Chapter 20 Star Devouring Crystal

Inside the system space

Manasi could be seen in a seating position while looking at the peacefully sleeping blossom, he strokes her silky blue hair while her eyes tremble slightly. 

'Looking at her face, really calms my mind, it's been days running around I don't even know what is happening on earth if the church is okay or little Autumn that child is okay.' Manasi thought.

“Spirit System, can you check on little Autumn and the church?” Manasi said.

'Contractor, Autumn's parents died in the earthquake, and she is now in her relative house. 

The church is mostly okay, but they have a conflict with the bishop, for the time being, they're safe.' Spirit System.

When Spirit System finish its words, Manasi could see a [-10 energy] on the corner of his eyes.

Manasi touch his cheeks in thought, as he did not expect that the church would have a conflict, and also the little girl Autumn lost her parent at a young age, it was unimaginable.


“Spirit system, send me out.” Manasi said in sadness, as he disappear.

He then appeared silently at the Engine Room and looking around he spotted the raccoon, he was busy working on some device. He then slowly walks toward the raccoon and reaches out his hand.

“AHH!” The raccoon has a scare, his shout was quite ear-piercing, even Manasi had to adjust his ears first before talking.

“What are you shouting for?” Manasi said while raising his brows.

The raccoon then realizes his mistake he quickly shirked his big head, he was embarrassed with his shout. The raccoon then fidgeted while saying.

“Sorry about that, boss! I was just surprised.” Raccoon said while distancing himself.

“What's your name and why are you in the engine room?” Manasi said solemnly.

The raccoon hesitated for a moment, before answering.

"..... Ummm I'm Ben, an evolved creature of raccoons, I was the engineer of our planet and when the Abyssal Abaddons is conducting business with our race, they discovered my talent in building things, so they took me away to maintain their ship…" Ben said timidly.

Manasi thought for a moment and ask the Spirit System.

'Spirit system, is it okay to bring this guy with me?'

'Contractor, it's your call, but I can see this raccoon is talented, he can be useful.' Spirit System.

Manasi then decided to get this raccoon, he smile from ear to ear while looking at him. The raccoon saw Manasi's creepy smile, it gives the raccoon shivers.

“Hey Ben, do you want to work for me, I won't hurt you, I'll give you shelter and food to enjoy, and even female raccoons I will give to you.” Manasi said that while smiling brightly.

The friendly grinning face of Manasi was still creepy. He then turns his head down to see Manasi's hand, which is gesturing with his gun, while shaking it threateningly. 

The raccoon Ben's face broke with cold sweat, he is terrified of Manasi's grinning face. 

He was clearly threatening him at gunpoint.

Even though Manasi smiling face says 'I won't hurt you!' plastered on it. But the raccoon could sense that he was a dangerous person.

He said in a stuttering manner.


The raccoon is about to decline but Manasi won't let that happen.

Still grinning with a friendly face.

“You're going to work for me righttttttttt?”

When Manasi said that he summoned something from his hand and the raccoon glimpses on it.

On Manasi's hand, there appeared a laser knife that reflected the light inside the engine room.

"Ummm...I..I...." The stuttering raccoon's eyes widened when it saw the knife he almost fainted, the raccoon's teeth keeps clattering.

“…. I'll join boss!, I'll work please! I'll WORK!!” The raccoon Ben manage to complete his sentence, before he broke into tears while whimpering at the end of his sentence.

Manasi then nodded his head in satisfaction and come near the raccoon while helping him up, even though the raccoon is about to resist. 

But when he sees Manasi's friendly smile, the raccoon's face stiffed, and continue to gulp his saliva.

“I'm a good person, with a gentle heart that is always ready to help others, my 'buddy Ben you can even call me Manasi and not "boss"...if others see you in tears they would think I'm bullying you." As Manasi said that he help the raccoon stand up while taking off the dust on his body.

"I'm okay with anything boss, just don't kill me." The raccoon Ben uttered.

He wouldn't believe what Manasi said about him being 'good' and 'gentle'.

Manasi then touches the raccoon on his shoulder without even waiting for his response, he sends him inside the space, while saying to the raccoon Ben.

“Your first work is to nurse my daughter.” Manasi said as he looks at the disappearing Raccoon Ben who has a terrifying face.

'Spirit System guard Blossom for me and send out that raccoon if he does anything harmful to my daughter.' Manasi said solemnly.

'Yes, Contractor… But you sure are ruthless in forcing someone.' Spirit System

“That's the only option for the raccoon to survive as this place will soon turn to ruins.” Manasi said that because Manasi saw the raccoon is talented, even though the raccoon is too timid. 

But if it is a ruthless and wicked raccoon, he would kill it regardless of talent unless he can change for the better.

Manasi then walks toward the star-devouring crystal, when he stood in front of it, he was also near the beast deity heart. 

He could hear the throbbing of the Beast deity's heart as if telling him something, but Manasi couldn't comprehend, and he is running out of time. Any more delays would change into an unfavorable situation.

“Spirit System, I'm ready.” Manasi said with determination.

'Contractor remember, to endure the pain as the energy of the star devouring crystal is connected to the beast deity life energy, the pain you are going to endure will be tripled.' Spirit System

Manasi closed his eyes while raising his hand touching the star-devouring crystal. 

The moments he touches the star devouring crystal it desired to absorb him. But before that could happen, Manasi said under his breath.

“Absorb.” Manasi's arm starts to be covered by a red burning aura, at first it is like a cloud of smoke.

But then it boiled as more and more energy Manasi absorb is being converted into the system energy.

Manasi's left-hand veins start to budge as his vein starts to turn blue.

The more Manasi absorbs the star devouring crystal energy. His skin starts to turn red as the skin slowly peeled off.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!" Manasi shouted because of the pain, not even minding that the tears in his eyes are being evaporated.

As Manasi keeps absorbing the star-devouring crystal, the heart also keeps throbbing ferociously, as more energy is being absorbed.

If Manasi opened his eyes, he would see that he keeps receiving tens of system energy on the icon. 

It's been ten minutes already and Manasi's left-hand flesh starts to be peeled off and on his finger, some of his bones could be seen.

Furthermore, all the clothes on Manasi's body are burning, even his brows and hair.

The Beast Deity Heart that was throbbing ferociously is now slowly stopping to throb. 

The Beast Deity Heart almost looks like a related balloon. 

Finally, it stops throbbing and the star devouring crystal shine starts to become dim as it slowly crumbled, leaving only a red-colored crystal.

Manasi did not see that the Icon of the system energy was already full [1000/1000] then it quickly turns [00200/10000].

Manasi's eyes trembled slightly as even opening his eyes is already very difficult, as his cracked lips keep quivering. While all strength on his body is drained out.

He couldn't feel his left hand anymore and when he finally opened his eyes with difficulties that entered his vision, he could see a red crystal-like bone at his supposedly outstretched arm.

Manasi slightly turns his head and from his finger to his shoulder base, what he could only see is a red crystal bone, he wanted to cry but he knows that he couldn't as his tears have long been dried out.

'..I...fulfilled...promise...Spirit...System...the....very least... I'm....still...alive.....' Manasi said under his breath with difficulties.

Manasi smiled a light while slowly closing his eyes. Even though this happened to him, he did not regret it, not even a single bit.

The Mother Ship started to tremble violently as scraps of metal are crashing down.

Killing some of the Homunculus Beast Tiger and Abyssal Abaddons inside the ship. 

As the Main Engine of the Mother Ship is destroyed the Mother Ship also entered into a self-destruct sequence.

Suddenly, something hard hit the Mother Ship as it broke the walls of the Mother Ship and it did not stop.

Even though the Mother Ship keeps exploding it continue as it went through and penetrated the Main Engine Room.

Boom! Boom! 

At this time the naked Manasi is still unconscious while breathing slowly, oblivious to his surrounding as the man who penetrated the Mother Ship.

Dust and scrap of metals, some fleshy walls also fall to the ground and finally, a three meters tall shadow slowly revealed himself.

End of Chapter 20

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