Chapter 24 Modified Techniques

Manasi turns to look at the worn-out brown clothes beside the bed. The clothes are from Shiela's father, which they had prepared for him. 

He gives a small smile while bending his body to pick up the clothes and wear them.

"Spirit System, send me inside the storage space," Manasi said while his body disappeared.

Manasi then appeared inside the system space. At that moment, Manasi could hear a voice shouting and laughing.

"Ha! ha! Haha! Stop it, young lady! haha! it haha! " 

Manasi could see a raccoon named Ben rolling around the system space, and a young lady beside him was giggling and tickling him while he begged for the tickles to stop.

Suddenly, the lady in the white dress paused for a moment and sensed something, and she turned her head around and found Manasi looking at her with a slight smile on his face.

Her blue eyes widen as she is happy that she saw her father. She then flows toward Manasi as her tears threatened to flow. She then hugs Manasi. 

"Blossom, it's okay, Abba is here," Manasi said while patting Blossom on the back.

"Abba... why did you leave the blossom behind Papa?" she uttered while throwing a tantrum at him as her blue eyes stared at Manasi's face.

Manasi did not respond immediately and continued to hug her. He then said lovingly, 

"Blossom, are you willing to come with me to my home planet?" 

"Where papa goes, Blossom also goes," she said seriously while kissing him on his cheeks.

'If others saw blossom kissing me in such an intimate way, they'd think we were a couple.' Manasi thought

"Speaking of others..." Manasi thought 'did I forget something?'

Manasi then turns to look at the raccoon guy, who has a strange expression on his face.

When the raccoon sensed that Manasi was looking at him with his piercing eyes, the raccoon bent his neck slightly, as if to make his figure smaller, to make himself insignificant.

Manasi then gives the raccoon a chilling smile that causes shivers on the raccoon's spine. 

"Blossom, Papa will remain here for a moment before I take you to my home place, okay?" Manasi said while he patted Blossom on her head.

"Okay, Papa! It's a promise, hehe" She said this while walking toward the raccoon Ben with a big smile, while the raccoon sulked in the corner of the space.

Manasi then took a seating position while communicating with the Spirit System.

''Spirit System, please show me my stats'' Manasi said, filled with expectation as he knew that his strength had increased.

'Affirmative Contractor' Spirit System word


[Name: Manasi shalom

[Species: Human

[Rank: C Middle Tier

[Battle Power: 558

[State: Healthy/Calm

[Element Talent: None

[Aptitude: Combat Specialist

[Physique: Energy Hand of Dominance

[Other Details: None

When Manasi sees how high his battle power is, he becomes excited.

"Spirit System How did I jump into 558 battle power without killing a beast? "Manasi said and thought for a moment.

"I get it! Does it have something to do with the star-decaying crystal that we absorb? " Manasi said 

"Yes Contractor" (Spirit System)

"Spirit System, why would my stats change? Even the abnormal arm has changed into an Energy Hand Of Dominance... Did you per half change the name according to your taste, Spirit System? "' Manasi said suspiciously.

'Contractor. I'll explain. After absorbing the star-devouring crystal and the Sage deity beast heart, it causes the system ability '[Observer]' to upgrade to [Observer Eye]. 

Because of the upgrade, the Observer's statics calculation is strengthened and more accurate. In the process of absorbing, some of the energy remains as it is absorbed by your arm to strengthen itself. 

To answer your question about the naming system that has been put in place, It's because I have decided to depend on the records that the people have already named, but if there is no record, I will pick the most suitable name for the contractor.

Or you would rather prefer me using a [Pig Slaughtering Technique] instead. Contractor.' Spirit System

The place becomes silent for a moment.

"... you're upset, right?"Manasi said. 

"Actually, your naming sense is quite nice, Spirit System," Manasi said while scratching his head.

"Spirit System, what are the other functions of the [Observer Eye]? "Manasi said curiously, 

Manasi has no idea how the newly upgraded [Observer Eye] would function.

'Contractor, the new function is about techniques, to help the contractor to be able to use the techniques of the other species. Contractor can view these techniques and Abyssal Abaddons techniques at their peak. The Contractor can view them.' Spirit System

Before Manasi's eyes, he could see a diagram of books in front of him. Each of the books had a name written on it.

'Technique Manuals

[Soul Harvest - Modified]

Rank: A Inferior

Create: 1000 System Energy

Require: Darkness Element/Darkness Runes

[Aura of Darkness - Modified]

Rank: A inferior

Creation: 1000 System Energy

Require: Darkness element/Darkness Runes

[Augmented Fire Style - Modified]

Rank: A  Inferior

Creation: 1000 System Energy

Require: Fire Element/Fire Runes

[Sage Berserker Mode - Modified]

Rank: B Superior

Require: Life Energy

Creation: 900 System Energy

[Destructive Energy  - Modified]

Rank: B Medium

Require: None

Creation: 500 System Energy

[Metal Dragon Aura - Modified]

Rank: A Middle

Requires: Metal Element/Metal Runes

Creation: 5000 System Energy

Manasi thought.

"Wow, those techniques are from the Overpowered Abyssal Abaddon commander and the other bosses."

"Spirit system, this new function is superb... But why would it require 5000 system energy? Are you trying to kill me? Spirit system by making me look at this rank A technique but not afford it? " Manasi said as he felt aggrieved.

The spirit system did not reply but showed Manasi an icon.

At the corner of Manasi's eyes, he saw an Icon.

''[0800/1000] System Energy?'' Manasi is surprised by that number.

'Contractor, you can only make use of [Destructive Energy]'(Spirit System)

The Manasi sign in his hearth has he desired that Sage's berserker mode? It's pretty suitable for him to use.

A thought suddenly entered Manasi's head.

"Wait a minute! "

"Spirit System, if I remember correctly, you said before that 'Sage Berserker Mode' would only cost around 10 system energy," Manasi solemnly said, as he felt that the spirit system had wronged him.

'Contractor, that technique is only a prototype with unknown risk. It is very dangerous to use. That's why I recommend you not use it' Spirit System).

With that, Manasi could only nod his head in resignation. But still, he is quite happy because he can use destructive energy.

Where did this destructive energy come from? Oh, it's from the single-horned Hadum dragon, that homunculus beast, who shoots the Mother Ship... It's quite powerful,' Manasi said, though he looks forward to using this technique on his future enemies.

Manasi opened the hologram window of the technical manual like a book.

[Destructive Energy  - Modified]

Description: Gathers the body's energy into the mouth to deliver 200% Amplification damage.

Rank: B Medium

Require: None

Creation: 500 System Energy

"Wow, it's quite powerful. I should start practicing this technique before I go out...I shouldn't waste time or Shiela and her family would be quite worried, "Manasi said.

As Manasi is preparing to understand the concept of the technique, He did not quite notice that the Raccoon Ben was looking at him strangely with a huge question mark on his head.

'Is the boss crazy? Why is he talking to himself? ' Raccoon Ben whispered.


At the Town of Cana

Splashing water could be heard under the heavy rain, under the veil of the night. A pair of red-cold eyes could be seen observing from afar in the Town of Cana.

Suddenly, footsteps could be heard as well as the splashing of water. A man could be seen running desperately with a frightened face toward the town of Cana.

"Help!...someone!Anyone? helps!. " He shouted in desperation.

Behind him is a blooded vicious giant wolf that is following him, eying his back. Every time the wolf's legs landed, it would create a scar on the pavement.

This wolf is the size of a school bus, and it is simply unthinkable for a wolf of this size to exist. 

The man continued to shout desperately, but no one could hear the man's shouts because of the heavy rainfall. 

The man did not give up as he was still desperately making his run. 

But unfortunately for him,

The giant wolf suddenly tightened its muscles on its limbs as it sprinted at an explosive speed. It pouched on the man's back. 

Blood splashed through the air. 

The man could only reach out his right arm as the beast feasted on his lower body.

The wolf then finished its feasting on the man who had only half his body remaining. The wolf raised its head.

'Awoohh!!' The wolf howled under the moonlight. Its voice sounded through the air. 

In the deep of the night, red-eyed creatures could be seen moving, as the wolves slowly revealed themselves one by one. A hundred wolves in total stealthily surrounded the town of Cana

End Of The Chapter 24

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