World Reset
“You’ve done well Mraive. Now, we can proceed.” Garf's voice boomed and sent chills down the hearts everyone that heard him speak. “Now, we shall take this world.”

He majestically paced forward with his army. Ships continued to beam through portals and giant sized beasts continued to spawn around the world.

Liam shook his head and said “What the hell, is the invasion already starting?”

“Seems like it… ” Isabella replied. “They couldn't wait any longer to invade so I guess they just went with it.”

‘It's good they came to us, but it also isn't at the same time.’

Alex started to think about the situation. He looked around and caught a glimpse of everyone's stats. ‘They are far from being capable of taking on these guys… he looked back at the Orcs marching down the road.’

‘Are we going to be enough?’

~ Ring!

[ Tower Notification : Clearance Of Floors Begins 24 Hours ]


He was the only one that had received the message so far.

‘It’s July 1st already?’ Bad new
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