Chapter 18 Illuminating Prince Bel

Sage Planet's Desolation

The moment the Abyssal Abaddon Commander raises the gemstone, it shines in rainbow color. 

As its shine reflects on top of the Mother Ship, where the Homunculus Metal Dragon is being shackled and curbed.

When the Homunculus Metal Dragon at the top of the Mother Ship was being scanned by the rainbow light, its sleeping eyelids tremble for a moment, then it opens wide. As it awakens and slowly arouses.

When it was completely up, it shook the chains for a moment, then it heaved the chains that locked it up. 

It then forcefully yanked the chains that are connected toward the Mother Ship pillar of irons. 

It uprooted the base of the four pillars. As the four pillars collided with the Mother Ship frame, they exploded.

The Homunculus Metal Dragon moved its legs slowly, as the metal chains connected to his ankles started to form cracks as they dropped. 


The chain locks weighed about a ton as they dropped and deformed the surface of the mother ship.

The Homunculus Metal Dragon then raised its head.

“Roar!!!” An earth-shattering roar could be heard, even making the Homunculus Beast and Abyssal Abaddons stop fighting.



Day 23, since the earthquake.

Oceans of the Pacific

One of the most notorious places to visit.

However, something was strange about this Pacific Ocean at present, as the supposedly strong current becomes smooth. 

It's like looking in a mirror. Without even a single ripple on the sea, no sea creature can be seen as if they had fled, not even the supposedly strong winds.

It was a total silence over the sea.

From afar, a 200-meter cargo vessel can be seen traveling in the notorious Pacific Ocean. 

Their destination was the very center of the Pacific Ocean.

A tall, handsome man in his thirties wearing a tuxedo can be seen walking leisurely while leaving the door that has a nameplate on the main deck.

The man put his right hand in his pocket while taking out a phone, while calling someone on the phone.

“Bishop Vincent, this is Mr. Lee. We have already determined where the void will appear. I will be leaving shortly. " 

He then put down his phone while continuing to walk ahead. His destination was the ship's bridge.

Inside this cargo ship, an old man who looks like in his seventies with a white beard can be seen supervising the bridge with the other three crew members.

Suddenly, the door of the bridge was opened by someone. A tall man in a tuxedo entered the ship's bridge, with a gentle temperament and a smile on his face.

The old man turned around in his chair toward the door as the person entered, while he smiled and greeted the man respectfully.

“Mr. Lee, are you enjoying our trip to survey the Pacific Ocean?”

Mr. Lee smiles at the old man while returning the greetings.

“Captain, I'm enjoying my stay here.”

The Captain had a thoughtful expression.

“Mr. Lee, the situation in this Pacific Ocean is quite strange. The ship's radar is unable to pick up any living beings. What's more, the sea is too calm.” The captain frowned while saying that.

“You don't have to worry about anything, Captain. After all, we are only here to survey the area."

Mr. Lee calmly said that, but his eyes were very sharp while observing if there was anything improper.

“Mr. Lee, can you put on some good words for me to the other officials?” The Captain smiles happily while carrying a favor to Mr. Lee and the other officials.

"I will be continuing our party, captain, would you like to join us?” Mr. Lee said, and a smile could be seen on his handsome face.

“I would love to, but I'm not qualified for such an occasion, Mr. Lee.” The Captain saluted Mr. Lee as he signaled the crew to open the door as Mr. Lee walked out.

As Mr. Lee leaves the bridge, the crew members start asking the captain questions. 

“Captain, is that the right-hand man of Bishop Vincent?” The chief mate asks the captain.

The Captain said while thinking.

“Yes that Mr. Lee is the right-hand man of the Bishop… somehow I'm doubtful why Mr. Lee is tagging along with this survey.” 

Then he recalled the friendly Mr. Lee, he became confident and decided to forget his doubts.

At this time, Mr. Lee entered the main deck, which had many decorations and lights on display inside. 

Inside this main deck room, as the mix of lights starts dancing, the music starts playing.

But something was strange, there was not a single person dancing. At the very center of the room, thirty people are forming a circle in a kneeling position.

Some of them are wearing a sailor's uniform, while the others are wearing formal attire.

In their mouths, their hands and legs are all tipped, while blood keeps dripping from their necks. 

At the center of this group of people, there could be seen a skull in the centermost position and a crown-like one with sharp tendrils on it.

The blood continues to drip and slowly drowns the skull.

Mr. Lee spotted the six gentlemen and elegantly walked toward them, oblivious to the flowing blood on the floor. 

He arrives at the table, he reaches out his palm to the leader of these six men.

“Mr. Greg, it's a pleasure to work with you.” Mr. Lee said, while giving his brightest smile.

Mr. Greg accepted his palm as a gesture of respect.

“It's my pleasure, Mr. Lee.” Mr. Greg said while bowing to Mr. Lee.

Then they all picked up their glasses and filled them with wine and raised them.

As the six men also follow, they raise their arms with glasses filled with wine.

Then they all start to chant at the same time.

“We drink this wine as the blood of Prince Bel."

“We partake of the flesh like Prince Bel's flesh.”

“For the ever-illuminating Prince Bel!”



The Desolate Planet of Sage

At the top of the Mother Ship, a Metal Dragon could be seen making his way down while grabbing the Mother Ship's weapons. 

The Metal Dragon landed in the desert, resulting in a massive hole and scattering dust all over the world.

The Metal Dragon slowly walks toward the Abyssal Abaddon Commander.

Finally, when the metal dragon starts to descend, the ceremony is complete. Manasi managed to see the metal dragon's stomach. 

There was a giant hole in the stomach of the metal dragon. Blood continues to drip, but there is no response.

Then something unexpected happened as the Homunculus Beast king arrived.

He arrived at the Abyssal Abaddon's side when the contract beast suddenly sprinted toward the Metal Dragon Homunculus and released a strong attack on its dragon forehead.


The attack connected and created a shockwave that managed to push back the Metal Dragon Homunculus while leaving a trail in the sand. 

Some giant boulders got destroyed as the Metal Dragon Homunculus was pushed back. It then became angry. 

The Metal Dragon Homunculus forehead became injured, but it did not mind as it released a silvery claw attack that was augmented with metal.


To receive the silver claw, the contract beast of Hadem crossed its arms over its chest. 

A red shield suddenly opened around the contract beast as it used a technique that only the highest sage could do. 

The Metal Dragon Homunculus attack is nullified, while its energy is being absorbed by the star devouring crystal on the chest of the contract beast.

The contract beast of Hadem's aura is becoming stronger and stronger. Its aura is about the same as a rank A monster.

At this time, no one will know who is stronger, the contract beast or the Metal Dragon Homunculus.

“I did not expect that the contract beast would be as strong as you.” The Abyssal Abaddon Commander said doubtfully.

At this time, the Abyssal Abaddon Commander and the Metal Dragon join hands to face the Hadem's contract beast.

The Metal Dragon Homunculus continues to fight without clear advantage and had to allow the Abyssal Abaddon Commander to join the fight.

Then suddenly, the Homunculus Beast Tiger slowly stood up from afar and sprinted toward the fight between the Abyssal Abaddon commander and the Beast King Homunculus.

As they keep fighting.

On the other hand, Manasi receives a word from the Spirit System.

'Contractor, ignore the fight between the Metal Dragon Homunculus and the other beasts, focus on finding the bodies of the homunculus race or the Abyssal Abaddons, you need absorb their energy for the system.' Spirit System

Manasi then nods his head while holding the arms of blossom.

"Let's go, Blossom!" 

"Okay, papa hehe!" Blossom grinned adorably.

Manasi spotted a corpse of the small homunculus beast tiger.

Then another beast, Manasi, keeps absorbing the bodies of corpses.

Every time Manasi absorbs a complete corpse, it adds 8 to 10 energy systems. 

Manasi could feel that his strength is also increasing.

Blossom would help Manasi carry some corpses for him to absorb.

[+6 Battle power] 

[+7 Energy System] 

[+6 Energy System] 

[+5 Battle Power] 

[+6 Energy System] 

[+3 Battle Power] 

Suddenly, the contract beast is smashed away by the metal dragon homunculus.

The contract beast shoots right through the Mother Ship.

Manasi wanted to see what kind of status these monsters had. 

However, he could only continue to absorb the corpse. 

At the same time not forget to take their equipment.

'It's been almost 30 minutes, but the fights have no sign of stopping. It doesn't matter though, as I have collected a hundred plus system energy. It should be enough to go back to the earth.' Manasi thought.

"Spirit System, open up my stats."

'Affirmative, Contractor.' Spirit System


[Name: Manasi Shalom

[Species: Human]

[State: Excellent]

[Rank: C inferior stage]

[Battle Power: 280]

[Elements: None]

[Aptitude: Combat Specialist]

[Physique: Mutated arm-Abnormal Energy Manipulation, Abnormal Energy Devourer]

[Additional Information: Hiding]

Manasi is quite happy as he is nearing the middle C rank.

"If I can enter upper-rank C, just by absorbing corpses, that would be great... Then I would be near the transcendence level." 

End of Chapter 18

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