Author: Brain
last update2023-07-24 06:04:47


Valentine unknowingly ignite a war between the real world and the blank world by stepping a foot into the house, revealing the existence of the twins to their mother who had remained fainted on the floor. He also collapsed on one of the cushions when he realised himself because it was not of his power that he saw the past. That prompted a sudden tears from his eyes, seemingly confused

Mrs. Kate, the mother, also became speechless because, first, she didn't know the woman that just fainted. Secondly, her son was in tears for a reason she couldn't put a finger on. "Val, what's going on? Where did you know this woman and whatever you told her?" she aske

"I don't know, mom. It just came like a flash." Valentine replie

"How can you have a flash of the past you never been to

"I said I don't know

The boy stood up to check on the fainted woman. Before he could get closer to her, someone barged into the house like a gentle arm robber with no weapon. Though you hardly suspect that he's dangerous from the look on his outfit: corporate attire with a medicated eyeglasses. He left his beards unshave, looking like a professor in the verge of educational insanity. His statements are always biblically bizarre, only smart people can decode the meaning. He adjusted his eyeglasses and cleared his throat saying, "Many people follow Jesus Christ because they believe they must be safe with him. So if you do not wish to perish in hell, be the follower of Christ

More confusion in the head of Mrs. Kate and her son. How could they be surrounded by strangers whose actions send a deadly message to them? Alright, nonetheless, they must have known the cause of the fainted stranger on the floor. But what of the strange man standing at the door, speaking like the next messiah? Everything was happening so fast!! Still wallowing in mental contemplation, the strange man began to leave the hous

Mrs. Kate looked at the son. "Val, i thought you've given your life to christ

Valentine shook his head helplessly. "Mom, don't tell me you're buying what the strange man said

"He was preaching, and in as much as I'm concern, the message was for you because you're so upset with the presence of God's holy sanctuary. You hardly go to church

Valentine ignored the mother coz that wasn't the first time she rant on heavenly issues. He swiftly looked through the window to see assassins angrily coming out from a bus with guns. All dressed in black attire.  Instantly, he elongated his neck like a giraffe to another direction to see the strange man staring at him from a hidden position. "Oh my God!" he turned to the mother. "Mom, that man was the Christ we needed to follow to be safe. That's what he meant otherwise hell will be our next destination

"I rebuke you, this boy!!" the mother shrieke

"Don't rebuke me, rebuke them" Valentine opened the window curtain for her to see the men in black coming with power and migh

"Val, what have we gotten ourselves into?" She began to tremble especially when they heard close footsteps at the door, matching like horses in front of a battle field. A few seconds later, the men barged inside to see it deserted except the fainted woman. Sooner did they hear a car engine that sped away--that was the strange man, driving away Valentine and his mother who escaped through the backyard of the hous

"Who were those men? And who are you? The second messiah?" Mrs. Kate queried the man from the front seat of the car, while Valentine listened from the back sea

"My name is Pakyle" the man replied sarcastically. "You'll know everything when we get to our destination

"Well, let our destination be heaven since you've saved us from hell..." she kept talkin

Pakyle glanced at her as her mouth moved like that of a parrot. She was young and beautiful. Therefore he couldn't admire her less, though not knowing Valentine observed him from behin

Darkness had become the nature of the atmosphere when Pakyle drove through a large gate that closed immediately. Mrs. Kate and his son kept staring at the magnificent building until they entered inside to see powerful computers, radio transmitters and other telecommunications devices. They could also see a teenage girl working on one of the computers who suddenly rushed them saying, "Thanks to you but your life is totally at stake now." she glanced at Valentine

"What's she talking about?" Val directed his eyes to Pakyle for an explanatio

"Probably you've not heard of the blank world. I've spent years trying to locate it and monitoring their activities. Their agents are everywhere in the real world, monitoring their victims too..

"Wait," Val stepped forward. "The woman that fainted is their victim? Are they the ones that took her babies away

Bemused, Pakyle said, "Yes and how did you know that

"I don't know, I see past event sometimes

"Revealing the existence of the babies to that woman has put you in danger because you're a threat to them. They must find and kill you

Mrs. Kate and her son glanced at each other while the man continue

"Fortunately for us, your presence in that house made us to receive a frequency from their panic room where your execution was ordered by their leader called Jessica. In the blank world, they make kids practice incest for retual without their knowledge. That's probably why they took the woman's babies

"Where is this blank world?" Mrs. Kate interfered but saw the teenage girl chuckling. "What is funny, kid?" She provoke

"My name is Lina and the blank world is nowhere." The girl, almost the age of Valentine, replie

"What do you mean nowhere?" The woman turned to Pakyl

"Where in the world is garden of Eden, ma'am?" he asked then silence creeped in. "Don't you think if the garden is anywhere in the world people will not hesitate to go there for the fruit of life regardless the sharp swards that guides the garden as recorded in the bible

"Are you saying the blank world doesn't exist?" Val interfere

"It does exist but almost like the garden of Eden. Hard to locate" Lina replied hi

"How do you people know this

"Because I'm an uncle to the babies you saw. The fainted woman is my sister. Don't worry, they won't touch her" Pakyle concluded to the amazement of others except Lin


Sunday seated before his teacher who had been handling him on sex education for the past one week. That was the last day of their lecture. One could see the image of a female and male sex organ well drawn and labelled on a wall

"Remember, Sunday," the male teacher began. "When you're sexually arose especially with a female, explore all her erogenous zones: the breast, kiss not only her lips but her neck, stimulating her clitoral region. Can you locate the clitoris

Sunday pointed at the image. "There, just above the vulva before the vagina

"Smart one!" The teacher reinforced. "Remember the panis as a male is meant to enter into the vagina, stroking in an interval until you release a sparm that will form a baby human in the womb of the female" he summarize

On the other hand at Kezra, Amaya had just concluded her lecture too then rushed into her room excitedly. She collapsed on the bed, staring at the roof of the sanctum with smile all over her face. She was totally lost in thought without knowing when Jesaica entered into the room

"I can see you're excited" she brought back the young girl to reality who quickly sat up. "How do you feel, Amaya

"I don't know" she bent her head, feeling shy. Jessica understood, walked to her and sat beside her with a meek voic

"Do you sometime have sexual urge, Amaya

The girl raised her head at her. "Do you mean the urge to be with a male

Jessica nodde

She bent her head down again, twisting her fingers. "Not really, but I feel my vagina wet sometime and I discover that it feels so good when I rub my clitoris during such moment." She raised her head. "Is it normal

"Yes my dear." Jessica crossed her hand over her shoulder. "When you're in such a mood, it simply means that you need a male especially the one you love. Don't worry, we shall visit someone tomorrow

Amaya smiled. "Thank you mother Jessica." She sai

Surprisingly, Jessica frowned. "Who taught you that?" She asked. Before Amaya could answer, Cynthia entered to pick an item. Amaya stared at her as an answer to the question by Jesaica who pretended like it wasn't a big dea


The atmosphere was favourable in the blank world enhancing a lovely mood to Amaya's heart who rode with Jessica on a different horse, going to Azra, Jacob's residence. Moving out of the house had always excited Amaya coz she was restricted to several places except her environment. Therefore, she rode the horse happily until they got to their destination. She sighted Jacob drinking outside under an ornamental tree with another young boy of her age. Seeing him, a butterfly triggered in her stomach like Juliet in the presence of Romeo. How would she had known that the young boy she just fell in love at first sight was her twin brother? Nevertheless, they stepped down from the horse and joined them, drinking and chatting. The twins occasionally stole a glance at each other. Suddenly, Jacob stood up saying, "Sunday, why don't you continue with Amaya while Jessica and I get something from inside?

The two left the teenagers in order to establish a relationship. They watched them from a window to see Amaya laughing at everything Sunday said. That was a good sign that they were getting along smoothly. Hence their plan was also working graduall

Jessica glanced at Jacob at the window. "There is something about Sunday's behaviour towards Amaya." She sai

"What's that?" Jacob looked through the window to detect what the old woman tried to substantiat

"Sunday doesn't seem as happy as Amay

"It's always like that" Jacob averted his eyes from the kids then continued. "In a relationship, the love of one person is always greater. I think Amaya's love is greater

Jessica exhale

Hours later, Amaya began to ride home with Jessica who monitored her lovely mood then asked her. "It seems like you love Sunday, don't you

Amaya smiled. "I like him but.." She intensively looked at Jessica. "..but it seems like we almost resemble except that I have a long hair while his is short. Like I can see his nose, lips and eyes exactly like mine. Why

"It's just a coincidence in nature. Don't worry you can always visit him anytime you want." Jessica hope she had convinced he

On the other hand, Jacob entered Sunday's room to see him spacing through the window. He closed the door behind him saying, "Are you okay, Sunday?

The young boy turned. "I'm fine, Jacob

"Well" he sat at the edge of a bed. "Why don't you come and tell me what you discussed with Amaya

Sunday smiled. "She did the laughing while I did the talkin

"Do you love her

Sunday hesitated to answer the question, wallowing in a deep thought


It was midnight when Sunday's door cracked opened. Lucky sneaked in. The room was illuminated with a candle light which helped him to see Sunday lying half naked on the bed. He gently met him then began to romance and kissing him until the young boy reciprocated and got erected. For the past few years, Lucky had been molesting the boy, making him suck his dick and penetrating through his anus. He practically turned him to a homosexual which after he always tell him "I love you" and make the boy reply after every homosexual intercourse...


"Do you love Amaya, Sunday?" Jacob's question brought him back to reality.

Sunday shook his head. "No, I don't. I love Lucky." The response was the beginning of their problem in the blank world but the end of Lucky

Jacob became amazed....

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  • CHAPTER 30

    The transformers are those who were resurrected from the blank world with the use of the blood arsenic,they have an horrific look with black smoke emanating from their head.They have special abilities to run fast and resurrecting to life even if a bullet enters into their skill.Hence,the are invincible. The peace in the atmosphere changes drastically to a tensed atmosphere so as the weather.It was as if it was about to rain.Guns pointed at a particular transformer.That was pakyle,his claws drip of blood.He bend his head suddenly making a particular police shoot him directly in the skull due to frighteness.The gun dropped instantly from his hand shakyly.His pants wet with pee when he noticed the bullet only created a hole which closed back immediately. "Everybody run!!!!"Their commander shouted. The transformer immediately grabbed an escaping police and killed him instantly with his claw.Mello,Tasha and Sandra could be seen hiding a car. "Shhhhh!"Mello ushed Sandra.She is always sc

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    The echoes of bullet continues in the canal flying in various directions.Unfortunately,one caught Grande on his leg.He fell groaning in pain.Tasha halted and hurried back to help him up. "Go!! go!,take them to safely,am going to be fine"Grande said holding the wounded leg. Tasha shook her head"We are going to leave this place together no matter what ""You need to stan...".Another bullet that went directly into his arm interrupted Tasha. "Go now!!!"Grande shouted in pains. As Tasha run leaving him, tears fell from her eye.She didn't know why.She barely know him but the thought of him dying coldly in the hands of Jamiel sent shrills down her spine. Sandra on the other hand clinged in her position on Mello's back like a pussy cat. "We can't leave him there,he's going to be killed by that bloody pervert"Mello pointed."Can't you get it?,he won't think twice putting bullet in skulls of those who stand in his way.""We need to go now!!!"more tears dropped from her eye."I can't leav

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    Their feets creates a splash sound as they run through the a canal found at a secret part of the building."Hurry,we need to get out before they find out"Grande said specifically to Sandra who was tired already. With hands on her kneels Sha said "I need to rest,am loosing my breath".His mum,Tasha hurried to her immediately"we can't rest now Sandra,else, we're going to be doomed. That alone got her motivated,she smiled and struggled up. "Let the race begin" She said after rising while others smiled at her especially mello who couldn't resist her beautiful smile."what a beauty,she muttered". Meanwhile,Jamiel and his men hurried to the room,it was void of human.He rubbed his hair in confusion "How do hell did they escaped"he began to looked around the whole sanctum for a possible means they could have escaped through.Others followed his steps by looking around the room.Jude stood on a table in such away his head almost touched the ceiling but it can't due to his short height. "Jude,t

  • CHAPTER 27

    As human being, whenever we experience something unusual,our mind begins to function unusually.Hence our sweat gland will activate getting our body moisturized.The fear of death is the beginning of life.Jamiel is the real face of death. Transquility lingered in the room.At about 3seconds later, the sound of a needle drop could be heard audibly in the sanctum. "We might crawl or fall but only those who falls rises"Grande began."We need a plan"he moved to the table and start drawing a sketch of the building. Tasha moved closer"I know the structure of these place than anybody, we've been here for long". "That way leads to the drainage..... * * Valentine and Lina entered into the technology room of late pakyle.The movement of their leg rhyme like soldiers going to battle. "Get set to work,I need 24/7 surveillance to every nook and cranny of the city."Lina got closer. "They must not escape this time around"he looked at valentine. "Where do you see this?"he pointed at the chain

  • CHAPTER 26

    They ran not because they are cowards but due to they came unprepared.The trio ran blindly in the cold night.The sound of their leg against the wet grass is like that of a lover giving her fiancee a passionate kiss." Ahrrrgh,"A bullet caught Mello's leg.Grande turned instantly to help him up but he held his hand."Leave me and go!!"he winced in pain."Are you crazy?"Grande dragged him."You're going to jump from frying pan to fire if you sit down there cos more bullet is going to do you harm and get you dried up like a log"Grande rapped.Jamiel halted to see them at the rare."Damn!!"he hurried back ". Mello stood with an injured leg and began to ran once again with hands around Grande neck.Tear dropped from his eye.He knew the worst is yet to happen. Valentine Arrived at the location on his bike.He could see Lina and team from a distance.He alighted and began to approach her.Lina had ordered those who went in chase to returned.They lost track already. "Are you looking for the same d

  • CHAPTER 25

    Jamiel always in his black wears moved towards the wall of the secret room and clicked on an invisible button.Automatically,the wall opened up to reveal another room.Unlike mello,Grande wasn't surprised because he was used to those kind of things."Holy Moses!!,are you kidding me"He widened his eye in shock.He was the first to dash towards the interior for explorations. The exterior of the room was not just exquisite but also modernized.One could see advanced technology devices at every corner of the room.Jamiel stood near the table placed at the centre of the room and activated a key.A transparent screen appears showing the map of the city of brevielle.He pointed at a particular region on the map with a red dot.That was the region of the blank world which was destroyed. Before Jamiel could utter a word, Grande said"Its better not be what am thinking"he glare at Jamiel after knowing his intentions. "Pull that string and everyone in this city is going to be dead"he continued.Mello w

  • CHAPTER 24

    "We need to get you out of here"Jamiel persisted.""We need you to do something different , something to set the whole world in a bizzare mood"Jamiel continued. "Am not understanding anything you are saying" Grande held his head in confusion."Are you planning to destroy the world?"Damn!!,this is too much to conceive"he dropped his hands. They were both having the conversation when the same prison security came inside without a smile distracting their attention and said"Your time is up." "Jamiel looked at Grande in a way that asked:I HOPE YOU GOT THAT.He nodded his head like Agama lizard and stood up in his blue prison dress. "Thanks you"Jamiel uttered to the security man immediately he got to his position. "Welcome"he replied silently. Grande exited the visiting room with the thought of the confusing news he just received from jamiel.He entered into the cell to see his co-inmate smoking cigarettes as usual thus he began to wonder if that is their own source of food and nutrition.

  • CHAPTER 23

    The mystery behind the creation of the blank world was not just scientific but also political.Some dangerous political leaders had collude with grande which brought about the creation of the blank world,the purpose was to use the world for their different odd activities one of which is the plan to make two blood twin have sex.Yes!!Jessica is dead,she was just a controller in the blank world but the main people behind the invention are still alive. The air condition that circulated the room ventilated it hence everywhere was cool.This comfort wasn't felt by some men,they were seven seated round a circular table.All wore a black suit over a black trouser,only their white shirt was odd.The looks on their faces was nothing to write home about as they look like someone who had just been visited by a ghost.Mr jamiel who happened to be their leader stood and said"our secret has been leaked".The news had circulated so others were not freaked.He stood up and began to walk round the table li

  • CHAPTER 22

    The sight of the panic room mesmerized Mello when he entered with Lina. Already, pakyle had punched in the name of the creator (Grande Masjid) on a computer in order to locate his location. Lina walked to him while Mello roamed his eyes around to see several computers of different shapes with their connections."Wow, there are many T.Vs in here" he wondered.Lina glanced at him with a smile. "There are computers, Mello." she replied."What's the difference?"Lina ignored him, giving her attention back to Pakyle who immediately got the location of the creator of the blank world. Both looked at each other then said at the same time, "5th arrondissement street."Their statement attracted Mello, so he joined in the amazing look saying, "Have you found him? I need to see him. Someone who was able to create the blank world is a genius and I'll like to know how he did it." he said."Me too" Lina supported while Pakyle glanced at her, taking a step away from her. "Which after I will put a bul

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