Daily Quest
Alex’s POV

A daily quest,

We all thought it was going to be usual, accept certain rewards but this, it was kind of, different.

“You have got to be kidding me.” Isabella lamented,

She then looked from the screen to me, “so do you understand any of this?”

Although it was clear, she just had to ask the obvious.

“Seems to me the system changed the format of daily quests”

Daily quests were usually based on acceptance of either mana, EXP, gifts and the like, but the system gave us something different and perhaps, something that might be hard to accomplish.


[]Daily Quest: Trials Of Magical Ruins Of Ana

[]Quest Objectives:

Navigate and find the three ancient rune stones which will in turn unlock the final piece of the quest.

[]Note: Failure To Accomplish Daily Quest Will Result To A Great Penalty Of The Party.

“Not like we have a choice…” Liam said he hated the fact the system had to start off with this but there was nothing he could do.

Alex sighed. “... Th
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