Chapter 26 Beast Stampede

This time, Manasi ran with Autumn, who held Ben like a puppy. They followed behind the wolves and marched in the direction of Shiela near the Town Square, and the wolves are heading in the direction of Shiela.

Some of the wolves are directly heading toward the town square, where many people are gathered. Manasi was watching the system's map as he ran. 

'Vroom!' The sound of the engine

At the intersection, Manasi saw a family car curving on the road.

Inside the family car, a panicked man is driving and beside him is a woman, most likely his wife, holding a baby and a child.

The man is driving insanely fast, and the car is followed by carnage wolves of various sizes. The Carnage wolf is about to reach out toward the family car.

Manasi quickened his pace and reached the Carnage wolf who was now beside him. The Carnage wolf's eyes reflected Manasi's figure.

Without warning, Manasi pulled the trigger of the [Electromagnetic Gun

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