Chapter 25 Aggressive Carnage Wolves

Before the arrival of the wolves.

The Town of Cana

Under the heavy rainfall 

Sheila could be seen wearing her yellow raincoat with a pair of boots while waiting outside the tent. 

Inside the tent, Manasi could be seen wearing his clothes.

Sheila then remembered something as she frowned her brows. 

"It's been hours but grandma and father are still not home yet. I should look for them at the bigger tent that they are making and help them." She uttered while frowning.

She started walking on the wet pavement. She then felt the temperature dropping rapidly, as coldness surround them under the heavy rainfall.

She kept walking toward the tent that her father was working to finish.

"I should hurry and also tell him that Manasi is awake," Shiela said, thinking of Manasi. She suddenly blushed as she remembered him naked at the side of the river. 

Soon enough, she shook her head and continued to

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