Chapter 19 Papa, Blossom Is Okay

In the desolate planet's desert, two figures could be seen entering the huge Mother Ship.

The figure at the front is carrying a gun. While the other figure is wearing a white gown and carrying a huge snowy axe, the same height as she is, about two meters high.

The two of them are slowly advancing inside the Mother Ship. 

The passages of the mother ship are all destroyed as many ax marks and claw marks are on every side. Blood keeps flowing on the metal floor in this dim passage.


These two figures slowly proceed in this passage. As they walk, the one at the front is very vigilant. 

He would only enter a passage when it was fully secured, as he kept touching the surface walls and putting his ears into them to listen for any movement. 

The lady, on the other hand, is very relaxed while grabbing the hemp of his shirt while dragging her ax that keeps creating friction on the metal floor.

"Papa, where are we going?" The adorable lady-girl said rather cutely while smiling, which shows her dimples. She keeps tagging the hemp of his shirt while calling out.

The young man then turns his head toward her while raffling her hair. 

Yes, these two are Manasi and his daughter, Blossom. It's a bit strange to call them father and daughter because, based on their height, they look like a pair of senior sisters and junior brothers.

"Papa, are we stealing?" Blossom said innocently as she dragged her axe, creating friction.

"Blossom, as a guest, we can keep some souvenirs." Manasi said with a straight face. He then starts to educate his daughter.

"Blossom, when you meet those bad guys in the future, it's okay to beat them up and take all their staff, okay?" Manasi grinned from ear to ear while reaching his hand towards Blossom's cheeks, and pinching them left and right.

" Ok... ay." Blossom says with difficulty as her cheeks are being pinched.

As Blossom and Manasi were talking, the spirit system sent a message.

'Contractor, you're very manipulative.' Spirit System

'Hey, Spirit system, those Abyssal Abaddons had a screw loose on their heads, and any form of punishment is permissible in dealing with them.' 

'Contractor, I guess you are right, but contractor, you should hurry up to the main engine of this ship before the Homunculus beast picks up your scent.' Spirit System

Manasi had entered the Mother Ship because the Spirit System told him that the Mother Ship Main Engine could help upgrade the Spirit System [Observer].

When it is upgraded It wouldn't require energy to scan enemies unless they had their SS Rank.

That was something Manasi desired.

"Spirit System, can I upgrade you using the main engine?" Manasi asks while making their way to the main engine room.

'Yes, Contractor, and it would be convenient for you to use the [Observer] map by then. I can also modify other skills.' Spirit System

When Manasi heard the word "modify skills," he became quite elated, a huge smirk forming on his face.

"Hahaha! Yes! Yes! Yeah!" Manasi shouted, feeling genuinely happy, he couldn't hold himself and punched the metal wall beside him like an idiot.

'Bang! Bang!'

"Papa! Papa! Abba! Don't scare the Blossom, Papa." Blossom cried out and shook Manasi out of his stupor.

"Sorry! Stop, Blossom!... I'm getting dizzy... I'm just excited..." When Manasi finally manages to stop Blossom from shaking him. 

Dazed by how much Bossom's shook him. They were about to leave when suddenly, Blossom raised her arm at something from the opposite direction of Manasi's line of sight.

Manasi paused for a moment before slowly turning around with a wary smile.

He could see a group of bloody figures, three-meter tall Abaddons with their broken axes.

"Ummm... they found us because of the noise, right, Spirit system?"

'Yes, Contractor.' Spirit System

Manasi raised his arm that was holding the Heavy Gravity Launcher.

However, Blossom's arms were already covered in a thick layer of ice, and suddenly an ice-like cage slowly appeared on the Abyssal Abaddons' feet as it caged them inside. 


The group of Abyssal Abaddons raised their broken axes and bashed the ice cage. But it was of no use as their bodies stiffened.

Manasi was astonished as he looks at the Blossom. He then hugs her tightly and intends to lift her up, but she's heavy.

"My adorable daughter! "Manasi said while trying to lift Blossom.

"Papa, I love you." Says Blossom while showing her two dimples.

'Contractor, you should keep those sculptures inside the system storage so I can extract their skills effectively whilst saving energy.' Spirit System

Manasi immediately agreed.

They continue moving ahead. 

Following the corridor path toward the engine room, they encounter some Abyssal Abaddons and a group of Homunculus Beast Tigers.

But Blossom bashed them swiftly, rendering them into an ice sculpture. 

Manasi then happily put them inside the system's storage space.

Finally, they arrive at the Main Engine door room. 

'Contractor, the battle outside is getting dangerous. It would destroy this spaceship in the process. Advice to immediately absorb the main engine energy core.' Spirit System

Manasi plastered an explosive device on the metal door.


When Manasi is about to enter the Main Engine. He sensed something, so he put his hand on the door surface. He felt something vibrating on the other side.

'What was that?' 

'Spirit System, double-check the engine room!' Manasi asks while maintaining his vigilance.

'Contractor beside the Raccoon, there is no one inside or anything dangerous.' Spirit System.

Manasi is surprised that there are no defense systems installed in the main engine. 

It should be heavily guarded in case someone manages to enter and destroy the main power of the mother ship.

"Raccoon?" Manasi had a question mark on his head as he slowly entered the main engine room. 

Inside, they could see a huge crystal, the same as the one that killed the Sage race. 

Manasi then saw something he would never forget. A huge heart with black veins that kept throbbing could be seen.

This huge heart keeps pulsing. It has a dozen metal tubes and cylinders that are connected to the staring crystal beside it.

"Spirit System, what is that?"

'Contractor, it is the Sage Deity Beast heart of this desolate planet.' Spirit System

Astonished by the information, and when he hears where the heart came from, he becomes speechless.

Abruptly, Manasi sensed Blossom's pale complexion as her whole body kept trembling.

"Papa! Papa!" Blossom keeps trembling and calling out in a panic.

Manasi then sprints toward Blossom, embraces her tightly while his hand is on the back of her head.

"It's okay, okay blossom, Papa's here." Manasi continues to comfort her, not knowing what to do.

Unexpectedly, an unknown voice could be heard.

"She is affected by the bloodline suppression of Deity Beast." Unknown voice

Manasi turned his head toward the voice's direction. He could see a dwarf figure with the bead of a raccoon and wearing a brown robe, a magnifying glass, and a hammer in his hand.

"Who are you, and what do you mean by bloodline suppression?" Manasi demanded, his voice threatening.

The Raccoon trembles for a moment when it hears the threatening voice of Manasi.

"...Their connection would affect her. Because her ancestors had a contract with the Beast Deity to grant them its blood. In exchange, they would guard the Beast Deity planet, this desolate planet." The raccoon said, then he paused.

"She should leave the engine room or it would be hard for her to breathe." The Raccoon said.

Manasi, without hesitation, asks the Spirit System to open the portal. 

It's not that he trusted the raccoon, it was because he did not have a choice but to leave here temporarily.

Manasi and the blossoms were gone in a split second. Even the raccoon who was conversing with Manasi became dumbfounded.

'...' Raccoon


System Space

Inside the storage space, they floated inside here.

Manasi then lay down in the blossoms while touching her forehead, feeling her temperature rising. Her breathing is still unnatural, it was not a good sign. 

"Little Blossom, Papa is worried about you." Manasi said in a panic.


"I'm fine, Papa; Blossom's tired..."

Blossom's eyelids trembled. Holding Manasi's palm while showing her adorable dimples, she then closed her eyes.


"This is my fault! Damn it!"

Manasi's eyes turned red as he didn't want her to die.

"...." Spirit System

'Contractor, she's sleepy, you drama queen, she'll be alright.....What you're doing now is disturbing her, you idiot. ' Spirit System 

"..." Manasi

Manasi, who was about to burst into tears, paused while forcefully stopping his tears. 

Manasi then realizes the whole scenario. Why did the Spirit system not inform him about Blossom's condition? Did the spirit system just want him to feel embarrassed?

'Contractor, It is very manly to cry. By all means, cry your heart out.' Spirit System.

"..." Manasi

End of Chapter 19

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