underwear. She Stick the pad in the underwear using the sticky strip on the back, stretched it to her to wear, making sure the surface elapses with her vagina. Amaya did exactly as she said. Apparently, Cynthia surged forward to leave the room but Amaya's voice stopped her, though never turned.
"Why do I have this feelings that everyeone is lying to me especially Jessica?"
Cynthia turned. "Nobody is lying to you. Mother Jessica can't lie to us"
"Who is a Mother? I mean why did you call her that?"
Hearing the question, Cynthia began to tremble, knowing very well she had broken the rules of the blank world which says that you must call everybody by their names. Now, forcefully, Cynthia had to explain the meaning of 'mother' to Amaya. She swallowed hard, turned to clutch the doorknob but Amaya couldn't let her go.
"This is what I just said, Cynthia: lies upon lies. Why are you neglecting the question?" She quietly observed her to see one of her legs quivering. So she lowered her voice. "You're exhibiting a sign of fear. It happens to me when I think I've done something wrong which could provoke Jessica to hit me. What are you afraid of?"
Cynthia exhaled deeply to stabilize the rate of her heartbeat, slowly turning around like a controlled robot. "Listen, Amaya, a Mother is... is... uh.. an older female.. hu.. who takes care of others"
"What of older male?"
"Like Jacob?"
Cynthia nodded her head then left the room instantly. The punishment of her action is death. She knew it, even though she fed Amaya with the wrong answer.
Just as Amaya was cleverly putting the two words together to make more meaning, she screamed and fell down due to menstrual cramps.
Same evening In the blank world, at Azra, a bit far from Kezra, Amaya's residence, Sunday rushed out from the house like a rat on a life race. The building was a storey one, made with woods but strong and beautiful. Jacob had not come back, therefore Lucky, a young male who is also the closest to Sunday the way Cynthia is to Amaya, ran after him.
"Sunday!" He exclaimed his name coz he couldn't risk to have something happen to the young boy otherwise punished severely by Jacob. During the unexpected race, he saw Sunday running into the river which flows from Kezra through the wooden bridge where Amaya lowered the paper. Now you can tell what the young boy was running after: the paper. Bravery, he jumped into the river and was able to get the paper before Lucky arrived.
"Sunday, what was that for?"
The young boy didn't reply rather gazed at the paper critically like he could make out something from it. He was as smart as his twins sister whom he had never seen or even know that he's closely related to her. How could he had known when the kids don't know what it is to be a blood relation and the tradition guiding a blood family relationship? No, they couldn't because the truth was hidden from them.
"Sunday, go inside and dry yourself" Lucky commanded.
He looked at him and stretched the paper to his face saying, "What comes to your mind when you see this?"
"Danger for you and i. Throw that away and lete's get out of here" Lucky held him by the hand. He knew what he was preventing: the wrath of Jacob. Though Sunday followed him but never let go of the paper.
This is a modernized and technological world, geographically surrounding the blank world. But the blank world is almost impossible to be located as if it's invisible.
Mrs Kate drove along a road with Valentine, her seventeen years old weird son who hardly talks rather exhibit strange behaviour that can't be explained by any professional doctor, be it medical or native. She hastily applied the break-pad of the car when she once again saw the son quivering in the front seat with his his eyes closed. She pulled over.
"Val!" She yelled his name. "Val, what is wrong with you? Open your eyes!"
The teenage boy open his eyes, sweating like a Christmas goat. He looked at his Mother saying, " They stay here"
Valentine rushed out of the car, running to a house found by the roadside, followed by his mother. He briskly entered into the house without knocking at the door to see an old woman knitting in the living room.
"Who are you?" the woman startled up, dropping the wool and spock. Yet, Valentine never answered as he looked around the house like a god suspecting a sudden attack.
"You cried bitterly in the forest with the pregnancy" he began like a prophet while the woman listened carefully with Mrs Kate who just arrived. "You cried out to God for a saviour who would help you deliver. Though God answered your prayer, but your children were taken." He looked at the woman to see her shedding tears.
"Val, what are you saying?" The mother whispered.
"Please, how do you know this?" The woman walked closer to Valentine with tears. "I never saw my baby..."
"Babies" Val interrupted. "They are alive but the chances of seeing them lies with them. It isn't gonna be easy. It might even cause a war." he concluded while the woman fainted....
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The transformers are those who were resurrected from the blank world with the use of the blood arsenic,they have an horrific look with black smoke emanating from their head.They have special abilities to run fast and resurrecting to life even if a bullet enters into their skill.Hence,the are invincible. The peace in the atmosphere changes drastically to a tensed atmosphere so as the weather.It was as if it was about to rain.Guns pointed at a particular transformer.That was pakyle,his claws drip of blood.He bend his head suddenly making a particular police shoot him directly in the skull due to frighteness.The gun dropped instantly from his hand shakyly.His pants wet with pee when he noticed the bullet only created a hole which closed back immediately. "Everybody run!!!!"Their commander shouted. The transformer immediately grabbed an escaping police and killed him instantly with his claw.Mello,Tasha and Sandra could be seen hiding a car. "Shhhhh!"Mello ushed Sandra.She is always sc
The echoes of bullet continues in the canal flying in various directions.Unfortunately,one caught Grande on his leg.He fell groaning in pain.Tasha halted and hurried back to help him up. "Go!! go!,take them to safely,am going to be fine"Grande said holding the wounded leg. Tasha shook her head"We are going to leave this place together no matter what ""You need to stan...".Another bullet that went directly into his arm interrupted Tasha. "Go now!!!"Grande shouted in pains. As Tasha run leaving him, tears fell from her eye.She didn't know why.She barely know him but the thought of him dying coldly in the hands of Jamiel sent shrills down her spine. Sandra on the other hand clinged in her position on Mello's back like a pussy cat. "We can't leave him there,he's going to be killed by that bloody pervert"Mello pointed."Can't you get it?,he won't think twice putting bullet in skulls of those who stand in his way.""We need to go now!!!"more tears dropped from her eye."I can't leav
Their feets creates a splash sound as they run through the a canal found at a secret part of the building."Hurry,we need to get out before they find out"Grande said specifically to Sandra who was tired already. With hands on her kneels Sha said "I need to rest,am loosing my breath".His mum,Tasha hurried to her immediately"we can't rest now Sandra,else, we're going to be doomed. That alone got her motivated,she smiled and struggled up. "Let the race begin" She said after rising while others smiled at her especially mello who couldn't resist her beautiful smile."what a beauty,she muttered". Meanwhile,Jamiel and his men hurried to the room,it was void of human.He rubbed his hair in confusion "How do hell did they escaped"he began to looked around the whole sanctum for a possible means they could have escaped through.Others followed his steps by looking around the room.Jude stood on a table in such away his head almost touched the ceiling but it can't due to his short height. "Jude,t
As human being, whenever we experience something unusual,our mind begins to function unusually.Hence our sweat gland will activate getting our body moisturized.The fear of death is the beginning of life.Jamiel is the real face of death. Transquility lingered in the room.At about 3seconds later, the sound of a needle drop could be heard audibly in the sanctum. "We might crawl or fall but only those who falls rises"Grande began."We need a plan"he moved to the table and start drawing a sketch of the building. Tasha moved closer"I know the structure of these place than anybody, we've been here for long". "That way leads to the drainage..... * * Valentine and Lina entered into the technology room of late pakyle.The movement of their leg rhyme like soldiers going to battle. "Get set to work,I need 24/7 surveillance to every nook and cranny of the city."Lina got closer. "They must not escape this time around"he looked at valentine. "Where do you see this?"he pointed at the chain
They ran not because they are cowards but due to they came unprepared.The trio ran blindly in the cold night.The sound of their leg against the wet grass is like that of a lover giving her fiancee a passionate kiss." Ahrrrgh,"A bullet caught Mello's leg.Grande turned instantly to help him up but he held his hand."Leave me and go!!"he winced in pain."Are you crazy?"Grande dragged him."You're going to jump from frying pan to fire if you sit down there cos more bullet is going to do you harm and get you dried up like a log"Grande rapped.Jamiel halted to see them at the rare."Damn!!"he hurried back ". Mello stood with an injured leg and began to ran once again with hands around Grande neck.Tear dropped from his eye.He knew the worst is yet to happen. Valentine Arrived at the location on his bike.He could see Lina and team from a distance.He alighted and began to approach her.Lina had ordered those who went in chase to returned.They lost track already. "Are you looking for the same d
Jamiel always in his black wears moved towards the wall of the secret room and clicked on an invisible button.Automatically,the wall opened up to reveal another room.Unlike mello,Grande wasn't surprised because he was used to those kind of things."Holy Moses!!,are you kidding me"He widened his eye in shock.He was the first to dash towards the interior for explorations. The exterior of the room was not just exquisite but also modernized.One could see advanced technology devices at every corner of the room.Jamiel stood near the table placed at the centre of the room and activated a key.A transparent screen appears showing the map of the city of brevielle.He pointed at a particular region on the map with a red dot.That was the region of the blank world which was destroyed. Before Jamiel could utter a word, Grande said"Its better not be what am thinking"he glare at Jamiel after knowing his intentions. "Pull that string and everyone in this city is going to be dead"he continued.Mello w
"We need to get you out of here"Jamiel persisted.""We need you to do something different , something to set the whole world in a bizzare mood"Jamiel continued. "Am not understanding anything you are saying" Grande held his head in confusion."Are you planning to destroy the world?"Damn!!,this is too much to conceive"he dropped his hands. They were both having the conversation when the same prison security came inside without a smile distracting their attention and said"Your time is up." "Jamiel looked at Grande in a way that asked:I HOPE YOU GOT THAT.He nodded his head like Agama lizard and stood up in his blue prison dress. "Thanks you"Jamiel uttered to the security man immediately he got to his position. "Welcome"he replied silently. Grande exited the visiting room with the thought of the confusing news he just received from jamiel.He entered into the cell to see his co-inmate smoking cigarettes as usual thus he began to wonder if that is their own source of food and nutrition.
The mystery behind the creation of the blank world was not just scientific but also political.Some dangerous political leaders had collude with grande which brought about the creation of the blank world,the purpose was to use the world for their different odd activities one of which is the plan to make two blood twin have sex.Yes!!Jessica is dead,she was just a controller in the blank world but the main people behind the invention are still alive. The air condition that circulated the room ventilated it hence everywhere was cool.This comfort wasn't felt by some men,they were seven seated round a circular table.All wore a black suit over a black trouser,only their white shirt was odd.The looks on their faces was nothing to write home about as they look like someone who had just been visited by a ghost.Mr jamiel who happened to be their leader stood and said"our secret has been leaked".The news had circulated so others were not freaked.He stood up and began to walk round the table li
The sight of the panic room mesmerized Mello when he entered with Lina. Already, pakyle had punched in the name of the creator (Grande Masjid) on a computer in order to locate his location. Lina walked to him while Mello roamed his eyes around to see several computers of different shapes with their connections."Wow, there are many T.Vs in here" he wondered.Lina glanced at him with a smile. "There are computers, Mello." she replied."What's the difference?"Lina ignored him, giving her attention back to Pakyle who immediately got the location of the creator of the blank world. Both looked at each other then said at the same time, "5th arrondissement street."Their statement attracted Mello, so he joined in the amazing look saying, "Have you found him? I need to see him. Someone who was able to create the blank world is a genius and I'll like to know how he did it." he said."Me too" Lina supported while Pakyle glanced at her, taking a step away from her. "Which after I will put a bul