Chapter 142

Manasi was suddenly injected out of the void, as he saw the vast, clear sky. There was even a monster bird not far from him, flying leisurely. 

The mutant bird's eyes let up as it saw him. Thinking that Manasi was a free meal, the mutated bird darted toward him, its sharp beak ready to pierce him.

Then everything changed. The void was like a large maw of a beast slowly closing to swallow the mutated bird. 

It could only release a muffled 'chirp' before it was swallowed whole. Seeing that, Manasi was dumbfounded.

"What the ****!!"

In panic, he subconsciously released his lightning domain.

As a net of lightning current discharged from his body, even the void that was attempting to swallow him was pushed back as it disappeared.

He then let out a sigh of relief. It was then, that just as he was about to descend.

His eyes widen, reflecting the turret of missiles launching darting in his direction. 

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