uncertain thoughts
The fight started with Alex charging in like a bull with his shield forward.

Isabella stood there for a bit watching Alex ram the goblins like bull.

He smashed through them and swerved two of them into the ground, he swiftly turned and cleaved the head of an approaching goblin.

[[[ You Have Killed. A Goblin Lvl. 3

[[ You Have Earned 55 Experience Points

“Was he always that violent?" she watched as he impaled his sword through the head of his prey.

[[[ You Have Killed. A Goblin Lvl. 3

[[ You Have Earned 55 Experience Points

Black bloodstain washed him up as he cleaved through.

‘Argh, I knew she was going to just stand there and do nothing’ Alex boots a goblin down and smashes it head to bits.

[[[ You Have Killed A Goblin Lvl. 3

[[[ You Have Earned 55 Experience Points

“To think he's just some ordinary boy, he has the traits of a swordsman.” she remarked and gripped her spear tightly, unable to decide on what to actually do to help.

After World Reset, Isa
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